24#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
25#include <boost/chrono/ceil.hpp>
26#include <boost/chrono/round.hpp>
49#include <boost/chrono/io/duration_io.hpp>
50#include <boost/chrono/io/time_point_io.hpp>
54# include <TargetConditionals.h>
79#if (!defined(__cplusplus)) || (__cplusplus < 201703L)
81# error "To compile a translation unit that `#include`s any flow/ API headers, use C++17 compile mode or later."
104# define FLOW_OS_LINUX
105# elif defined(__APPLE__) && (TARGET_OS_MAC == 1)
107# elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
typename Signature>
typename Result,
typename... Args>
560 public std::function<Result (Args...)>
571 using Function_base::Function_base;
583 bool empty() const noexcept;
592 void clear() noexcept;
typename Result,
typename... Args>
665bool Function<Result (Args...)>::empty() const noexcept
typename Result,
typename... Args>
std::function< Result(Args...)> Function_base
Short-hand for the base. We add no data of our own in this subclass, just a handful of APIs.
Catch-all namespace for the Flow project: A collection of various production-quality modules written ...
boost::system::error_code Error_code
Short-hand for a boost.system error code (which basically encapsulates an integer/enum error code and...
The flow::log::Component payload enumeration comprising various log components used by Flow's own int...
CAUTION – see flow::Flow_log_component doc header for directions to find actual members of this enum ...
Fine_clock::duration Fine_duration
A high-res time duration as computed from two Fine_time_pts.
boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock Fine_clock
Clock used for delicate time measurements, such that the now() method gets the current time relative ...
signed char int8_t
Signed byte. Prefer to use uint8_t when representing binary data. This is 8 bits on all modern system...
Fine_clock::time_point Fine_time_pt
A high-res time point as returned by Fine_clock::now() and suitable for precise time math in general.
const boost::unordered_multimap< Flow_log_component, std::string > S_FLOW_LOG_COMPONENT_NAME_MAP
The map generated by flow::log macro magic that maps each enumerated value in flow::Flow_log_componen...
unsigned char uint8_t
Byte. Best way to represent a byte of binary data. This is 8 bits on all modern systems.