25#include <boost/move/unique_ptr.hpp>
91 private boost::noncopyable
122 size_t n_threads_or_zero,
123 bool est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo =
124 bool est_hw_core_pinning_helps_algo =
125 bool hw_threads_is_grouping_collated =
169 void stop()
The core flow::async interface, providing an optionally multi-threaded thread pool onto which runnabl...
Function< void(size_t thread_idx)> Thread_init_func
Short-hand for the thread-initializer-function optional arg type to start().
Concrete Concurrent_task_loop that is able to efficiently schedule Tasks within a given Op to execute...
const bool m_est_hw_core_pinning_helps_algo
See constructor.
util::Scheduled_task_handle schedule_from_now(const Fine_duration &from_now, Scheduled_task &&task) override
Implements superclass API.
~Cross_thread_task_loop() override
See superclass destructor.
Op create_op() override
Implements superclass API.
std::vector< Task_qing_thread_ptr > m_qing_threads
N task-execution-capable worker threads whose lifetimes equal those of *this, all sharing m_shared_ta...
Task_engine_ptr m_shared_task_engine
boost.asio Task_engine (a/k/a io_context) co-used by all m_qing_threads.
void start(Task &&init_task_or_empty=Task(), const Thread_init_func &thread_init_func_or_empty=Thread_init_func()) override
Implements superclass API.
size_t n_threads() const override
Implements superclass API.
boost::movelib::unique_ptr< Task_qing_thread > Task_qing_thread_ptr
Short-hand for smart pointer to Task_qing_thread.
Cross_thread_task_loop(log::Logger *logger_ptr, util::String_view nickname, size_t n_threads_or_zero, bool est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo=false, bool est_hw_core_pinning_helps_algo=false, bool hw_threads_is_grouping_collated=false)
Constructs object, making it available for post() and similar work, but without starting any threads ...
const bool m_hw_threads_is_grouping_collated
See constructor.
const std::string m_nickname
See constructor.
const bool m_est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo
See constructor.
void stop() override
Implements superclass API.
util::Scheduled_task_handle schedule_at(const Fine_time_pt &at, Scheduled_task &&task) override
Implements superclass API.
const size_t m_n_threads_or_zero
See constructor.
void post(Task &&task, Synchronicity synchronicity=Synchronicity::S_ASYNC) override
Implements superclass API.
Task_engine_ptr task_engine() override
See superclass API.
const Op_list m_per_thread_strands
See per_thread_ops(). The boost::any payload is always of the type async::Strand_ptr.
const Op_list & per_thread_ops() override
Implements superclass API.
Simple, immutable vector-like sequence of N opaque async::Op objects, usually corresponding to N work...
Convenience class that simply stores a Logger and/or Component passed into a constructor; and returns...
Interface that the user should implement, passing the implementing Logger into logging classes (Flow'...
Flow module containing tools enabling multi-threaded event loops operating under the asynchronous-tas...
boost::any Op
An object of this opaque type represents a collection of 1 or more async::Task, past or future,...
Enumeration indicating the manner in which asio_exec_ctx_post(), and various boost....
Simply post the given task to execute asynchronously in some execution context – as soon as the conte...
boost::shared_ptr< util::Task_engine > Task_engine_ptr
Short-hand for reference-counting pointer to a mutable util::Task_engine (a/k/a boost::asio::io_conte...
Function< void()> Task
Short-hand for a task that can be posted for execution by a Concurrent_task_loop or flow::util::Task_...
boost::shared_ptr< Scheduled_task_handle_state > Scheduled_task_handle
Black-box type that represents a handle to a scheduled task as scheduled by schedule_task_at() or sch...
Basic_string_view< char > String_view
Commonly used char-based Basic_string_view. See its doc header.
Fine_clock::duration Fine_duration
A high-res time duration as computed from two Fine_time_pts.
Fine_clock::time_point Fine_time_pt
A high-res time point as returned by Fine_clock::now() and suitable for precise time math in general.