25#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
26#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
27#include <boost/any.hpp>
251 public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Event_set>,
253 private boost::noncopyable
342 class Socket_as_any_hash;
343 class Socket_as_any_equals;
446 template<
typename Socket>
463 template<
typename Socket>
593 template<
typename Rep,
typename Period>
594 bool sync_wait(
const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& max_wait,
Error_code* err_code = 0);
956 size_t operator()(
const boost::any& sock_as_any)
977 bool operator()(
const boost::any& sock_as_any1,
const boost::any& sock_as_any2)
typename Socket>
"Object [" << sock <<
"] wanted for event type [" << ev_type <<
"] in Event_set [" <<
this <<
1041 "Expecting amortized constant time insertion sockets container.");
1042 if (!
typename Socket>
"Object [" << sock <<
"] no longer wanted for event type [" << ev_type <<
"] in "
1065 "Event_set [" <<
this <<
1078 const any sock_as_any = sock;
1080 const bool did_erase = want_set.
erase(sock_as_any) == 1;
typename Rep,
typename Period>
1094 assert(max_wait.count() > 0);
Convenience class that simply stores a Logger and/or Component passed into a constructor; and returns...
Interface that the user should implement, passing the implementing Logger into logging classes (Flow'...
Equality predicate class used in storing various sockets of types wrapped as boost::anys in the Socke...
bool operator()(const boost::any &sock_as_any1, const boost::any &sock_as_any2) const
Returns whether the two objects, which must be stored in Sockets objects, are equal by value.
Hasher class used in storing various sockets of types wrapped as boost::anys in the Sockets type.
size_t operator()(const boost::any &sock_as_any) const
Returns hash value of the given object which must be stored in a Sockets object.
A user-set collection of sockets and desired conditions on those sockets (such as: "socket has data t...
Mutex m_mutex
Mutex protecting ALL data in this object.
static void clear_ev_type_to_socks_map(Ev_type_to_socks_map *ev_type_to_socks_map)
Helper that clears each Sockets set inside an Ev_type_to_socks_map.
bool sync_wait(Error_code *err_code=0)
Blocks indefinitely until one or more of the previously described events hold – or the wait is interr...
bool sync_wait_impl(const Fine_duration &max_wait, Error_code *err_code)
Same as the public sync_wait(max_wait) but uses a Fine_clock-based Fine_duration non-template type fo...
Type of event or condition of interest supported by class Event_set.
static std::string ev_type_to_socks_map_sizes_to_str(const Ev_type_to_socks_map &ev_type_to_socks_map)
Helper that returns a loggable string summarizing the sizes of the socket sets, by type,...
A state of an Event_set.
bool async_wait_finish(Error_code *err_code=0)
Moves object from State::S_WAITING to State::S_INACTIVE, and forgets any handler saved by async_wait(...
bool events_detected(Error_code *err_code=0) const
Returns true if and only if the last wait, if any, detected at least one event.
bool poll(Error_code *err_code=0)
Checks for all previously described events that currently hold, saves them for retrieval via emit_res...
bool async_wait(const Event_handler &on_event, Error_code *err_code=0)
Moves object to State::S_WAITING state, saves the given handler to be executed later (in a different,...
util::Mutex_recursive Mutex
Short-hand for reentrant mutex type.
bool add_wanted_socket(typename Socket::Ptr sock, Event_type ev_type, Error_code *err_code=0)
Adds the given socket to the set of sockets we want to know are "ready" by the definition of the give...
State m_state
See state(). Should be set before user gets access to *this. Must not be modified by non-W threads af...
Event_handler m_on_event
During State::S_WAITING, stores the handler (a void function with 1 bool argument) that will be calle...
bool swap_wanted_sockets(Sockets *target_set, Event_type ev_type, Error_code *err_code)
Efficiently exchanges the current set of sockets we want to know are "ready" by the definiton of the ...
bool emit_result_sockets(Sockets *target_set, Event_type ev_type, Error_code *err_code=0)
Gets the sockets that satisfy the condition of the given Event_type detected during the last wait.
static Ev_type_to_socks_map empty_ev_type_to_socks_map()
Creates a maximally empty Ev_type_to_socks_map: it will have all possible Event_type as keys but only...
Event_set(log::Logger *logger_ptr)
Constructs object; initializes all values to well-defined but possibly meaningless values (0,...
util::Lock_guard< Mutex > Lock_guard
Short-hand for RAII lock guard of Mutex. Use instead of boost::lock_guard for release() at least.
State state() const
Current State of the Event_set.
bool clear_wanted_sockets(Event_type ev_type, Error_code *err_code=0)
Identical to swap_wanted_sockets(&sockets, ev_type, err_code), where originally sockets is empty and ...
bool ok_to_mod_socket_set(Error_code *err_code) const
Helper that ensures the state of *this is such that one may modify the m_can and m_want socket sets.
bool events_wanted(Error_code *err_code=0) const
Returns true if and only if at least one wanted event for at least one socket is registered (via add_...
void close(Error_code *err_code=0)
Clears all stored resources (any desired events, result events, and any handler saved by async_wait()...
static const boost::unordered_map< Event_type, Function< bool(const Node *, const boost::any &)> > S_EV_TYPE_TO_IS_ACTIVE_NODE_MTD
Mapping from each possible Event_type to the Node method that determines whether the condition define...
Node * node() const
Node that produced this Event_set.
bool clear(Error_code *err_code=0)
Forgets all sockets stored in this object in any fashion.
Ev_type_to_socks_map m_can
The sockets, categorized by Event_type of interest, that were found to be "ready" (as defined in the ...
bool remove_wanted_socket(typename Socket::Ptr sock, Event_type ev_type, Error_code *err_code=0)
Opposite of add_wanted_socket().
Boring destructor. Note that deletion is to be handled exclusively via shared_ptr,...
bool m_baseline_check_pending
While in State::S_WAITING, if this is true, an exhaustive check of all desired events is yet to be pe...
static std::string sock_as_any_to_str(const boost::any &sock_as_any)
Helper that returns a loggable string representing the socket stored in the given boost::any that sto...
static bool ev_type_to_socks_map_entry_is_empty(const Ev_type_to_socks_map::Value &ev_type_and_socks)
Functional helper that checks whether a given pair in an Ev_type_to_socks_map contains an empty set o...
Ev_type_to_socks_map m_want
The sockets, categorized by Event_type of interest, to check for "ready" status (as defined in the do...
Node * m_node
See node(). Should be set before user gets access to *this. Must not be modified by non-W threads aft...
bool clear_result_sockets(Event_type ev_type, Error_code *err_code=0)
Identical to emit_result_sockets(&sockets, ev_type, err_code), where originally sockets is empty and ...
An object of this class is a single Flow-protocol networking node, in the sense that: (1) it has a di...
Properties of various container types.
std::pair< Event_type const, Sockets > Value
Short-hand for key/mapped-value pairs stored in the structure.
An object of this class is a set that combines the lookup speed of an unordered_set<> and ordering an...
Iterator erase(Const_iterator const &it)
Erases the element pointed to by the given valid iterator.
Convenience class template that endows the given subclass T with nested aliases Ptr and Const_ptr ali...
#define FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR(ARG_ret_type, ARG_function_name,...)
Narrow-use macro that implements the error code/exception semantics expected of most public-facing Fl...
Sets *err_code to ARG_val and logs a warning about the error using FLOW_LOG_WARNING().
#define FLOW_LOG_TRACE(ARG_stream_fragment)
Logs a TRACE message into flow::log::Logger *get_logger() with flow::log::Component get_log_component...
Attempted to add an event into an event set, but that event already exists.
Attempted to work with an event that does not exist in the event set.
Flow module containing the API and implementation of the Flow network protocol, a TCP-inspired stream...
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Congestion_control_selector::Strategy_choice &strategy_choice)
Serializes a Peer_socket_options::Congestion_control_strategy_choice enum to a standard ostream – the...
boost::unique_lock< Mutex > Lock_guard
Short-hand for advanced-capability RAII lock guard for any mutex, ensuring exclusive ownership of tha...
boost::recursive_mutex Mutex_recursive
Short-hand for reentrant, exclusive mutex.
Fine_duration chrono_duration_to_fine_duration(const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &dur)
Helper that takes a non-negative duration of arbitrary precision/period and converts it to Fine_durat...
boost::system::error_code Error_code
Short-hand for a boost.system error code (which basically encapsulates an integer/enum error code and...
Fine_clock::duration Fine_duration
A high-res time duration as computed from two Fine_time_pts.