Flow 2.0.0
Flow project: Full implementation reference.
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flow::async Namespace Reference

Flow module containing tools enabling multi-threaded event loops operating under the asynchronous-task proactor pattern, by providing a streamlined API around boost.asio event loops with added advanced task- and thread-scheduling features. More...


class  Concurrent_task_loop
 The core flow::async interface, providing an optionally multi-threaded thread pool onto which runnable Tasks, optionally arranged into concurrency-avoiding Ops, can be boost.asio-posted for subsequent execution. More...
class  Cross_thread_task_loop
 Concrete Concurrent_task_loop that is able to efficiently schedule Tasks within a given Op to execute in different threads while still properly avoiding concurrency. More...
class  Op_list
 Simple, immutable vector-like sequence of N opaque async::Op objects, usually corresponding to N worker threads, with typically used operations such as [index] and random Op selection. More...
class  Segregated_thread_task_loop
 Concrete Concurrent_task_loop that uses the legacy pin-Tasks-within-1-Op-to-1-thread method of achieving required non-concurrency of Tasks. More...
class  Single_thread_task_loop
 A Concurrent_task_loop-related adapter-style class that represents a single-thread task loop; essentially it is pleasant syntactic sugar around a Concurrent_task_loop impl that cuts out concepts that become irrelevant with only one thread involved. More...
class  Task_qing_thread
 Internally used building block of various concrete Concurrent_task_loop subclasses that encapsulates a thread that spawns at construction time and a dedicated-or-shared util::Task_engine (a/k/a boost.asio io_context) run()ning in that new thread. More...
class  Timed_concurrent_task_loop
 Decorates a general – potentially multi-threaded – Concurrent_task_loop of any kind but with timing capabilities. More...
class  Timed_concurrent_task_loop_impl
 Decorator of a Concurrent_task_loop with same or greater lifetime that accumulates time elapsed in any tasks posted or scheduled onto that loop. More...
class  Timed_single_thread_task_loop
 Identical to Single_thread_task_loop, but all tasks posted through it are automatically timed, with the result accessible via accumulated_time(). More...


using Task = Function< void()>
 Short-hand for a task that can be posted for execution by a Concurrent_task_loop or flow::util::Task_engine; it is simply something callable via () with no arguments and returning nothing. More...
using Op = boost::any
 An object of this opaque type represents a collection of 1 or more async::Task, past or future, such that: if one performs C->post(J, F) and C->post(K, G) (where C is Concurrent_task_loop*, JK are the same async::Op&, or one refers to a transitive copy of the other, and FG are both Tasks), then F and G will NOT execute concurrently. More...
using Scheduled_task = util::Scheduled_task
 Similar to flow::async::Task but used for scheduled-in-future tasks as opposed to to-be-run-ASAP tasks. More...
using Task_asio_err = Function< void(const Error_code &)>
 Short-hand for a boost.asio completion handler: The minimal type, taking only a flow::Error_code a/k/a boost::system::error_code. More...
using Task_asio_err_sz = Function< void(const Error_code &, size_t)>
 Short-hand for a boost.asio completion handler: The type that takes a size_t count of things successfully transferred usually. More...
using Task_engine_ptr = boost::shared_ptr< util::Task_engine >
 Short-hand for reference-counting pointer to a mutable util::Task_engine (a/k/a boost::asio::io_context). More...
using Strand_ptr = boost::shared_ptr< util::Strand >
 Short-hand for ref-counted pointer to util::Strand. More...


 Enumeration indicating the manner in which asio_exec_ctx_post(), and various boost.asio "post" operations like it or based on it, are to actually execute the given task in relation to when the "posting" routine, itself, returns control to its caller. More...


template<typename Execution_context >
void asio_exec_ctx_post (log::Logger *logger_ptr, Execution_context *exec_ctx, Synchronicity synchronicity, Task &&task)
 An extension of boost.asio's post() and dispatch() free function templates, this free function template allows the user to more easily select the synchronicity behavior as the given task is posted onto the given execution context (util::Task_engine or util::Strand at least). More...
unsigned int optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, bool est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo)
 Assuming a planned thread pool will be receiving ~symmetrical load, and its UX-affecting (in particular, per-op latency-affecting) operations are largely between processor and RAM: Returns the # of threads to store in that pool for efficient performance. More...
void optimize_pinning_in_thread_pool (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, const std::vector< util::Thread * > &threads_in_pool, bool est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo, bool est_hw_core_pinning_helps_algo, bool hw_threads_is_grouping_collated)
 Assuming the same situation as documented for optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool(), and that indeed the pool now contains that number of running threads: Attempts to optimize thread-core-pinning behavior in that pool for efficient performance. More...
template<typename Handler >
auto asio_handler_via_op (Concurrent_task_loop *loop, const Op &op, Handler &&handler)
 Given a boost.asio completion handler handler for a boost.asio async_*() action on some boost.asio I/O object to be initiated in the immediate near future, returns a wrapped handler with the same signature to be passed as the handler arg to that async_*() action, so that handler() will execute non-concurrently with other tasks in Op op. More...
template<typename Exec_ctx_ptr >
Exec_ctx_ptr op_to_exec_ctx (Concurrent_task_loop *loop, const Op &op)
 Template specialization model for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, such as a util::Task_engine or util::Strand, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Concurrent_task_loop. More...
Task_engine_ptr op_to_exec_ctx< Task_engine_ptr > (Concurrent_task_loop *loop, const Op &op)
 Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Task_engine, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Segregated_thread_task_loop. More...
Strand_ptr op_to_exec_ctx< Strand_ptr > (Concurrent_task_loop *loop, const Op &op)
 Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Strand, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Cross_thread_task_loop. More...
uint16_t cpu_idx ()
 Returns the 0-based processor logical (not hardware) core index of the core executing the calling thread presently. More...
Task_engine_ptr op_to_exec_ctx< Task_engine_ptr > (Concurrent_task_loop *loop, const Op &op)
 Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Task_engine, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Segregated_thread_task_loop. More...
Strand_ptr op_to_exec_ctx< Strand_ptr > (Concurrent_task_loop *loop, const Op &op)
 Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Strand, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Cross_thread_task_loop. More...

Detailed Description

Flow module containing tools enabling multi-threaded event loops operating under the asynchronous-task proactor pattern, by providing a streamlined API around boost.asio event loops with added advanced task- and thread-scheduling features.

There is also support for single-threaded event loops.

In simpler terms, at its core – including when the "pool" has just one thread, which is very common – it provides a compact way of both starting thread(s) and posting/scheduling tasks and I/O to run in such thread(s). By default one must worry about each of those 2 concerns separately and decide how exactly to hook them up; which is not rocket science, but it is a ton of boiler-plate, and it is easy to make mistakes and/or omit useful startup/shutdown practices, logging, and more. This module provides, via Concurrent_task_loop and its implementations, at least that consistency/standardization. Plus, it provides certain advanced features as mentioned above.

See also
The central type is the interface class Concurrent_task_loop. For single-thread async work, which is very common, see Single_thread_task_loop, a simplified adapter, similar to how std::queue<T> is commongly a simplified std::deque<T> or list underneath.
The thread-to-core optimizations provided at this time are, at least, a good start, but more advanced logic can be devised with more low-level experience and/or by using certain open-source libraries. It's possible that a more knowledgeable person would devise more or better knobs and/or require less manual specification of values. The following background reading may help devise more advanced logic and/or knobs: [ https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2016/c11-threads-affinity-and-hyperthreading/ | https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/paulmck/perfbook/perfbook.2016.07.31a.pdf | https://lwn.net/Articles/255364/ | "hwloc" library (portable lib for detailed hardware topology info) | libNUMA ].

Typedef Documentation

◆ Op

using flow::async::Op = typedef boost::any

An object of this opaque type represents a collection of 1 or more async::Task, past or future, such that: if one performs C->post(J, F) and C->post(K, G) (where C is Concurrent_task_loop*, JK are the same async::Op&, or one refers to a transitive copy of the other, and FG are both Tasks), then F and G will NOT execute concurrently.

In addition, it is guaranteed that copying (via constructor or assignment) of async::Op is has performance characteristics no worse than those of shared_ptr. I.e., it is to be thought of as light-weight.

The value Op() is designated as a null/sentinel value and must not be passed to Concurrent_task_loop::post() or anything built on it.

That's the formal definition. We reiterate that copying these is cheap; and moreover two Ops such that one is a copy (of a copy, of a copy, of a copy...) of another, then these are conceptually isomorphic: they represent the same op, or collection of Tasks that must never execute concurrently. Finally, tip: Don't think of an Op as a collection of 2+ Tasks; but rather a tag or label that associates 2+ Tasks with each other. (Also, nothing prevents an async::Task being a part of 2+ Ops simultaneously, though informally speaking it's arguably best not to make code maintainers grok such a design.)

By convention in comments we represent Ops with the letters J, K, L.

When to use an Op versus just a stand-alone Task?

When choosing a Concurrent_task_loop::post() (the one with Op vs. one without; or similar choices in more advanced cases), here are some things to remember. These can be derived independently and are only included as a convenience/refresher:

  • An Op prevents Tasks from executing concurrently. If there is exactly 1 thread in a pool, then they couldn't anyway, so an Op is not needed...
    • ...except as future-proofing, in case conceivably 1 thread might soon turn into 2+ after all.
  • It is quite common to follow the pattern wherein, as the very last statement to execute within a Task, one post()s (or similar) exactly 1 Task to asynchronously execute next. Since it's the last statement, and post() and similar are explicitly thread-safe, this ensures the current and next Tasks do not execute concurrently. So an Op is not needed...
    • ...except as future-proofing. It is sometimes easier to maintain, and more expressive to read, when many Tasks are "officially" run under the banner of a single Op, even if some parts of the async handling of the "conceptual" operation are serial and hence don't technically require an Op. Example: In a web server it is reasonable to create an Op for the entire request, with all Tasks (even serially called ones) being associated with that per-request Op; then, simply, no locking is necessary for per-request data structure(s). It's much easier to explain, "you don't need to lock 'em," vs. "you don't need to lock 'em, unless the logic changes in such a way as to...."

To be fair, those tips ignore performance; they implicitly assume using Op pointlessly (functionally, not stylistically, so) is otherwise "free." It is not free; depending on internal details using Op might involve a util::Strand and/or pinning stuff to a specific thread. Informally, this is seldom a big deal in practice; but in performance-sensitive projects one must remember there is a cost.

boost::any (storing nothing heavier-weight than a shared_ptr to satisfy that explicit guarantee above) is one way to do this. A rigid polymorphic hierarchy (virtual) is another. Performance-wise they're similar, costing essentially a single virtual pointer lookup per Concurrent_task_loop::post(). boost.any is much pithier, not requiring a class hierarchy at all, and otherwise it's pretty much the same in terms of how they're used internally. Some might say the polymorphic hierarchy is clearer, because it is explicit, but I feel comments alone, too, can be just as clear, and brevity is a virtue.

Definition at line 153 of file async_fwd.hpp.

◆ Scheduled_task

Similar to flow::async::Task but used for scheduled-in-future tasks as opposed to to-be-run-ASAP tasks.

In practice it's the same thing but takes a single bool argument with the meaning explained in util::schedule_task_from_now() doc header (spoiler alert: whether it ran as scheduled or was short-fired by user, as of this writing).

Whenever a comment explains how Tasks are dealt with, one may usually assume the same extends equally to a Scheduled_task, merely at a different point in time. We omit that explicit language for brevity; it is to be assumed.

Definition at line 165 of file async_fwd.hpp.

◆ Strand_ptr

using flow::async::Strand_ptr = typedef boost::shared_ptr<util::Strand>

Short-hand for ref-counted pointer to util::Strand.


We at times return new Strands (Cross_thread_task_loop::create_op()), so universally use ref-counted pointers to Strands to not have to worry about Strand lifetimes too hard.

Key fact: The type Cross_thread_task_loop loads into superclass's async::Op (boost::any) is Strand_ptr. That is, a Strand is the mechanism used to bundle together non-concurrent tasks in Cross_thread_task_loop.

Definition at line 212 of file async_fwd.hpp.

◆ Task

using flow::async::Task = typedef Function<void ()>

Short-hand for a task that can be posted for execution by a Concurrent_task_loop or flow::util::Task_engine; it is simply something callable via () with no arguments and returning nothing.

By convention in comments we represent Tasks with the letters F, G, H.

Definition at line 96 of file async_fwd.hpp.

◆ Task_asio_err

using flow::async::Task_asio_err = typedef Function<void (const Error_code&)>

Short-hand for a boost.asio completion handler: The minimal type, taking only a flow::Error_code a/k/a boost::system::error_code.

Definition at line 171 of file async_fwd.hpp.

◆ Task_asio_err_sz

using flow::async::Task_asio_err_sz = typedef Function<void (const Error_code&, size_t)>

Short-hand for a boost.asio completion handler: The type that takes a size_t count of things successfully transferred usually.

Definition at line 177 of file async_fwd.hpp.

◆ Task_engine_ptr

using flow::async::Task_engine_ptr = typedef boost::shared_ptr<util::Task_engine>

Short-hand for reference-counting pointer to a mutable util::Task_engine (a/k/a boost::asio::io_context).

This is generally how classes in the Concurrent_task_loop hierarchy refer to their internally used Task_engines but also in advanced cases may be communicated to their user.


Why do that instead of using raw Task_engine*? It may not be obvious as you read this now, but all kinds of pain goes away due to the possibilities of who happens to own an underlying Task_engine – it can be shared by all threads in pool, or each can have its own Task_engine, depending on the chosen Concurrent_task_loop subclass – and in what order those things might execute their destructors. By simply using a shared_ptr<> everywhere, with small overhead we ensure an underlying Task_engine does not get destroyed until everything that uses it is destroyed first, and that could be a number of things. By using shared_ptr<> we needn't break our heads worrying about executing de-init pieces of code in just the right order just to avoid early-free. (This is said from experience.)

This is reinforced in those semi-advanced cases where a Task_engine is passed to user via public API.

Definition at line 198 of file async_fwd.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Synchronicity

enum class flow::async::Synchronicity

Enumeration indicating the manner in which asio_exec_ctx_post(), and various boost.asio "post" operations like it or based on it, are to actually execute the given task in relation to when the "posting" routine, itself, returns control to its caller.

Basically it indicates whether the execution should be synchronous or asynchronous and how, if it all, to wait for its completion – or its initiation. The enum members' meanings are the key things to understand; and there's some discussion in their doc headers that might be useful as a boost.asio refresher.


Simply post the given task to execute asynchronously in some execution context – as soon as the context's scheduler deems wise but specifically not inside the posting routine itself; and return as soon as possible having thus posted it.

That is: work in the manner of boost.asio post(Task_engine, F).

In particular, suppose you're calling POST(F) in this mode, where POST() is some posting routine controlling a thread pool P, and F() is the task; and suppose the scheduler would deem wise to run F() in some thread P.W in that pool (perhaps for load-balancing reasons). Then:

  • If POST() is being called outside of pool P, or it is being called from a sibling thread P.W' but not W itself, then F() will run at some point in the future (possibly even concurrently with POST() itself), in thread P.W.
    • One typical case is when some external user of P loads work onto P.
    • The other is if some task or completion handler already in P loads async work back onto its own pool P, but the scheduler decides it's best for it to run in a different thread than the posting code.
      • This is only possible with 2 or more threads in P (by no means always the case).
  • If POST() is being called from W itself, meaning the scheduler decided that the task should load on the same thread as the posting task, then F() will run at some point in the future strictly after the POST() returns.
    • This usually means some task or completion handler in pool P is loading async work back onto its own pool, and either that pool contains only 1 thread (so there is no other choice), or else the scheduler decided the calling thread is still the best choice for task F() at this time (e.g., maybe the other thread(s) are loaded with queued work).

Either way, POST() will return quickly. Then F() will either run concurrently or after this return – but never in POST() synchronously.


Same as Synchronicity::S_ASYNC but the posting routine then waits as long as necessary for the given task to complete; and only then returns.

That is: work in the manner of boost.asio post(Task_engine, F), but wait until F() actually runs and returns. This must only be used when posting from a thread outside the target thread pool; or undefined behavior will result.

One must not use this mode when posting onto a thread pool from inside that thread pool: boost.asio post()-like function by definition won't execute a task synchronously inside itself, yet by the definition of this mode it must also wait for the task to run and complete. So if post() (or similar) were to decide the task belongs on the calling thread, an inifinite block (deadlock) occurs, as it will be waiting for something to happen that the wait prevents from happening.

This mode is reminiscent of the promise/future concept and allows one to easily solve the age-old problem of "how do I ask a thread/pool to do a thing and then wait for get a result?". One might do this by manually using a promise/future pair; or even mutex/condition variable pair; but by using this such boiler-plate is reduced (along with fewer bugs).

Be aware that the wait for completion will block infinitely, if one were to do something that would prevent the task from ever running. When working with boost.asio Task_engines, this may occur when one stop()s or simply destroys the Task_engine (though the time period during which one would have to do this is short, assuming the task is quick). Naturally the way to avoid this is by not stopping or destroying the execution context during a posting call in mode S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION. For example, the Task_engine::stop() call might be placed in the same thread as the posting; then they cannot be concurrent. If this is triggered from a SIGTERM/INT handler, one might only set or post something that will trigger the destruction in an orderly fashion at the proper time as opposed to doing it directly from the sig handler itself. This warning isn't anything that should be particularly new – orderly shutdown is typically concerned with such logic anyway – but it seemed worth putting in perspective of the fact this mode involves a wait for something that doesn't necessarily ever run, unless you actively make sure it does.
Much like the promise/future mechanism provides optional timed wait functionality, it might make sense to provide the API ability to set an optional time limit for any wait invoked by Synchronicity::S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION or Synchronicity::S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_START. Probably best to add this only once a need clearly arises though.

Same as Synchronicity::S_ASYNC but the posting routine then waits as long as necessary for the given task to just about to begin executing concurrently (so that any subsequent Task_engine::stop() shall be unable to prevent it from executing and eventually finishing) – and only then returns.

This is most similar to S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION but may improve responsiveness of the calling thread, if what one needs to achieve is a guarantee that F() will definitely execute and complete, but does not need to wait for this to happen. So it's a weapon against a "dangling" post() that might be followed immediately by Task_engine::stop() – while not blocking until the posted thing finishes.

One must not use this mode when posting onto a thread pool from inside that thread pool; as with S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION that may hang the thread.

Execute the given task synchronously, if the scheduler determines that the calling thread is in its thread pool and is the best thread for the task; otherwise act identically to Synchronicity::S_ASYNC.

That is: work in the manner of boost.asio dispatch(Task_engine, F). This can be useful for performance, since when the opportunity presents itself this way avoids exiting a task only to immediately enter the posted task, when one could just synchronously execute one after the other.

Do not presume to know when a given scheduler will actually decide it will invoke the given task synchronously, unless documentation very clearly explains such rules. Just because it can does not mean it will. For example, boost.asio post() says that the task "might" run synchronously when this is possible; not that it "will." Assumptions about when it might in fact do so can lead to subtle and difficult-to-reproduce bugs. (Example of broken assumptions: Suppose it's a 1-thread pool, and one posts F from task G. Surely it must run F synchronously – there's no other thread! But what if some other task or completion handler was already queued up to run before F was? That's not even the point though; the scheduler is still free to not do it, say because of some spurious lock-related logic that is there for some obscure performance reason.)
If you choose to use this mode (or dispatch()-like routines in general), it is almost never a good idea to do so from anywhere except just before returning from a task (or from outside the thread pool). If called from the middle of a task, you now cannot be sure if A happens before B or B happens before A. Usually that makes things complicated unnecessarily.

Definition at line 222 of file async_fwd.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ asio_exec_ctx_post()

template<typename Execution_context >
void flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post ( log::Logger logger_ptr,
Execution_context *  exec_ctx,
Synchronicity  synchronicity,
Task &&  task 

An extension of boost.asio's post() and dispatch() free function templates, this free function template allows the user to more easily select the synchronicity behavior as the given task is posted onto the given execution context (util::Task_engine or util::Strand at least).

It also adds TRACE logging including that book-ending the task's execution (aiding debugging, etc.). The synchronicity argument controls the specific way in which task is posted onto *exec_ctx; see Synchronicity doc header.

This call causes task to execute in a thread controlled by *exec_ctx. The latter, at this time, must be either util::Task_engine or util::Strand (which itself is born of a Task_engine). It is likely that it will work equally well for other entities satisfying the boost.asio ExecutionContext concept (see boost.asio docs), but this is untested and not thought through formally, so officially such uses cause undefined behavior as of this writing.

Semantics can be found in Synchronicity doc headers which are required reading before using this function. However, briefly and informally, the utility of this function is as follows:

  • post() works on a Task_engine or Strand already and equals mode Synchronicity::S_ASYNC; with this function you'll get some added debug logging as well.
  • dispatch() and Synchronicity::S_OPPORTUNISTIC_SYNC_ELSE_ASYNC are similarly related: same thing but more logging.
  • Synchronicity::S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION equals a post() with a promise/future pair, wherein the caller performs unique_future.wait() after the post(), while the task always sets promise.set_value() just before returning (and, again, more logging).
  • Lastly, Synchronicity::S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_START is similar, but the promise.set_value() executes just before executing task(). Hence any tasks queued before task() will first execute (same as previous bullet); and then asio_exec_ctx_post() will return, just as task() begins executing as opposed to wait for its completion. This is useful to prevent E.stop() after our return (where E is the Task_engine that either is or produced *exec_ctx) will be too late to prevent task() from executing and completing.

In all cases, one gets more logging and arguably a bit of syntactic sugar, but S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION and S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_START in particular eliminate quite a bit of tedious and hairy code and explanations.

Lastly, if *exec_ctx is currently not running, then the semantics described in Synchronicity doc header still apply but are deferred until it does run. In particular in mode Synchronicity::S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_COMPLETION and Synchronicity::S_ASYNC_AND_AWAIT_CONCURRENT_START this function shall not return until *exec_ctx at least does begin running in at least 1 thread; while the other two modes reduce to post(), which returns immediately, leaving task() to run once *exec_ctx starts.

Template Parameters
Execution_contextutil::Task_engine or util::Strand. See note above regarding other possibilities.
logger_ptrLogger to use in this function.
exec_ctxThe execution context controlling the thread pool onto which to load the task for ASAP execution.
synchronicityControls the precise behavior. See above.
taskThe task – taking no arguments and returning no value – to load onto *exec_ctx.

Definition at line 31 of file util.hpp.


Referenced by flow::net_flow::Node::close_abruptly(), flow::net_flow::Node::connect_with_metadata(), flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_close(), flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_create(), flow::net_flow::Node::listen(), and flow::net_flow::Node::sock_info().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ asio_handler_via_op()

template<typename Handler >
auto flow::async::asio_handler_via_op ( Concurrent_task_loop loop,
const Op op,
Handler &&  handler 

Given a boost.asio completion handler handler for a boost.asio async_*() action on some boost.asio I/O object to be initiated in the immediate near future, returns a wrapped handler with the same signature to be passed as the handler arg to that async_*() action, so that handler() will execute non-concurrently with other tasks in Op op.

This is analogous to boost.asio's bind_executor(Strand, Handler) (which replaces boost.asio's now-deprecated util::Strand::wrap(Handler)).

The mechanics of using this are explained in Concurrent_task_loop doc header. Using this in any other fashion leads to undefined behavior.

Template Parameters
Handlerboost.asio handlers are, essentially, all void-returning but can take various arg sets. E.g., util::Timer (a/k/a boost::asio::basic_waitable_timer) expects a handler that takes only an Error_code; while boost::asio::ip:tcp::socket::read_some() expects one to take bytes-received size_t and an Error_code. This template supports all handlers via auto magic.
loopActive loop that spawned Op op.
opSee 3-arg Concurrent_task_loop::post().
handlerCompletion handler for the boost.asio async_*() operation to be initiated soon. It may be moved and saved.
A completion handler that will act as handler() but also satisfying the constraints of Op op.

Definition at line 691 of file concurrent_task_loop.hpp.

References flow::async::Concurrent_task_loop::post(), and S_OPPORTUNISTIC_SYNC_ELSE_ASYNC.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cpu_idx()

uint16_t flow::async::cpu_idx ( )

Returns the 0-based processor logical (not hardware) core index of the core executing the calling thread presently.

Since the value of this can change from statement to statement in the same thread, probably this is not to be used except for logging/reporting.

See above.

Definition at line 30 of file async.cpp.

Referenced by asio_exec_ctx_post(), flow::async::Cross_thread_task_loop::schedule_from_now(), and flow::async::Segregated_thread_task_loop::schedule_from_now_impl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ op_to_exec_ctx()

template<typename Exec_ctx_ptr >
Exec_ctx_ptr op_to_exec_ctx ( Concurrent_task_loop loop,
const Op op 

Template specialization model for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, such as a util::Task_engine or util::Strand, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Concurrent_task_loop.

Each subclass (impl) of Concurrent_task_loop shall provide a specialization of this template with Exec_ctx_ptr template param being the appropriate boost.asio-compatible execution context type for that loop type's Op create_op().

The mechanics of using this are explained in Concurrent_task_loop doc header. Beyond that please see the particular specialization's doc header.

Template Parameters
Exec_ctx_ptrA pointer type (raw or smart) pointing to an execution context type satisfying boost.asio's "execution context" concept. As of this writing the known values would be pointers to util::Task_engine and util::Strand, but really it depends on the particular subclass of Concurrent_task_loop for the *loop arg. See its doc header near the particular Concurrent_task_loop subclass.
loopLoop object that, one way or another, generated and returned op.
opasync::Op from *loop from which to extract the execution context object on which you'd like to perform custom boost.asio work.
Pointer to a mutable execution context object.

◆ op_to_exec_ctx< Strand_ptr >() [1/2]

Strand_ptr op_to_exec_ctx< Strand_ptr > ( Concurrent_task_loop loop,
const Op op 

Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Strand, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Cross_thread_task_loop.

boost.asio tip: The returned util::Strand may be useful not only as an argument to bind_executor() (formerly Strand::wrap(), now deprecated) but can also be passed in lieu of a util::Task_engine into boost.asio-enabled I/O object constructors (util::Timer, boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket, etc.). The latter use uses the Strand as an "execution context."

Note Concurrent_task_loop::task_engine() is spiritually related to this function; but while that one gives one a util::Task_engine, which corresponds to the entire thread pool, this one returns an execution context specifically assigned to a multi-step async op op.

See also
Concurrent_task_loop doc header for discussion.
loopLoop object that, one way or another, generated and returned op. Behavior is undefined if the concrete pointed-to type is not Cross_thread_task_loop. (assertion may trip).
opasync::Op from *loop from which to extract the execution context on which you'd like to perform custom boost.asio work. Behavior is undefined if it is not from *loop (assertion may trip).
Pointer to a mutable util::Strand created from util::Task_engine E such that loop->task_engine() == &E.

Definition at line 420 of file x_thread_task_loop.cpp.

Referenced by flow::async::Cross_thread_task_loop::post(), and flow::async::Cross_thread_task_loop::schedule_from_now().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ op_to_exec_ctx< Strand_ptr >() [2/2]

Strand_ptr flow::async::op_to_exec_ctx< Strand_ptr > ( Concurrent_task_loop loop,
const Op op 

Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Strand, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Cross_thread_task_loop.

boost.asio tip: The returned util::Strand may be useful not only as an argument to bind_executor() (formerly Strand::wrap(), now deprecated) but can also be passed in lieu of a util::Task_engine into boost.asio-enabled I/O object constructors (util::Timer, boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket, etc.). The latter use uses the Strand as an "execution context."

Note Concurrent_task_loop::task_engine() is spiritually related to this function; but while that one gives one a util::Task_engine, which corresponds to the entire thread pool, this one returns an execution context specifically assigned to a multi-step async op op.

See also
Concurrent_task_loop doc header for discussion.
loopLoop object that, one way or another, generated and returned op. Behavior is undefined if the concrete pointed-to type is not Cross_thread_task_loop. (assertion may trip).
opasync::Op from *loop from which to extract the execution context on which you'd like to perform custom boost.asio work. Behavior is undefined if it is not from *loop (assertion may trip).
Pointer to a mutable util::Strand created from util::Task_engine E such that loop->task_engine() == &E.

Definition at line 420 of file x_thread_task_loop.cpp.

Referenced by flow::async::Cross_thread_task_loop::post(), and flow::async::Cross_thread_task_loop::schedule_from_now().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ op_to_exec_ctx< Task_engine_ptr >() [1/2]

Task_engine_ptr op_to_exec_ctx< Task_engine_ptr > ( Concurrent_task_loop loop,
const Op op 

Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Task_engine, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Segregated_thread_task_loop.

While *loop is running, the Task_engine is running in exactly 1 thread.

Note Concurrent_task_loop::task_engine() is spiritually related to this function; but while that one gives one a random thread's util::Task_engine, this one returns the specific thread's assigned to a multi-step async op op.

See also
Concurrent_task_loop doc header for discussion.
loopLoop object that, one way or another, generated and returned op. Behavior is undefined if the concrete pointed-to type is not Segregated_thread_task_loop. (assertion may trip).
opasync::Op from *loop from which to extract the execution context on which you'd like to perform custom boost.asio work. Behavior is undefined if it is not from *loop (assertion may trip).
Pointer to a mutable util::Task_engine E used by *loop.

Definition at line 419 of file segregated_thread_task_loop.cpp.

Referenced by flow::async::Segregated_thread_task_loop::post(), and flow::async::Segregated_thread_task_loop::schedule_from_now().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ op_to_exec_ctx< Task_engine_ptr >() [2/2]

Template specialization for operation that obtains the underlying execution context, in this case a util::Task_engine, stored in an async::Op generated by the given Segregated_thread_task_loop.

While *loop is running, the Task_engine is running in exactly 1 thread.

Note Concurrent_task_loop::task_engine() is spiritually related to this function; but while that one gives one a random thread's util::Task_engine, this one returns the specific thread's assigned to a multi-step async op op.

See also
Concurrent_task_loop doc header for discussion.
loopLoop object that, one way or another, generated and returned op. Behavior is undefined if the concrete pointed-to type is not Segregated_thread_task_loop. (assertion may trip).
opasync::Op from *loop from which to extract the execution context on which you'd like to perform custom boost.asio work. Behavior is undefined if it is not from *loop (assertion may trip).
Pointer to a mutable util::Task_engine E used by *loop.

Definition at line 419 of file segregated_thread_task_loop.cpp.

Referenced by flow::async::Segregated_thread_task_loop::post(), and flow::async::Segregated_thread_task_loop::schedule_from_now().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool()

unsigned int flow::async::optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool ( flow::log::Logger logger_ptr,
bool  est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo 

Assuming a planned thread pool will be receiving ~symmetrical load, and its UX-affecting (in particular, per-op latency-affecting) operations are largely between processor and RAM: Returns the # of threads to store in that pool for efficient performance.

See also
After the threads are created, use optimize_pinning_in_thread_pool() to complete the work that targets this good performance.

This will be used, by doc header contract, by all (as of this writing) Concurrent_task_loop subclasses if so specified via n_threads_or_zero == 0. So in that context one needn't call this directly. However, it may be useful directly when one is operating a thread pool but without a Concurrent_task_loop.

logger_ptrLogger to use in this function.
est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algoSet this to true if you estimate the intended use for this thread pool is such that 2+ identically loaded pool threads sharing 1 physical core would handle the load (in total over those 2+ threads) better than just 1 thread using that same core would. Set it to false otherwise. Note that, generally, this should be assumed false, unless there is significant cache locality between those 2+ threads, meaning they tend to work on the same cacheably-small area in memory at ~the same time. For example, parallel matrix multiplication algorithms can thus benefit and would set it to true; but that is the not the case by default; one would have to prove it, or design the algorithm with that in mind.
The number of threads mandated for the thread pool in question.

Definition at line 35 of file concurrent_task_loop.cpp.


Referenced by optimize_pinning_in_thread_pool().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ optimize_pinning_in_thread_pool()

void flow::async::optimize_pinning_in_thread_pool ( flow::log::Logger logger_ptr,
const std::vector< util::Thread * > &  threads_in_pool,
bool  est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algo,
bool  est_hw_core_pinning_helps_algo,
bool  hw_threads_is_grouping_collated 

Assuming the same situation as documented for optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool(), and that indeed the pool now contains that number of running threads: Attempts to optimize thread-core-pinning behavior in that pool for efficient performance.

See also
optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool() first. The two functions work together (one before, the other after spawning the threads). Behavior is undefined if the two aren't used in coherent fashion, meaning one passed different values for same-named args.
There is a to-do, as of this writing, to allow one to query system to auto-determine hw_threads_is_grouping_collated if desired. See namespace flow::async doc header.
For the Darwin/Mac platform only: There is likely a bug in optimize_pinning_in_thread_pool() regarding certain low-level pinning calls, the effect of which is that this function is probably effectively a no-op for now in Macs. The bug is explained inside the body of the function.
logger_ptrLogger to use in this function.
threads_in_poolThese raw threads, which must number optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool(same-relevant-args), comprise the pool in question. They must be already spawned (e.g., have had some caller's code execute OK).
est_hw_core_sharing_helps_algoSee optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool().
est_hw_core_pinning_helps_algoSet this to true if you have reason to believe that pinning each of the pool's threads to N (N >= 1) logical cores would improve performance in some way. Set it to false otherwise. As of this writing I don't know why it would be true specifically; but it can be researched; and I know in practice some applications do (in fact) do it, so it's not necessarily worthless, at least.
hw_threads_is_grouping_collatedWhen the number of physical cores does not equal # of logical cores (hardware threads) – otherwise this arg is ignored – this determines the pattern in which each set of 2+ core-sharing hardware threads is arranged vs. the other sets. When false, it's like ABCDABCD, meaning logical cores 0,4 share core, 1,5 share different core, 2,6 yet another, etc. When true, it's like AABBCCDD instead. It seems true is either rare or non-existent, but I do not know for sure.

Definition at line 78 of file concurrent_task_loop.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_SYS_ERROR_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_SET_CONTEXT, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, optimal_worker_thread_count_per_pool(), and flow::util::ostream_op_string().

Referenced by flow::async::Segregated_thread_task_loop::start(), and flow::async::Cross_thread_task_loop::start().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: