Flow 2.0.0
Flow project: Full implementation reference.
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flow::net_flow::Node Class Reference

An object of this class is a single Flow-protocol networking node, in the sense that: (1) it has a distinct IP address and UDP port; and (2) it speaks the Flow protocol over a UDP transport layer. More...

#include <node.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for flow::net_flow::Node:
Collaboration diagram for flow::net_flow::Node:


struct  Socket_id
 The data nugget uniquely identifying a peer-to-peer connection from a remote endpoint to a port in this Node. More...

Public Member Functions

 Node (log::Logger *logger, const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_endpoint, Net_env_simulator *net_env_sim=0, Error_code *err_code=0, const Node_options &opts=Node_options())
 Constructs Node. More...
 ~Node () override
 Destroys Node. More...
bool running () const
 Returns true if and only if the Node is operating. More...
const util::Udp_endpointlocal_low_lvl_endpoint () const
 Return the UDP endpoint (IP address and UDP port) which will be used for receiving incoming and sending outgoing Flow traffic in this Node. More...
Peer_socket::Ptr connect (const Remote_endpoint &to, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *opts=0)
 Initiates an active connect to the specified remote Flow server. More...
Peer_socket::Ptr connect_with_metadata (const Remote_endpoint &to, const boost::asio::const_buffer &serialized_metadata, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *opts=0)
 Same as connect() but sends, as part of the connection handshake, the user-supplied metadata, which the other side can access via Peer_socket::get_connect_metadata() after accepting the connection. More...
template<typename Rep , typename Period >
Peer_socket::Ptr sync_connect (const Remote_endpoint &to, const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &max_wait, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *opts=0)
 The blocking (synchronous) version of connect(). More...
template<typename Rep , typename Period >
Peer_socket::Ptr sync_connect_with_metadata (const Remote_endpoint &to, const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &max_wait, const boost::asio::const_buffer &serialized_metadata, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *opts=0)
 A combination of sync_connect() and connect_with_metadata() (blocking connect, with supplied metadata). More...
Peer_socket::Ptr sync_connect (const Remote_endpoint &to, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *opts=0)
 Equivalent to sync_connect(to, duration::max(), err_code, opt)s; i.e., sync_connect() with no user timeout. More...
Peer_socket::Ptr sync_connect_with_metadata (const Remote_endpoint &to, const boost::asio::const_buffer &serialized_metadata, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *opts=0)
 Equivalent to sync_connect_with_metadata(to, duration::max(), serialized_metadata, err_code, opts); i.e., sync_connect_with_metadata() with no user timeout. More...
Server_socket::Ptr listen (flow_port_t local_port, Error_code *err_code=0, const Peer_socket_options *child_sock_opts=0)
 Sets up a server on the given local Flow port and returns Server_socket which can be used to accept subsequent incoming connections to this server. More...
Event_set::Ptr event_set_create (Error_code *err_code=0)
 Creates a new Event_set in Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE state with no sockets/events stored; returns this Event_set. More...
void interrupt_all_waits (Error_code *err_code=0)
 Interrupts any blocking operation, a/k/a wait, and informs the invoker of that operation that the blocking operation's outcome was being interrupted. More...
bool set_options (const Node_options &opts, Error_code *err_code=0)
 Dynamically replaces the current options set (options()) with the given options set. More...
Node_options options () const
 Copies this Node's option set and returns that copy. More...
size_t max_block_size () const
 The maximum number of bytes of user data per received or sent block on connections generated from this Node, unless this value is overridden in the Peer_socket_options argument to listen() or connect() (or friend). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from flow::util::Null_interface
virtual ~Null_interface ()=0
 Boring virtual destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from flow::log::Log_context
 Log_context (Logger *logger=0)
 Constructs Log_context by storing the given pointer to a Logger and a null Component. More...
template<typename Component_payload >
 Log_context (Logger *logger, Component_payload component_payload)
 Constructs Log_context by storing the given pointer to a Logger and a new Component storing the specified generically typed payload (an enum value). More...
 Log_context (const Log_context &src)
 Copy constructor that stores equal Logger* and Component values as the source. More...
 Log_context (Log_context &&src)
 Move constructor that makes this equal to src, while the latter becomes as-if default-constructed. More...
Log_contextoperator= (const Log_context &src)
 Assignment operator that behaves similarly to the copy constructor. More...
Log_contextoperator= (Log_context &&src)
 Move assignment operator that behaves similarly to the move constructor. More...
void swap (Log_context &other)
 Swaps Logger pointers and Component objects held by *this and other. More...
Loggerget_logger () const
 Returns the stored Logger pointer, particularly as many FLOW_LOG_*() macros expect. More...
const Componentget_log_component () const
 Returns reference to the stored Component object, particularly as many FLOW_LOG_*() macros expect. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const size_t & S_NUM_PORTS = Port_space::S_NUM_PORTS
 Total number of Flow ports in the port space, including S_PORT_ANY. More...
static const size_t & S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS = Port_space::S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS
 Total number of Flow "service" ports (ones that can be reserved by number with Node::listen()). More...
static const size_t & S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS = Port_space::S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS
 Total number of Flow "ephemeral" ports (ones reserved locally at random with Node::listen(S_PORT_ANY) or Node::connect()). More...
static const flow_port_tS_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT = Port_space::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT
 The port number of the lowest service port, making the range of service ports [S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT, S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT + S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS - 1]. More...
static const flow_port_tS_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT = Port_space::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT
 The port number of the lowest ephemeral Flow port, making the range of ephemeral ports [S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT, S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT + S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS - 1]. More...

Protected Member Functions

template<typename Peer_socket_impl_type >
Peer_socketsock_create_forward_plus_ctor_args (const Peer_socket_options &opts)
 Returns a raw pointer to newly created Peer_socket or sub-instance like asio::Peer_socket, depending on the template parameter. More...
template<typename Server_socket_impl_type >
Server_socketserv_create_forward_plus_ctor_args (const Peer_socket_options *child_sock_opts)
 Like sock_create_forward_plus_ctor_args() but for Server_sockets. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const uint8_t S_DEFAULT_CONN_METADATA = 0
 Type and value to supply as user-supplied metadata in SYN, if user chooses to use [[a]sync_]connect() instead of [[a]sync_]connect_with_metadata(). More...

Private Types

using Udp_socket = boost::asio::ip::udp::socket
 Short-hand for UDP socket. More...
using Timer_ptr = boost::shared_ptr< util::Timer >
 boost.asio timer wrapped in a ref-counted pointer. More...
using Signal_set = boost::asio::signal_set
 Short-hand for a signal set. More...
using Options_mutex = Peer_socket::Options_mutex
 Short-hand for high-performance, non-reentrant, exclusive mutex used to lock m_opts. More...
using Options_lock = Peer_socket::Options_lock
 Short-hand for lock that acquires exclusive access to an Options_mutex. More...
using Socket_id_to_socket_map = boost::unordered_map< Socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr >
 A map from the connection ID (= remote-local socket pair) to the local Peer_socket that is the local portion of the connection. More...
using Port_to_server_map = boost::unordered_map< flow_port_t, Server_socket::Ptr >
 A map from the local Flow port to the local Server_socket listening on that port. More...
using Event_sets = boost::unordered_set< Event_set::Ptr >
 A set of Event_set objects. More...

Private Member Functions

void worker_run (const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_endpoint)
 Worker thread W (main event loop) body. More...
log::Loggerthis_thread_init_logger_setup (const std::string &thread_type, log::Logger *logger=0)
 Helper to invoke for each thread in which this Node executes, whether or not it starts that thread, that applies certain common settings to all subsequent logging from that thread. More...
const Node_optionsvalidate_options (const Node_options &opts, bool init, Error_code *err_code) const
 Given a new set of Node_options intended to replace (or initialize) a Node's m_opts, ensures that these new option values are legal. More...
template<typename Opt_type >
bool validate_static_option (const Opt_type &new_val, const Opt_type &old_val, const std::string &opt_id, Error_code *err_code) const
 Helper that compares new_val to old_val and, if they are not equal, logs and returns an error; used to ensure static options are not changed. More...
bool validate_option_check (bool check, const std::string &check_str, Error_code *err_code) const
 Helper that, if the given condition is false, logs and returns an error; used to check for option value validity when setting options. More...
template<typename Opt_type >
Opt_type opt (const Opt_type &opt_val_ref) const
 Obtain a copy of the value of a given option in a thread-safe manner. More...
void perform_regular_infrequent_tasks (bool reschedule)
 Performs low-priority tasks that should be run on an infrequent, regular basis, such as stat logging and schedules the next time this should happen. More...
void async_low_lvl_recv ()
 Registers so that during the current or next m_task_engine.run(), the latter will wait for a receivable UDP packet and, when one is available, will call low_lvl_recv_and_handle(). More...
void low_lvl_recv_and_handle (Error_code sys_err_code)
 Handles the pre-condition that m_low_lvl_sock has a UDP packet available for reading, or that there was an error in waiting for this pre-condition. More...
unsigned int handle_incoming_with_simulation (util::Blob *packet_data, const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint, bool is_sim_duplicate_packet=false)
 Helper for low_lvl_recv_and_handle() that calls handle_incoming() on the not-yet-deserialized low-level packet just read off the UDP socket, but first handles simulation of various network conditions like latency, loss, and duplication. More...
void async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming (const Fine_duration &latency, util::Blob *packet_data, const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint)
 Sets up handle_incoming(packet_data, low_lvl_remote_endpoint) to be called asynchronously after a specified period of time. More...
void async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr &&packet, bool delayed_by_pacing)
 async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl() wrapper to call when packet is to be sent to the remote side of the connection sock. More...
void async_no_sock_low_lvl_packet_send (const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint, Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr packet)
 async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl() wrapper to call when packet is to be sent to the remote side of the connection sock. More...
void async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl (const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint, Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr packet, bool delayed_by_pacing, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Takes given low-level packet structure, serializes it, and initiates asynchronous send of these data to the remote Node specified by the given UDP endpoint. More...
void low_lvl_packet_sent (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr packet, size_t bytes_expected_transferred, const Error_code &sys_err_code, size_t bytes_transferred)
 Completion handler for async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl(); called when the packet is either successfully fed to the UDP net-stack for sending, or when there is an error in doing so. More...
void mark_data_packet_sent (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Sequence_number &seq_num)
 Performs important book-keeping based on the event "DATA packet was sent to destination." The affected data structures are: Sent_packet::m_sent_when (for the Sent_packet in question), Peer_socket::m_snd_last_data_sent_when, Drop_timer Peer_socket::m_snd_drop_timer (in *sock). More...
void async_no_sock_low_lvl_rst_send (Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr causing_packet, const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint)
 Sends an RST to the given UDP endpoint in response to the given incoming low-level packet that came from that endpoint, when there is no associated Peer_socket for that remote endpoint/local port combo. More...
void async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced (const Peer_socket::Ptr &sock, Low_lvl_packet::Ptr &&packet)
 Begins the process of asynchronously sending the given low-level packet to the remote Node specified by the given Peer_socket. More...
void sock_pacing_new_packet_ready (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Low_lvl_packet::Ptr packet)
 async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: Handles a DATA or ACK packet that was just passed into async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), i.e., is available for sending. More...
void sock_pacing_new_time_slice (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Fine_time_pt &now)
 async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: Resets the socket's Send_pacing_data structure to reflect that a new pacing time slice should begin right now. More...
void sock_pacing_process_q (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, bool executing_after_delay)
 async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: Given that we are currently in the pacing time slice in sock->m_snd_pacing_data, sends as many queued packets as possible given the time slice's budget, and if any remain queued after this, schedules for them to be sent in the next time slice. More...
void sock_pacing_time_slice_end (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Error_code &sys_err_code)
 async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: If sock_pacing_process_q() ran out of the last time slice's budget and still had packets to send, this is the handler that triggers when the out-of-budget time slice ends. More...
void async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Sends an RST to the other side of the given socket asynchronously when possible. More...
void sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Sends an RST to the other side of the given socket, synchronously. More...
void handle_incoming (util::Blob *packet_data, const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint)
 Handles a just-received, not-yet-deserialized low-level packet. More...
void perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks ()
 Performs all tasks to be performed at the end of low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming(), as determined over the course of the execution of either of those methods. More...
void handle_syn_ack_to_syn_sent (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_packet > syn_ack)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed low-level SYN_ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in S_SYN_SENT state. More...
void handle_syn_ack_to_established (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_packet > syn_ack)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, duplicate (equal to already-received SYN_ACK) low-level SYN_ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in S_ESTABLISHED state. More...
void handle_data_to_established (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet > packet, bool syn_rcvd_qd_packet)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, low-level DATA packet delivered to the given peer socket in S_ESTABLISHED state. More...
Error_code sock_categorize_data_to_established (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Data_packet > packet, bool *dupe, bool *slide, size_t *slide_size)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that categorizes the DATA packet received as either illegal; legal but duplicate of a previously received DATA packet; legal but out-of-order; and finally legal and in-order. More...
bool sock_data_to_rcv_buf_unless_overflow (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet > packet)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to pass the payload of the given DATA packet to the given socket's Receive buffer for user consumption; but detects and reports overflow if appropriate, instead. More...
void sock_rcv_buf_now_readable (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, bool syn_rcvd_qd_packet)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that assumes the given's socket Receive buffer is currently readable and handles implications on the Event_set subsystem. More...
void sock_track_new_data_after_gap_rexmit_off (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Data_packet > packet, size_t data_size, bool *slide, size_t *slide_size)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to register the given DATA packet as an out-of-order packet in sock->m_rcv_packets_with_gaps – in retransmission-off mode. More...
bool sock_data_to_reassembly_q_unless_overflow (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet > packet)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to register the given DATA packet as an out-of-order packet in the reassembly queue sock->m_rcv_packets_with_gaps – in retransmission-on mode; but detects and reports overflow if appropriate, instead. More...
void sock_slide_rcv_next_seq_num (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, size_t slide_size, bool reassembly_in_progress)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to register a set of received DATA packet data as in-order payload in the structures Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps and Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num in sock. More...
size_t sock_max_packets_after_unrecvd_packet (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Computes and returns the max size for Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps for sock. More...
void async_acknowledge_packet (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Sequence_number &seq_num, unsigned int rexmit_id, size_t data_size)
 Causes an acknowledgment of the given received packet to be included in a future Ack_packet sent to the other side. More...
void handle_accumulated_pending_acks (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that handles any additional individual outgoing acknowledgments accumulated during the currently running receive handler. More...
void rcv_get_first_gap_info (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock, bool *first_gap_exists, Sequence_number *seq_num_after_first_gap)
 Helper for handle_data_to_established() that gets simple info about Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps in sock. More...
void log_rcv_window (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock, bool force_verbose_info_logging=false) const
 Logs TRACE or DATA messages that show the detailed state of the receiving sequence number space. More...
void handle_ack_to_established (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Ack_packet > ack)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, low-level ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED state. More...
void handle_accumulated_acks (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that handles any incoming acknowledgments and rcv_wnd updates accumulated during the currently running receive handler. More...
bool categorize_individual_ack (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Ack_packet::Individual_ack::Const_ptr ack, bool *dupe_or_late, Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter *acked_pkt_it)
 Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that categorizes the given accumulated individual acknowledgment w/r/t legality and validity; determines the DATA packet being acked if possible; logs and record stats accordingly; and closes underlying socket if ack is illegal. More...
Fine_duration compute_rtt_on_ack (Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Const_ptr flying_pkt, const Fine_time_pt &time_now, Ack_packet::Individual_ack::Const_ptr ack, const Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when **sent_when) const
 Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that computes the RTT implied by a given individual acknowledgment. More...
void new_round_trip_time_sample (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Fine_duration round_trip_time)
 Handles a just-computed new RTT (round trip time) measurement for an individual packet earlier sent: updates smoothed RTT, DTO, and anything else relevant. More...
Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const boost::unordered_set< Peer_socket::order_num_t > &flying_now_acked_pkts)
 Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that determines the range of In-flight packets that should be Dropped due to given individual acks that have just been processed; and updates the relevant m_acks_after_me members in the socket. More...
bool drop_pkts_on_acks (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter &last_dropped_pkt_it, size_t *cong_ctl_dropped_pkts, size_t *cong_ctl_dropped_bytes, size_t *dropped_pkts, size_t *dropped_bytes, std::vector< Peer_socket::order_num_t > *pkts_marked_to_drop)
 Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that acts on the determination made by categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks(). More...
void log_accumulated_acks (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Helper of handle_accumulated_acks() that logs the about-to-be-handled accumulated individual acknowledgments. More...
void drop_timer_action (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, bool drop_all_packets)
 Handles a Drop_timer (Peer_socket::m_snd_drop_timer) event in ESTABLISHED state by dropping the specified packets. More...
void log_snd_window (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock, bool force_verbose_info_logging=false) const
 Logs TRACE or DATA messages thats show the detailed state of the sending sequence number space. More...
void connect_worker (const Remote_endpoint &to, const boost::asio::const_buffer &serialized_metadata, const Peer_socket_options *opts, Peer_socket::Ptr *sock)
 Thread W implementation of connect(). More...
Peer_socket::Ptr sync_connect_impl (const Remote_endpoint &to, const Fine_duration &max_wait, const boost::asio::const_buffer &serialized_metadata, Error_code *err_code, const Peer_socket_options *opts)
 Implementation core of sync_connect*() that gets rid of templated or missing arguments thereof. More...
void setup_connection_timers (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, bool initial)
 Assuming we've just sent SYN or SYN_ACK, sets up an asynchronous scheduled task to fire within some amount of time, so that we may try the SYN[_ACK] again if we don't get the acknowledgement by then (or we may close socket after too many such retries). More...
void handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Handles the triggering of the retransmit timer wait set up by setup_connection_timers(); it will re-send the SYN or SYN_ACK. More...
void cancel_timers (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Cancel any timers and scheduled tasks active in the given socket. More...
void setup_drop_timer (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Creates a new Drop Timer and saves it to sock->m_snd_drop_timer. More...
void close_abruptly (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of non-blocking sock->close_abruptly() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == State::S_CLOSED. More...
void close_connection_immediately (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Error_code &err_code, bool defer_delta_check)
 A thread W method that handles the transition of the given socket from OPEN (any sub-state) to CLOSED (including eliminating the given Peer_socket from our data structures). More...
Syn_packet::Ptr create_syn (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock)
 Helper that creates a new SYN packet object to the extent that is suitable for immediately passing to async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(). More...
Syn_ack_packet::Ptr create_syn_ack (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock)
 Like create_syn() but for SYN_ACK. More...
void async_low_lvl_syn_ack_ack_send (const Peer_socket::Ptr &sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_packet > &syn_ack)
 Helper to create, fully fill out, and asynchronously send via async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() a SYN_ACK_ACK packet. More...
void rst_and_close_connection_immediately (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Error_code &err_code, bool defer_delta_check)
 Asynchronously send RST to the other side of the given socket and close_connection_immediately(). More...
size_t send (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Function< size_t(size_t max_data_size)> &snd_buf_feed_func, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of non-blocking sock->send() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == State::S_CLOSED. More...
bool sock_is_writable (const boost::any &sock_as_any) const
 Returns true if and only if calling sock->send() with at least some arguments would return either non-zero (i.e., successfully enqueued data to send) or zero and an error (but not zero and NO error). More...
void send_worker_check_state (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Helper placed by send() onto W to invoke send_worker() but ensures that the socket has not entered some state such that sending data is not possible and no longer going to be possible. More...
void send_worker (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, bool defer_delta_check)
 Thread W implemention of send(): synchronously or asynchronously send the contents of sock->m_snd_buf to the other side. More...
bool can_send (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Answers the perennial question of congestion and flow control: assuming there is a DATA packet to send to the other side on the given socket, should we do so at this moment? Over a perfect link and with a perfect receiver, this would always return true, and we would always send every packet as soon as we could make it. More...
size_t receive (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Function< size_t()> &rcv_buf_consume_func, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of non-blocking sock->receive() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == State::S_CLOSED. More...
bool sock_is_readable (const boost::any &sock_as_any) const
 Returns true if and only if calling sock->receive() with at least some arguments would return either non-zero (i.e., successfully dequeued received data) or zero and an error (but not zero and NO error). More...
void receive_wnd_updated (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Placed by receive() onto W if it has dequeued data from Receive buffer and given it to the user, which would free up space in the Receive buffer, which possibly should result in a window update sent to the server, so that it knows it can now send more data. More...
void async_rcv_wnd_recovery (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, size_t rcv_wnd)
 receive_wnd_updated() helper that continues rcv_wnd recovery: that is, sends unsolicited ACK with a rcv_wnd advertisement only and schedules the next iteration of a timer to have this occur again, unless that timer is canceled due to too long a recovery phase or DATA packets arriving from the other side. More...
void receive_wnd_recovery_data_received (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Pertaining to the async_rcv_wnd_recovery() mechanism, this handles the event that we have received an acceptable (either into Receive buffer or reassembly queue) DATA packet from the other side. More...
size_t sock_rcv_wnd (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Computes and returns the currently correct rcv_wnd value; that is the amount of space free in Receive buffer for the given socket. More...
void receive_emptied_rcv_buf_while_disconnecting (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Placed by receive() onto W during a graceful close, after the Receive buffer had been emptied by the user; determines whether the socket can now proceed to Peer_socket::m_state == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED and be removed from the Node. More...
void async_low_lvl_ack_send (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Error_code &sys_err_code=Error_code())
 Sends a low-level ACK packet, with all accumulated in Peer_socket::m_rcv_pending_acks of sock individual packet acknowledgments, to the other side's UDP endpoint. More...
bool snd_deqable (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Return true if and only if there are enough data either in Peer_socket::m_snd_rexmit_q of sock (if retransmission is on) or in Peer_socket::m_snd_buf of sock to send a DATA packet to the other side. More...
bool snd_buf_enqable (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Return true if and only if there is enough free space in Peer_socket::m_snd_buf of sock to enqueue any given atomic piece of user data. More...
bool rcv_buf_deqable (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Return true if and only if there are enough data in Peer_socket::m_rcv_buf of sock to give the user some data in a Peer_socket::receive() call. More...
void sock_set_int_state (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Peer_socket::Int_state new_state)
 Sets internal state of given socket to the given state and logs a TRACE message about it. More...
void sock_set_state (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Peer_socket::State state, Peer_socket::Open_sub_state open_sub_state=Peer_socket::Open_sub_state::S_CONNECTED)
 Sets Peer_socket::m_state and Peer_socket::m_open_sub_state. More...
void sock_disconnect_detected (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Error_code &disconnect_cause, bool close)
 Records that thread W shows underlying connection is broken (graceful termination, or error) and sets Peer_socket::m_disconnect_cause and Peer_socket::m_state, Peer_socket::m_open_sub_state accordingly. More...
void sock_disconnect_completed (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 While in S_OPEN+S_DISCONNECTING state (i.e., after beginning a graceful close with sock_disconnect_detected(..., false), moves the socket to S_CLOSED state and clears Receive/Send buffers and any other decently memory-consuming structures. More...
void sock_free_memory (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Helper that clears all non-O(1)-space data structures stored inside sock. More...
bool sock_validate_options (const Peer_socket_options &opts, const Peer_socket_options *prev_opts, Error_code *err_code) const
 Analogous to validate_options() but checks per-socket options instead of per-Node options. More...
bool sock_set_options (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Peer_socket_options &opts, Error_code *err_code)
 Thread W implementation of sock->set_options(). More...
Peer_socket_info sock_info (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock)
 Implementation of sock->info() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED. More...
void sock_load_info_struct (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock, Peer_socket_info *stats) const
 Given a Peer_socket, copies all stats info (as available via Peer_socket::info()) from various structures into the given stats struct. More...
void snd_flying_pkts_erase_one (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter pkt_it)
 Erases (for example if considered Acknowledged or Dropped) a packet struct from the "scoreboard" (Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when) and adjusts all related structures. More...
void snd_flying_pkts_push_one (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Sequence_number &seq_num, Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Ptr sent_pkt)
 Adds a new packet struct (presumably representing packet to be sent shortly) to the "scoreboard" (Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when) and adjusts all related structures as applicable. More...
void snd_flying_pkts_updated (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_const_iter pkt_begin, const Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_const_iter &pkt_end, bool added)
 Updates Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_bytes according to an operation (add packets, remove packets) caller is about to undertake or has just undertaken on Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when (= the scoreboard). More...
bool ok_to_rexmit_or_close (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, const Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter &pkt_it, bool defer_delta_check)
 Checks whether the given sent packet has been retransmitted the maximum number of allowed times; if so then performs rst_and_close_connection_immediately() and returns false; otherwise returns true. More...
void sock_log_detail (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock) const
 Logs a verbose state report for the given socket. More...
virtual Peer_socketsock_create (const Peer_socket_options &opts)
 Internal factory used for ALL Peer_socket objects created by this Node (including subclasses). More...
Peer_socket::Ptr accept (Server_socket::Ptr serv, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of non-blocking serv->accept() for server socket serv in all cases except when serv->state() == Server_socket::State::S_CLOSED. More...
bool serv_is_acceptable (const boost::any &serv_as_any) const
 Returns true if and only if calling serv->accept() with at least some arguments would return either non-null (i.e., successfully dequeued a connected socket) or null and an error (but not null and NO error). More...
void listen_worker (flow_port_t local_port, const Peer_socket_options *child_sock_opts, Server_socket::Ptr *serv)
 Thread W implementation of listen(). More...
Peer_socket::Ptr handle_syn_to_listening_server (Server_socket::Ptr serv, boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_packet > syn, const util::Udp_endpoint &low_lvl_remote_endpoint)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed low-level SYN packet delivered to the given server socket. More...
void handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd (const Socket_id &socket_id, Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_ack_packet > syn_ack_ack)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed low-level SYN_ACK_ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD state. More...
void handle_data_to_syn_rcvd (Peer_socket::Ptr sock, boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet > packet)
 Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, low-level DATA packet delivered to the given peer socket in SYN_RCVD state. More...
void close_empty_server_immediately (const flow_port_t local_port, Server_socket::Ptr serv, const Error_code &err_code, bool defer_delta_check)
 Handles the transition of the given server socket from S_LISTENING/S_CLOSING to S_CLOSED (including eliminating the given Peer_socket from our data structures). More...
void serv_set_state (Server_socket::Ptr serv, Server_socket::State state)
 Sets Server_socket::m_state. More...
void serv_close_detected (Server_socket::Ptr serv, const Error_code &disconnect_cause, bool close)
 Records that thread W shows this socket is not to listen to incoming connections and is to abort any not-yet-established (i.e., not yet queued) and established-but-unclaimed (i.e., queued) connections; and sets Server_socket::m_disconnect_cause and Server_socket::m_state in serv accordingly. More...
void serv_peer_socket_acceptable (Server_socket::Ptr serv, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Records that an unestablished socket sock (Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD) has just become established and can be accept()ed (Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED). More...
void serv_peer_socket_init (Server_socket::Ptr serv, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Records a new (just received SYN) peer socket from the given server socket. More...
void serv_peer_socket_closed (Server_socket::Ptr serv, Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Records that a Server_socket-contained (i.e., currently un-established, or established but not yet accepted by user) Peer_socket is being closed and should be removed from the given Server_socket. More...
virtual Server_socketserv_create (const Peer_socket_options *child_sock_opts)
 Internal factory used for ALL Server_socket objects created by this Node (including subclasses). More...
template<typename Socket , typename Non_blocking_func_ret_type >
Non_blocking_func_ret_type sync_op (typename Socket::Ptr sock, const Function< Non_blocking_func_ret_type()> &non_blocking_func, Non_blocking_func_ret_type would_block_ret_val, Event_set::Event_type ev_type, const Fine_time_pt &wait_until, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of core blocking transfer methods, namely Peer_socket::sync_send(), Peer_socket::sync_receive(), and Server_socket::sync_accept() for all cases except when sock->state() == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED. More...
bool event_set_async_wait (Event_set::Ptr event_set, const Event_set::Event_handler &on_event, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of Event_set::async_wait() when Event_set::state() == Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE. More...
void event_set_check_baseline_assuming_state (Event_set::Ptr event_set)
 Helper placed by event_set_async_wait() onto thread W to invoke event_set_check_baseline() but first ensure that the Event_set event_set has not exited Event_set::State::S_WAITING (which would make any checking for active events nonsense). More...
bool event_set_check_baseline (Event_set::Ptr event_set)
 Checks each desired (Event_set::m_want) event in event_set; any that holds true is saved into event_set (Event_set::m_can). More...
void event_set_fire_if_got_events (Event_set::Ptr event_set)
 Check whether given Event_set contains any active sockets (Event_set::m_can); if so, signals the user (who previously called async_wait() to set all this in motion): set state back to Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE from Event_set::State::S_WAITING; calls the handler passed to async_wait(); forgets handler. More...
void event_set_all_check_delta (bool defer_delta_check)
 For each WAITING Event_set within the Node: checks for any events that hold, and if any do hold, signals the user (calls handler, goes to INACTIVE, etc.). More...
void event_set_close (Event_set::Ptr event_set, Error_code *err_code)
 Implementation of Event_set::close() when Event_set::state() != Event_set::State::S_CLOSED for event_set. More...
void event_set_close_worker (Event_set::Ptr event_set)
 The guts of event_set_close_worker_check_state(): same thing, but assumes Event_set::state() == Event_set::State::S_CLOSED, and Event_set::m_mutex is locked (for event_set). More...
void interrupt_all_waits_worker ()
 Thread W implementation of interrupt_all_waits(). More...
void interrupt_all_waits_internal_sig_handler (const Error_code &sys_err_code, int sig_number)
 signal_set handler, executed on SIGINT and SIGTERM, if user has enabled this feature: causes interrupt_all_waits_worker() to occur on thread W. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static Socket_id socket_id (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock)
 Constructs the socket pair (connection ID) for the given socket. More...
static Sequence_number snd_past_last_flying_datum_seq_num (Peer_socket::Const_ptr sock)
 Obtain the sequence number for the datum just past the last (latest) In-flight (i.e., sent but neither Acknowledged nor Dropped) packet, for the given socket. More...
static void advance_seq_num (Sequence_number *seq_num, boost::shared_ptr< const Data_packet > data)
 Assuming *seq_num points to the start of data.m_data, increments *seq_num to point to the datum just past data->m_data. More...
static void advance_seq_num (Sequence_number *seq_num, size_t data_size)
 Assuming *seq_num points to the start of some data of the given size, increments *seq_num to point to the datum just past that amount of data. More...
template<typename Packet_map_iter >
static void get_seq_num_range (const Packet_map_iter &packet_it, Sequence_number *seq_num_start, Sequence_number *seq_num_end)
 Given an iterator into a Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_by_sent_when_map or Peer_socket::Recv_pkt_map, gets the range of sequence numbers in the packet represented thereby. More...
static Peer_socket::order_num_t sock_get_new_snd_order_num (Peer_socket::Ptr sock)
 Returns the "order number" to use for Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when structure corresponding to the next packet to be sent. More...
template<typename Socket_ptr >
static bool ensure_sock_open (Socket_ptr sock, Error_code *err_code)
 Helper method that checks whether the given Peer_socket or Server_socket is CLOSED; if so, it sets *err_code to the reason it was closed (which is in sock->m_disconnect) and returns false; otherwise it returns true and leaves *err_code untouched. More...

Private Attributes

Node_options m_opts
 This Node's global set of options. More...
Options_mutex m_opts_mutex
 The mutex protecting m_opts. More...
boost::shared_ptr< Net_env_simulatorm_net_env_sim
 The object used to simulate stuff like packet loss and latency via local means directly in the code. More...
util::Task_engine m_task_engine
 The main loop engine, functioning in the single-threaded-but-asynchronous callback-based "reactor" style (or is it "proactor"?). More...
Udp_socket m_low_lvl_sock
 The UDP socket used to receive low-level packets (to assemble into application layer data) and send them (vice versa). More...
util::Udp_endpoint m_low_lvl_endpoint
 After we bind m_low_lvl_sock to a UDP endpoint, this is a copy of that endpoint. More...
size_t m_low_lvl_max_buf_size
 OS-reported m_low_lvl_sock UDP receive buffer maximum size, obtained right after we OS-set that setting and never changed subsequently. More...
util::Blob m_packet_data
 Stores incoming raw packet data; re-used repeatedly for possible performance gains. More...
Port_space m_ports
 Flow port space for both client and server sockets. All threads may access this. More...
Sequence_number::Generator m_seq_num_generator
 Sequence number generator (at least to generate ISNs). Only thread W can access this. More...
util::Rnd_gen_uniform_range< Peer_socket::security_token_tm_rnd_security_tokens
 Random number generator for picking security tokens; seeded on time at Node construction and generates integers from the entire range. More...
Socket_id_to_socket_map m_socks
 The peer-to-peer connections this Node is currently tracking. More...
Port_to_server_map m_servs
 The server sockets this Node is currently tracking. More...
Event_sets m_event_sets
 Every Event_set to have been returned by event_set_create() and not subsequently reached Event_set::State::S_CLOSED. More...
Event_set::Ev_type_to_socks_map m_sock_events
 All sockets that have been detected to be "ready" (by the Event_set doc header definition) at any point since the last time m_sock_events's contained sets were cleared (which happens initially and after each event_set_all_check_delta() call). More...
boost::unordered_set< Peer_socket::Ptrm_socks_with_accumulated_pending_acks
 Within a given low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming() (async part) call, by the time perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() is called, this stores exactly those sockets for which possible ACK sending tasks have been accumulated during the low_lvl_recv_and_handle()/etc. More...
boost::unordered_set< Peer_socket::Ptrm_socks_with_accumulated_acks
 Within a given low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming() call, by the time perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() is called, this stores exactly those sockets for which possible incoming-ACK handling tasks have been accumulated during the low_lvl_recv_and_handle()/etc. More...
Fine_time_pt m_last_loss_sock_log_when
 For debugging, when we detect loss of data we'd sent, we log the corresponding socket's state; this is the last time this was done for any socket (or epoch if never). More...
boost::promise< Error_codem_event_loop_ready
 Promise that thread W sets to truthy Error_code if it fails to initialize or falsy once event loop is running. More...
boost::unique_future< Error_codem_event_loop_ready_result
 The future object through which the non-W thread waits for m_event_loop_ready to be set to success/failure. More...
Signal_set m_signal_set
 Signal set which we may or may not be using to trap SIGINT and SIGTERM in order to auto-fire interrupt_all_waits(). More...
util::Thread m_worker
 Worker thread (= thread W). Other members should be initialized before this to avoid race condition. More...

Static Private Attributes

static const Peer_socket::Sent_packet::ack_count_t S_MAX_LATER_ACKS_BEFORE_CONSIDERING_DROPPED = 2
 For a given unacknowledged sent packet P, the maximum number of times any individual packet with higher sequence numbers than P may be acknowledged before P is considered Dropped (i.e., we give up on it). More...
static const Fine_duration S_REGULAR_INFREQUENT_TASKS_PERIOD = boost::chrono::seconds(1)
 Time interval between performing "infrequent periodic tasks," such as stat logging. More...


class Peer_socket
 Peer_socket must be able to forward send(), receive(), etc. More...
class Server_socket
 Server_socket must be able to forward accept(), etc. More...
class Event_set
 Event_set must be able to forward close(), event_set_async_wait(), etc. More...
size_t hash_value (const Socket_id &socket_id)
bool operator== (const Socket_id &lhs, const Socket_id &rhs)

Detailed Description

An object of this class is a single Flow-protocol networking node, in the sense that: (1) it has a distinct IP address and UDP port; and (2) it speaks the Flow protocol over a UDP transport layer.

Here we summarize class Node and its entire containing Flow module flow::net_flow.

See also flow::asio::Node, a subclass that allows for full use of our API (its superclass) and turns our sockets into boost.asio I/O objects, able to participate with ease in all boost.asio event loops. If you're already very familiar with boost::asio::ip::tcp, you can skip to the asio::Node doc header. If not, recommend becoming comfortable with the asio-less API, then read the forementioned asio::Node doc header.

The flow::asio::Node class doc header (as of this writing) includes a compact summary of all network operations supported by the entire hierarchy and hence deserves a look for your convenience.

Using flow::net_flow, starting with the present class Node

Node is an important and central class of the netflow Flow module and thus deserves some semi-philosophical discussion, namely what makes a Node a Node – why the name? Let's delve into the 2 aforementioned properties of a Node.

A Node has a distinct IP address and UDP port: util::Udp_endpoint

A Node binds to an IP address and UDP port, both of which are given (with the usual ephemeral port and IP address<->interface(s) nomenclature) as an argument at Node::Node() construction and can never change over the lifetime of the object. The IP and port together are a util::Udp_endpoint, which is a using-alias of boost.asio's boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint . In the same network (e.g., the Internet) no two Node objects (even in separate processes; even on different machines) may be alive (as defined by Node::running() == true) with constructor-provided util::Udp_endpoint objects R1 and R2 such that R1 == R2. In particular, if Node n1 exists, with n1.running() and n1.local_low_lvl_endpoint() == R1, and on the same machine one attempts to construct Node n2(R2), such that R1 == R2 (their IPs and ports are equal), then n2 will fail to properly construct, hence n2.running() == false will be the case, probably due to port-already-bound OS error. (There are counter-examples with NAT'ed IP addresses and special values and port 0, but please just ignore those and other pedantic objections and take the spirit of what I am saying. Ultimately, the point is:

A successfully constructed (running() == true) Node occupies the same IP-and-UDP "real estate" as would a a mere successfully bound UDP socket.

So all that was a long, overbearing way to emphasize that a Node binds to an IP address and UDP port, and a single such combo may have at most one Node on it (unless it has !running()). That's why it is called a Node: it's a node on the network, especially on Internet.

A Node speaks the Flow network protocol to other, remote Nodes

If Node n1 is successfully constructed, and Node n2 is as well, the two can communicate via a new protocol implemented by this Flow module. This protocol is capable of working with stream (TCP-like) sockets implemented on top of UDP in a manner analogous to how an OS's net-stack implements TCP over IP. So one could call this Flow/UDP. One can talk Flow/UDP to another Flow/UDP endpoint (a/k/a Node) only; no compatibility with any other protocol is supported. (This isn't, for example, an improvement to one side of TCP that is still compatible with legacy TCPs on the other end; though that is a fertile area for research in its own right.) The socket can also operate in unreliable, message boundary-preserving mode, controllable via a Flow-protocol-native socket option; in which case reliability is the responsibility of the net_flow user. By default, though, it's like TCP: message bounds are not preserved; reliability is guaranteed inside the protocol. n1 and n2 can be local in the same process, or local in the same machine, or remote in the same overall network – as long as one is routable to the other, they can talk.

For practical purposes, it's important to have idea of a single running() Node's "weight." Is it light-weight like a UDP or TCP socket? Is it heavy-weight like an Apache server instance? The answer is that it's MUCH close to the former: it is fairly light-weight. As of this writing, internally, it stores a table of peer and server sockets (of which there could be a handful or tons, depending on the user's own API calls prior); and uses at least one dedicated worker thread (essentially not visible to the user but conceptually similar to a UDP or TCP stack user's view of the kernel: it does stuff for one in the background – for example it can wait for incoming connections, if asked). So, a Node is an intricate but fairly light-weight object that stores socket tables (proportional in size to the sockets currently required by the Node's user) and roughly a single worker thread performing low-level I/O and other minimally CPU-intensive tasks. A Node can get busy if a high-bandwidth network is sending or receiving intense traffic, as is the case for any TCP or UDP net-stack. In fact, a Node can be seen as a little Flow-protocol stack implemented on top of UDP transport. (Historical note: class Node used to be class Stack, but this implied a heavy weight and misleadingly discouraged multiple constructions in the same program; all that ultimately caused the renaming to Node.)

Essential properties of Flow network protocol (Flow ports, mux/demuxing)

A single Node supports 0 or more (an arbitrary # of) peer-to-peer connections to other Nodes. Moreover, given two Nodes n1 and n2, there can similarly be 0 or more peer-to-peer connections running between the two. In order to allow this, a port (and therefore multiplexing/demultiplexing) system is a feature of Flow protocol. (Whether this features is necessary or even desirable is slightly controversial and not a settled matter – a to-do on this topic can be found below.)

More specifically, think of a given Node n1 as analogous (in terms of is multiplexing capabilities) to one TCP stack running on a one-interface machine. To recap the TCP port-addressing scheme (assuming only 1 interface): The TCP stack has approximately 2^16 (~65k) ports available. One may create and "bind" a server "socket" to (more or less, for our discussion) any 1 of these ports. Let's say a server socket is bound to port P1. If a remote TCP stack successfully connects to such a server-bound port, this results in a passively-connected client "socket," which – also – is bound to P1 (bear with me as to how this is possible). Finally, the TCP stack's user may bind an actively connecting client "socket" to another port P2 (P2 =/= P1; as P1 is reserved to that server and passively connected clients from that server). Recall that we're contriving a situation where there is only one other remote stack, so suppose there is the remote, 1-interface TCP stack. Now, let's say a packet arrives along an established connection from this stack. How does our local TCP stack determine to which connection this belongs? This is "demultiplexing." If the packet contains the info "destination port: P2," then that clearly belongs to the actively-connected client we mentioned earlier... but what if it's "dest. port: P1"? This could belong to any number of connections originally passive-connected by incoming server connection requests to port P1. Answer: the packet also contains a "source TCP port" field. So the connection ID (a/k/a socket ID) consists of BOTH pieces of data: (1) destination (local) port; (2) source (remote) port. (Recall that, symmetrically, the remote TCP stack had to have a client bind to some port, and that means no more stuff can bind to that port; so it is unique and can't clash with anything else – inside that remote stack.) So this tuple uniquely identifies the connection in this scenario of a single-interface local TCP that can have both active client sockets and passive-client-socket-spawning server sockets; and talk to other stacks like it. Of course, there can be more than one remote TCP stack. So the 2-tuple (pair) becomes a 3-tuple (triplet) in our slightly simplified version of reality: (1) destination (local) TCP port; (2) source (remote) IP address; and (3) source (remote) TCP port. (In reality, the local TCP stack can bind to different interfaces, so it becomes a 4-tuple by adding in destination (local) IP address... but that's TCP and is of no interest to our analogy to Flow protocol.)

What about Flow protocol? GIVEN n1 and n2, it works just the same. We have a special, TCP-like, Flow port space WITHIN n1 and similarly within n2. So if only n1 and n2 are involved, an n1 Server_socket (class) object can listen() (<– actual method) on a net_flow::flow_port_t (<– alias to 2-byte unsigned as of this writing) port P1; Server_socket::accept() (another method) incoming connections, each still bound to port P1; and n1 can also actively connect() (another method) to n2 at some port over there. Then an incoming UDP packet's intended established connection is demuxed to by a 2-tuple: (1) destination (local) flow_port_t; (2) source (remote) flow_port_t.

In reality, other remote Nodes can of course be involved: n3, n4, whatever. As we've established, each Node lives at a UDP endpoint: util::Udp_endpoint (again, IP address + UDP port). Therefore, from the stand-point of a given local Node n1, each established peer-to-peer connection is identified fully by the 5-tuple (marked here with roman numerals):

  1. Local flow_port_t within n1's port-space (not dissimilar to TCP's port space in size and behavior). (I)
  2. Remote endpoint identifying the remote Node: Remote_endpoint.
    1. util::Udp_endpoint.
      1. IP address. (II)
      2. UDP port. (III)
    2. Remote net_flow::flow_port_t. (IV)

So, that is how it works. Of course, if this complexity is not really necessary for some application, then only really (II) and (III) are truly necessary. (I) and (IV) can just be chosen to be some agreed-upon constant port number. Only one connection can ever exist in this situation, and one would need to create more Nodes one side or the other or both to achieve more connections between the same pair of IP addresses, but that's totally reasonable: it's no different from simply binding to more UDP ports. My point here is that the Flow-protocol-invented construct of "Flow ports" (given as flow_port_t values) can be used to conserve UDP ports; but they can also be NOT used, and one can just use more UDP ports, as a "regular" UDP-using pair of applications would, if more than one flow of information is necessary between those two apps. It is up to you. (Again, some arguments can be made for getting rid of (I) and (IV), after all. This possibility is discussed in a below to-do.)

(Do note that, while we've emulated TCP's port scheme, there is no equivalent of IP's "interfaces." Each Node just has a bunch of ports; there is no port table belonging to each of N interfaces or any such thing.)

flow::net_flow API overview

This is a summary (and some of this is very briefly mentioned above); all the classes and APIs are much more deeply documented in their own right. Also, see above pointer to asio::Node whose doc header may be immediately helpful to experienced users. Meanwhile, to summarize:

The Node hands out sockets as Peer_socket objects; it acts as a factory for them (directly) via its connect() and (indirectly) Server_socket::accept() families of methods. It is not possible to construct a Peer_socket independently of a Node, due to tight coordination between the Node and each Peer_socket. Moreover each Peer_socket is handed out via boost::shared_ptr smart pointer. While not strictly necessary, this is a situation where both the user and a central registry (Node) can own the Peer_socket at a given time, which is an ideal application for shared_ptr<> that can greatly simplify questions of object ownership and providing auto-delete to boot.

Thus: Node::listen(flow_port_t P) yields a Server_socket::Ptr, which will listen for incoming connections on P. Server_socket::accept() (and similar) yields a Peer_socket::Ptr, one side of a peer-to-peer connection. On the other side, Node::connect(Remote_endpoint R) (where R contains Udp_endpoint U, where value equal to U had been earlier passed to constructor of the listen()ing Node; and R also contains flow_port_t P, passed to Node::listen()). connect(), too, yields a Peer_socket::Ptr. And thus, if all went well, each side now has a Peer_socket::Ptr S1 and S2, which – while originating quite differently – are now completely equal in capabilities: they are indeed peer sockets. They have methods like Peer_socket::send() and Peer_socket::receive().

Further nuances can be explored in the various other doc headers, but I'll mention that both non-blocking behavior (meaning the call always returns immediately, even if unable to immediately perform the desired task such as accept a connection or receive 1 or more bytes) and blocking behavior as supported, as in (for example) a BSD sockets API. However, there is no "blocking" or "non-blocking" mode as in BSD or WinSock (personally I, Yuri, see it as an annoying anachronism). Instead you simply call a method named according to whether it will never block or (possibly – if appropriate) block. The nomenclature convention is as follows: if the action is X (e.g., X is receive or accept), then ->X() is the non-blocking version; and ->sync_X() is the blocking one. A non-blocking version always exists for any possible action; and a blocking version exists if it makes sense for it to exist. (Exception: Event_set::async_wait() explicitly includes async_ prefix contrary to this convention. Partially it's because just calling it wait() – convention or not – makes it sound like it's going to block, whereas it emphatically will never do so. ALSO it's because it's a "special" method with unique properties including letting user execute their own code in a Node's internal worker thread. So rules go out the window a little bit for that method; hence the slight naming exception.)

Nomenclature: "low-level" instead of "UDP"

Side note: You will sometimes see the phrase low_lvl in various identifiers among net_flow APIs. low_lvl (low-level) really means "UDP" – but theoretically some other packet-based transport could be used instead in the future; or it could even be an option to chooose between possible underlying protocols. For example, if net_flow moved to kernel-space, the transport could become IP, as it is for TCP. So this nomenclature is a hedge; and also it argubly is nicer/more generic: the fact it's UDP is immaterial; that it's the low-level (from our perspective) protocol is the salient fact. However, util::Udp_endpoint is thus named because it is very specifically a gosh-darned UDP port (plus IP address), so hiding from that by naming it Low_Lvl_endpoint (or something) seemed absurd.

Event, readability, writability, etc.

Any experienced use of BSD sockets, WinSock, or similar is probably wondering by now, "That sounds reasonable, but how does the API allow me to wait until I can connect/accept/read/write, letting me do other stuff in the meantime?" Again, one can use a blocking version of basically every operation; but then the wait for readability/writability/etc. may block the thread. One can work around this by creating multiple threads, but multi-threaded coding introduced various difficulties. So, the experienced socketeer will want to use non-blocking operations + an event loop + something that allow one to wait of various states (again, readability, writability, etc.) with various modes of operation (blocking, asynchronous, with or without a timeout, etc.). The most advanced and best way to get these capabilities is to use boost.asio integration (see asio::Node). As explained elsewhere (see Event_set doc header) this is sometimes not usable in practice. In that case: These capabilities are supplied in the class Event_set. See that class's doc header for further information. Event_set is the select() of this socket API. However it is significantly more convenient AND indeed supports a model that will allow one to use Flow-protocol sockets in a select()- or equivalent-based event loop, making net_flow module usable in a true server, such as a web server. That is, you don't just have to write a separate Flow event loop operating independently of your other sockets, file handles, etc. This is an important property in practice. (Again: Ideally you wouldn't need Event_set for this; asio::Node/etc. might be better to use.)

Error reporting

Like all Flow modules, net_flow uses error reporting conventions/semantics introduced in namespace flow doc header Error Reporting section.

In particular, this module does add its own error code set. See namespace net_flow::error doc header which should point you to error::Code enum. All error-emitting net_flow APIs emit Error_codes assigned from error::Code enum values.

Configurability, statistics, logging

Great care is taken to provide visibility into the "black box" that is Flow-protocol. That is, while the API follows good practices wherein implementation is shielded away from the user, at the same time the human user has powerful tools to both examine the insides of the library/protocol's performance AND to tweak the parameters of its behavior. Picture a modern automobile: while you're driving at least, it's not going to let you look at or mess with its engine or transmission – nor do you need to understand how they work; BUT, the onboard monitor will feature screens that tell you about its fuel economy performance, the engine's inner workings, and perhaps a few knobs to control the transmission's performance (for example). Same principles are followed here.

More specifically:

Multiple Node objects

As mentioned already many times, multiple Node objects can exist and function simultaneously (as long as they are not bound to the same conceptual util::Udp_endpoint, or to the same UDP port of at least one IP interface). However, it is worth emphasizing that – practically speaking – class Node is implemented in such a way as to make a given Node 100% independent of any other Node in the same process. They don't share working thread(s), data (except static data, probably just constants), any namespaces, port spaces, address spaces, anything. Each Node is independent both API-wise and in terms of internal implementation.

Thread safety

All operations safe for simultaneous execution on 2+ separate Node objects or on the same Node, or on any objects (e.g., Peer_socket) returned by Node. (Please note the emphasized phrase.) "Operations" are any Node or Node-returned-object method calls after construction and before destruction of the Node. (In particular, for example, one thread can listen() while another connect()s.) The same guarantee may or may not apply to other classes; see their documentation headers for thread safety information.

Thread safety of destructor

Generally it is not safe to destruct a Node (i.e., let Node::~Node() get called) while a Node operation is in progress on that Node (obviously, in another thread). There is one exception to this: if a blocking operation (any operation with name starting with sync_) has entered its blocking (sleep) phase, it is safe to delete the underlying Node. In practice this means simply that, while you need not lock a given Node with an external mutex while calling its various methods from different threads (if you really must use multiple threads this way), you should take care to probably join the various threads before letting a Node go away.

Historical note re. FastTCP, Google BBR

Historical note re. FastTCP

One notable change in this net_flow vs. the original libgiga is this one lacks the FastTCP congestion control strategy. I omit the historical reasons for this for now (see to-do regarding re-introducing licensing/history/location/author info, in common.hpp).

Addendum to the topic of congestion control: I am not that interested in FastTCP, as I don't see it as cutting-edge any longer. I am interested in Google BBR. It is a goal to implement Google BBR in net_flow, as that congestion control algorithm is seen by many as simply the best one available; a bold conclusion given how much research and given-and-take and pros-and-cons discussions have tramspired ever since the original Reno TCP became ubiquitous. Google BBR is (modulo whatever proprietary improvements Google chooses to implement in their closed-source software) publicly documented in research paper(s) and, I believe, available as Google open source.

flow::net_flow should use flow::cfg for its socket-options mechanism. It is well suited for that purpose, and it uses some ideas from those socket-options in the first place but is generic and much more advanced. Currently net_flow socket-options are custom-coded from long before flow::cfg existed.
ostream output operators for Node and asio::Node should exist. Also scour through all types; possibly some others could use the same. (I have been pretty good at already implementing these as-needed for logging; but I may have "missed a spot.")
Some of the ostream<< operators we have take X* instead of const X&; this should be changed to the latter for various minor reasons and for consistency.
Actively support IPv6 and IPv4, particularly in dual-stack mode (wherein net_flow::Server_socket would bind to an IPv6 endpoint but accept incoming V4 and V6 connections alike). It already supports it nominally, in that one can indeed listen on either type of address and connect to either as well, but how well it works is untested, and from some outside experience it might involve some subtle provisions internally.
Based on some outside experience, there maybe be problems – particularly considering the to-do regarding dual-stack IPv6/v4 support – in servers listening in multiple-IP situations; make sure we support these seamlessly. For example consider a machine with a WAN IP address and a LAN (10.x.x.x) IP address (and possibly IPv6 versions of each also) that (as is typical) binds on all of them at ANY:P (where P is some port; and ANY is the IPv6 version, with dual-stack mode ensuring V4 datagrams are also received). If a client connects to a LAN IP, while in our return datagrams we set the source IP to the default, does it work? Outside experience shows it might not, depending, plus even if in our protocol it does, it might be defeated by some firewall... the point is it requires investigation (e.g., mimic TCP itself; or look into what IETF or Google QUIC does; and so on).

Implementation notes

In this section, and within implementation, I may simply say "Flow" instead of "Flow [network] protocol," for brevity. This is not meant to represent all of the containing Flow project nor refer to any module other that net_flow.

Note on general design philosophy

The protocol is TCP-like. However, it is not TCP. Moreover, it is not TCP even if you remove the fact that it sends UDP datagrams instead of IP packets. It follows the basic goals of TCP (stream of bytes, reliability, congestion control, etc.), and it borrows many of its internal techniques (congestion window, receive window ACKs, drop timeout, etc.), but it specifically will not inherit those limitations of TCP that are essentially historic and/or a result of having to be backwards- compatible with the other side which may be behind. For example, all ACKs in Flow are selective; whereas in TCP ACKs are generally cumulative, while selective ACKs (SACKs) are an advanced option that the other side may or may not support. Making certain modern decisions in Flow that TCP implementations simply cannot make means (1) a simpler protocol and implementation; and (2) potentially higher performance before we can try any advanced stuff like new congestion control strategies or FEC (forward error correction).

Moreover, I tried to take care in not copying various classic TCP RFCs mindlessly. Instead, the idea was to evaluate the spirit, or intent, of each technical detail of a given RFC – and then translate it into the (hopefully) more elegant and less historical baggage-encumbered world of Flow. This is particularly something I felt when translating the terse congestion control-related TCP RFCs into net_flow C++ code. (For a more specific explanation of what I mean, check out the "general design note" in the class doc header of the class Congestion_control_strategy.) Hopefully this means terse, concern-conflating TCP RFCs (and at times Linux kernel's somewhat less concern-conflating implementations of these RFCs) become clean, concern- separated Flow code. This means, also, a rather extremely high ratio of comments to code in many areas of this project. I wanted to clearly explain every non-trivial decision, even if it meant many long-winded English explanations.

Basic implementation

Constructor creates new thread, henceforth called thread W, which houses the Node's main loop and performs all blocking work (and generally most work) for the class; this exists until the destructor executes. In general, for simplicity (in a way) and consistency, even when a given call (e.g., non-blocking connect()) could perform some preliminary work (e.g., argument checking and ephemeral port reservation) directly in the caller's thread and then place a callback (e.g., connect_worker()) on W for the real work (e.g., filling out packet, sending SYN, etc.), we instead choose to put all the work (even the aforementioned preliminary kind) onto W and (non-blockingly!) wait for that callback to finish, via a boost.thread future. While a bit slower, I find this simplifies the code by breaking it up less and keeping it in one place in the code base for a given operation (in this example, connect()). It can also reduce mutex usage in our code. Also it enables a slightly better user experience, as errors are reported earlier in the user code and state changes are not asynchronous, when they don't need to be.

The above can apply to such things as non-blocking connect(), listen(). It probably wouldn't apply to Peer_socket::send(), Peer_socket::receive(), Server_socket::accept() for performance reasons.

Note on threads W and U

In classic Berkeley sockets, one often thinks of "the kernel" performing certain work in "the background," the results of which the user level code might access. For example, the kernel might receive IP packets on some port and deserialize them into a socket's receive buffer – while the user's program is busy doing something completely unrelated like showing graphics in a video game – then the recv() call would later transfer the deserialized stream into the user's own user-level buffer (e.g., a char[] array). In our terminology, "thread W" is the equivalent of "the kernel" doing stuff "in the background"; while "thread U" refers to the user's own thread where they do other stuff and at times access the results of the "kernel background" stuff. However, Flow is a user-level tool, so thread W is not actually running in the kernel... but conceptually it is like it.


The implementation heavily uses the boost.asio library, as recommended by flow doc header boost.asio section. This implements the main loop's flow (with a callback-based model), all UDP traffic, timers. Why use boost.asio and not home-made networking and event loop code? There are a few good reasons. For UDP networking, boost.asio provides a pain-free, portable, object-oriented wrapper around BSD sockets/WinSock (that nevertheless exposes the native resources like sockets/FDs if needed). For a high- performance event loop, boost.asio gives a flexible proactor pattern implementation, supporting arbitrary callbacks with lambdas or bind(), which is much easier and prettier than C-style function pointers with void* arguments a-la old-school HTTP servers written in C. For a complex event-driven loop like this, we'd have to implement some callback system anyway, and it would likely be far worse than boost.asio's, which is full-featured and proven through the years.

To-dos and future features

Receive UDP datagrams as soon as possible (avoid internal buffer overflow): The OS UDP net-stack buffers arriving datagrams until they're recv()d by the application layer. This buffer is limited; on my Linux test machine the default appears to buffer ~80 1k datagrams. With a high sender CWND and high throughput (e.g., over loopback), thread W – which both reads off UDP datagrams and handles them, synchronously – cannot always keep up, and the buffer fills up. This introduces Flow loss despite the fact that the datagram actually safely got to the destination; and this is with just ONE sender; in a server situation there could be thousands. In Linux I was able to raise, via setsockopt(), the buffer size to somewhere between 1000 and 2000 1k datagrams. This helps quite a bit. However, we may still overflow the buffer in busy situations (I have seen it, still with only one connection). So, the to-do is to solve this problem. See below to-dos for ideas. WARNING: UDP buffer overflow can be hard to detect and may just look like loss; plus the user not reading off the Receive buffer quickly enough will also incur similar-looking loss. If there were a way to detect the total # of bytes or datagrams pending on a socket, that would be cool, but sock.available() (where sock is a UDP socket) just gives the size of the first queued datagram. Congestion control (if effective) should prevent this problem, if it is a steady-state situation (i.e., loss or queueing delay resulting from not keeping up with incoming datagrams should decrease CWND). However, if it happens in bursts due to high CPU use in the environment, then that may not help. NOTE 1: In practice a Node with many connections is running on a server and thus doesn't receive that much data but rather sends a lot. This mitigates the UDP-receive-buffer-overflow problem, as the Node receiving tons of data is more likely to be a client and thus have only one or two connections. Hence if we can handle a handful of really fast flows without such loss, we're good. (On other hand, ACKs are also traffic, and server may get a substantial amount of them. Much testing is needed.) Packet pacing on the sender side may also avoid this loss problem; on the other hand it may also decrease throughput. NOTE 2: Queue delay-based congestion control algorithms, such as FastTCP and Vegas, are highly sensitive to accurate RTT (round trip time) readings. Heavy CPU load can delay the recording of the "received" time stamp, because we call UDP recv() and handle the results all in one thread. Any solution, such as the dedicated thread proposed below, would allow one to record the time stamp immediately upon receipt of the packet by the dedicated thread; while W would independently handle everything else. Is that a good idea though? Maybe not. If the CPU load is such that ACK-receiver-side can't get to the time-stamp-saving, RTT-measuring step without tricks like doing it immediately upon some low-level datagram receipt hook, then that CPU-pegged jungle is, in a way, part of the network and should probably be fairly counted as part of the RTT. So perhaps we should continue to take the RTT time stamp while actually handling the individual acknowledgments. Instead we should strive to use multi-core resources efficiently, so that the gap between receipt (on whatever thread) and acknowledgment processing (on whatever thread) is as small as possible. Then RTT is RTT, but we make it smaller via improved performance. Meanwhile, we hopefully also solve the original problem (internal kernel buffer overflowing and dropping datagrams).
Receive UDP datagrams as soon as possible (avoid internal buffer overflow): APPROACH 1 (CO-WINNER!): One approach is to note that, as of this writing, we call m_low_lvl_sock.async_wait(wait_read); our handler is called once there is at least 1 message TO read; and then indeed our handler does read it (and any more messages that may also have arrived). Well, if we use actual async_receive() and an actual buffer instead, then boost.asio will read 1 (and no more, even if there are more) message into that buffer and have it ready in the handler. Assuming the mainstream case involves only 1 message being ready, and/or assuming that reading at least 1 message each time ASAP would help significantly, this may be a good step toward relieving the problem, when it exists. The code becomes a tiny bit less elegant, but that's negligible. This seems like a no-brainer that should be included in any solution, but it by itself may not be sufficient, since more than 1 datagram may be waiting, and datagrams 2, 3, ... would still have to be read off by our code in the handler. So other approaches should still be considered.
Receive UDP datagrams as soon as possible (avoid internal buffer overflow): APPROACH 2: To eliminate the problem to the maximum extent possible, we can dedicate its own thread – call it W2 – to reading m_low_lvl_sock. We could also write to m_low_lvl_sock on W2 (which would also allow us to use a different util::Task_engine from m_task_engine to exclusively deal with W2 and the UDP socket m_low_lvl_sock – simpler in some ways that the strand-based solution described below). There are a couple of problems with this. One, it may delay receive ops due to send ops, which compromises the goals of this project in the first place. Two, send pacing code is in thread W (and moving it to W2 would be complex and unhelpful); and once the decision to REALLY send a given datagram has been made, this send should occur right then and there – queuing that task on W2 may delay it, compromising the quality of send pacing (whose entire nature is about being precise down to the microsecond or even better). Therefore, we'd like to keep m_low_lvl_sock.async_send() in thread W along with all other work (which allows vast majority of internal state to be accessed without locking, basically just the Send/Receive buffers excluded); except the chain of [m_low_lvl_sock.async_receive() -> post handler of received datagram onto thread W; and immediately m_low_lvl_sock.async_receive() again] would be on W2. AS WRITTEN, this is actually hard or impossible to do with boost.asio because of its design: m_low_lvl_sock must belong to exactly one Task_engine (here, m_task_engine), whereas to directly schedule a specific task onto a specific thread (as above design requires) would require separate Task_engine objects (1 per thread): boost.asio guarantees a task will run on a thread which is currently executing run() – if 2 threads are executing run() on the same service, it is unknown which thread a given task will land upon, which makes the above design (AS WRITTEN) impossible. (Side note: I'm not sure it's possible in plain C with BSD sockets either. A naive design, at least, might have W select() on m_low_lvl_sock.native() for writability as well other stuff like timers, while W2 select()s on same for readability; then the two threads perform UDP send() and recv(), respectively, when so instructed by select()s. Is it allowed to use select() on the same socket concurrently like that? StackOverflow.com answers are not clear cut, and to me, at least, it seems somewhat dodgy.) However, an equivalent design IS possible (and supported cleanly by boost.asio): In addition to the 2 threads, set up 2 strands, S and S2. All work except the m_low_lvl_sock reads and posting of the handler onto S will be scheduled with a strand S. All work regarding m_low_lvl_sock reads and posting of its handler onto S will be scheduled with a strand S2. Recall that executing tasks in 1 strand, with 2+ threads executing run(), guarantees that no 2+ of those tasks will execute simultaneously – always in series. This is actually – in terms of efficiency and thread safety – equivalent to the above W/W2 design. Since the S tasks will always execute serially, no locking is necessary to prevent concurrent execution; thus what we know today as thread W tasks (which need no locking against each other) will be equally thread safe; and same holds for the new S2 tasks (which are considerably simpler and fewer in number). So that's the thread safety aspect; but why is efficiency guaranteed? The answer becomes clear if one pictures the original thread W/W2 design; basically little task blocks serially pepper thread W timeline; and same for W2. By doing it with strands S and S2 (running on top of threads W and W2), the only thing that changes is that the little blocks might at random be swapped between threads. So the series of tasks T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> T4 meant for for S might actually jump between W and W2 randomly; but whenever thread W2 is chosen instead of thread W, that leaves an empty "space" in thread W, which will be used by the S2 task queue if it needs to do work at the same time. So tasks may go on either thread, but the strands ensure that both are used with maximum efficiency while following the expected concurrency constraints (that each strand's tasks are to be executed in series). Note, however, that m_low_lvl_sock (the socket object) is not itself safe for concurrent access, so we WILL need a lock to protect the tiny/short calls m_low_lvl_sock.async_receive() and m_low_lvl_sock.async_send(): we specifically allow that a read and write may be scheduled to happen simultaneously, since the two are independent of each other and supposed to occur as soon as humanly possible (once the desire to perform either one is expressed by the code – either in the pacing module in strand S or the read handler in S2). In terms of nomenclature, if we do this, it'd be more fair to call the threads W1 and W2 (as they become completely equal in this design). (In general, any further extensions of this nature (if we want still more mostly-independent task queues to use available processor cores efficiently), we would add 1 strand and 1 worker thread per each such new queue. So basically there's a thread pool of N threads for N mostly-independent queues, and N strands are used to use that pool efficiently without needing to lock any data that are accessed exclusively by at most 1 queue's tasks only. Resources accessed by 2 or more task queues concurrently would need explicit locking (e.g., m_low_lvl_sock in this design).) So then where we start thread W today, we'd start the thread pool of 2 threads W1, W2, with each executing m_task_engine.run(). Before the run()s execute, the initial tasks (each wrapped in strand S or S2, as appropriate) need to be posted onto m_task_engine; this can even occur in the user thread U in the constructor, before W1 and W2 are created. The destructor would m_task_engine.stop() (like today), ending each thread's run() and trigger the imminent end of that thread; at which point destructor can W1.join() and W2.join() (today it's just W.join()).
Receive UDP datagrams as soon as possible (avoid internal buffer overflow): APPROACH 3: Suppose we take APPROACH 1 (no-brainer) plus APPROACH 2. Certain decisions in the latter were made for certain stated reasons, but let's examine those more closely. First note that the APPROACH 1 part will ensure that, given a burst of incoming datagrams, the first UDP recv() will occur somewhere inside boost.asio, so that's definitely a success. Furthermore, strand S will invoke m_low_lvl_sock.async_send() as soon as the pacing module decides to do so; if I recall correctly, boost.asio will invoke the UDP send() right then and there, synchronously (at least I wrote that unequivocally in a Node::async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl() comment). Again, that's as good as we can possibly want. Finally, for messages 2, 3, ... in that incoming datagram burst, our handler will (indirectly but synchronously) perform the UDP recv()s in strand S2. Here we're somewhat at boost.asio's mercy, but assuming its strand task scheduling is as efficient as possible, it should occur on the thread that's free, and either W1 or W2 should be free given the rest of the design. Still, boost.asio docs even say that different strands' tasks are NOT guaranteed to be invoked concurrently (though common sense implies they will be when possible... but WHAT IF WE'RE WRONG!!!?). Also, we don't know how much computational overhead is involved in making strands work so nicely (again, hopefully it's well written... but WHAT IF!!!?). A negative is the small mutex section around the two m_low_lvl_sock calls; not complex and probably hardly a performance concern, but still, it's a small cost. Finally, using strands – while not ugly – does involve a bit more code, and one has to be careful not to forget to wrap each handler with the appropriate strand (there is no compile- or runtime error if we forget!) So what can we change about APPROACH 2 to avoid those negatives? As stated in that approach's description, we could have thread W not deal with m_low_lvl_sock at all; thread W2 would have a separate Task_engine handling only m_low_lvl_sock (so no mutex needed). W2 would do both sends and receives on the socket; and absolutely nothing else (to ensure it's as efficient as possible at getting datagrams off the kernel buffer, solving the original problem). Yes, the receiving would have to share time with the sends, but assuming nothing else interferes, this feels like not much of a cost (at least compared with all the heavy lifting thread W does today anyway). Each receive would read off all available messages into raw buffers and pass those (sans any copying) on to thread W via post(W). The other negative, also already mentioned, is that once pacing module (in thread W) decides that a datagram should be sent, the post(W2) for the task that would peform the send introduces a delay between the decision and the actual UDP send() done by boost.asio. Thinking about it now, it is questionable to me how much of a cost that really is. Without CPU contention, we can measure it; I expect it to be quite cheap, but I coudl be wrong. With CPU contention – which would have to come from many datagrams arriving at the same time – I'm not sure. It wouldn't be overly hard to test; basically flood with UDP traffic over loopback and log the delay between W deciding to send datagram and W2 calling m_low_lvl_sock.async_send_to() (obviously use Fine_clock!). All in all, if we name the dedicated thread approach described here as APPROACH 3, then APPROACH 3 is appealingly simpler than APPROACH 2; and in most ways appears like it'd be at least as efficient and good at solving the original problem as APPROACH 2. The only danger that worries me is this business with messing up pacing (and no, moving pacing into W2 just endangers the receiving efficiency and introduces thread safety problems and complexity) by having it compete with receiving during incoming-traffic-heavy times. Ultimately, I'd recommend timing this "danger zone" as described a bit earlier (also time delay introduced by post(W2) without any traffic coming in); and if it looks good, do APPROACH 3. Otherwise spring for APPROACH 2.
Receive UDP datagrams as soon as possible (avoid internal buffer overflow): APPROACH 4: It now occurs to me how to solve the main questionable part about APPROACH 3. If we fear that the reads and writes in thread W2 may compete for CPU, especially the reads delaying timing-sensitive paced writes, then we can eliminate the problem by taking W2's own util::Task_engine (which would be separate from m_task_engine) and have two equal threads W2' and W2'' start up and then each call Task_engine::run(). Without having to use any strand, this will essentially (as documented in boost.asio's doc overview) establish a thread pool of 2 threads and then perform the receive and send tasks at random on whichever thread(s) is/are available at a particular time. Since there's no strand(s) to worry about, the underlying overhead in boost.asio is probably small, so there's nothing to fear about efficiency. In fact, in this case we've now created 3 separate threads W, W2', W2'', all doing things independently of each other, which is an excellent feature in terms of using multiple cores. Do note we will now need a mutex and very short critical sections around the calls to m_low_lvl_sock::async_receive() and m_low_lvl_sock::async_send(), but as noted before this seems extremely unlikely to have any real cost due to the shortess of critical sections in both threads. If this is APPROACH 4, then I'd say just time how much absolute delay is introduced by a ‘post(W2’)orpost(W2'')` of the async send call compared to directly making such a call on thread W, as is done today. I suspect it's small, in which case the action is go for APPROACH 4... finally.
Receive UDP datagrams as soon as possible (avoid internal buffer overflow): APPROACH 5 (CO-WINNER!): Actually, the thing I've been dismissing in approaches 2-4, which was to combine the pacing logic with the actual m_low_lvl_sock.async_send() (like today) but in their own dedicated thread, now seems like the best way to solve the one questionable aspect of APPROACH 4. So, APPROACH 4, but: Move the pacing stuff into the task queue associated with threads W2' and W2''. So then these 2 threads/cores will be available for 2 task queues: one for pacing timers + datagram sending over m_low_lvl_sock (with mutex); the other for receiving over m_low_lvl_sock (with same mutex). Now, the only "delay" is moved to before pacing occurs: whatever minimal time cost exists of adding a queue from thread W to thread W2' or W2'' occurs just before the pacing logic, after which chances are the datagram will be placed on a pacing queue anyway and sent off somewhat later; intuitively this is better than the delay occurring between pacing logic and the actual UDP send. Note, also, that the timing-sensitive pacing logic now gets its own thread/core and should thus work better vs. today in situations when thread W is doing a lot of work. This is even more logical than APPROACH 4 in that sense; the pacing and sending are concern 1 and get their own thread (essentially; really they get either W2' or W2'' for each given task); the receiving is concern 2 and gets its own thread (same deal); and all the rest is concern 3 and remains in its own thread W (until we can think of ways to split that into concerns; but that is another to-do). Only one mutex with 2 very small critical sections, as in APPROACH 4, is used. The only subtlety regarding concurrent data access is in Node::mark_data_packet_sent(), which is called just before m_low_lvl_sock.async_send(), and which finalizes certain aspects of Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when; most notably Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_sent_time (used in RTT calculation upon ACK receipt later). This is stored in Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when, which today is not protected by mutex due to only being accessed from thread W; and which is extremely frequently accessed. So either we protect the latter with a mutex (out of the question: it is too frequently accessed and would quite possibly reduce performance) or something else. Currently I think Node::mark_data_packet_sent() should just be placed onto m_task_engine (thread W) via post() but perhaps take all or most of the items to update Sent_when with as arguments, so that they (especially Sent_when::m_sent_time) could be determined in thread W2' or W2'' but written thread-safely in W. (There is no way some other thread W task would mess with this area of Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when before the proposed mark_data_packet_sent() was able to run; thread W had just decided to send that packet over wire in the first place; so there's no reason to access it until ACK – much later – or some kind of socket-wide catastrophe.) All that put together I dub APPROACH 5. Thus, APPROACH 1 + APPROACH 5 seems like the best idea of all, distilling all the trade-offs into the the fastest yet close to simplest approach.
More uniform diagnostic logging: There is much diagnostic logging in the implementation (FLOW_ERROR*(), etc.), but some of it lacks useful info like sock or serv (i.e., the ostream representations of Peer_socket and Server_socket objects, which include the UDP/Flow endpoints involved in each socket). The messages that do include these have to do so explicitly. Provide some macros to automatically insert this info, then convert the code to use the macros in most places. Note that existing logging is rather exhaustive, so this is not the biggest of deals but would be nice for ease of coding (and detailed logging).
It may be desirable to use not boost.asio's out-of-the-box UDP receive routines but rather extensions capable of some advanced features, such as recvmsg() – which can obtain kernel receipt time stamps and destination IP address via the cmsg feature. This would tie into various other to-dos listed around here. There is, as of this writing, also a to-do in the top-level flow namespace doc header about bringing some code into a new io namespace/Flow module; this includes the aforementioned recvmsg() wrapper.
It may be desirable to further use recvmmsg() for UDP input; this allows to read multiple UDP datagrams with one call for performance.
By the same token, wrapping sendmsg() and sendmmsg() may allow for futher perf and feature improvements – in some ways potentially symmetrically to recvmsg() and recvmmsg() respectively. However, as of this writing, I (ygoldfel) see this more of an opportunistic "look into it" thing and not something of active value; whereas recv[m]msg() bring actual features we actively desire for practical reasons.
Send and Receive buffer max sizes: These are set to some constants right now. That's not optimal. There are two competing factors: throughput and RAM. If buffer is too small, throughput can suffer in practice, if the Receiver can't read the data fast enough (there are web pages that show this). Possibly with today's CPUs it's no longer true, but I don't know. If buffer is too large and with a lot of users, a LOT of RAM can be eaten up (however note that a server will likely be mostly sending, not receiving, therefore it may need smaller Receive buffers). Therefore, as in Linux 2.6.17+, the buffer sizes should be adaptively sized. It may be non-trivial to come up with a good heuristic, but we may be able to copy Linux. The basic idea would probably be to use some total RAM budget and divide it up among the # of sockets (itself a constant estimate, or adaptive based on the number of sockets at a given time?). Also, buffer size should be determined on the Receive side; the Send side should make its buffer to be of equal size. Until we implement some sensible buffer sizing, it might be a good idea (for demo purposes with few users) to keep the buffers quite large. However, flow control (receive window) is now implemented and should cope well with momentary Receive buffer exhaustion. Related facts found on the web: In Linux, since a long time ago, Send buffer size is determined by other side's Receive buffer size (probably sent over in the SYN or SYN-ACK as the receive window). Also, in older Linuxes, Receive buffer defaults to 128k but can be manually set. Supposedly the default can lead to low throughput in high-speed (gigabit+) situations. Thus Linux 2.6.17+ apparently made the Receive buffer size adaptive.
Drop Acknowledgments: DCCP, a somewhat similar UDP-based protocol, uses the concept of Data-Dropped acknowledgments. If a packet gets to the receiver, but the receiver is forced to drop it (for example, no Receive buffer space; not sure if there are other reasons in Flow protocol), then the sender will only find out about this by inferring the drop via Drop Timeout or getting acknowledgments for later data. That may take a while, and since receiver-side drops can be quite large, it would be more constructive for the receive to send an un-ACK of sorts: a Data-Dropped packet informing the sender that specific data were dropped. The sender can then update his congestion state (and retransmit if we enable that). See RFC 4340 and 4341.
Add extra-thread-safe convention for setting options: We can provide a thread-safe (against other user threads doing the same thing) macro to set a given option. set_options() has a documented, albeit in practice not usually truly problematic, thread safety flaw if one calls options(), modifies the result, then calls set_options(). Since another thread may modify the Node's options between the two calls, the latter call may unintentionally revert an option's value. Macro would take an option "name" (identifier for the Node_options member), a Node, and a target value for the option and would work together with a helper method template to obtain the necessary lock, make the assignment to the internal option, and give up the lock. The implementation would probably require Node to expose its internal stored Node_options for the benefit of this macro only. Anyway, this feature is not super-important, as long as the user is aware that modifying options from multiple threads simultaneously may result in incorrect settings being applied.
The preceding to-do regarding Node_options applies to Peer_socket_options stored in Peer_socket in in an analogous way.
Consider removing Flow ports and even Server_socket: As explained above, we add the concept of a large set of available Flow ports within each Node, and each Node itself has a UDP port all to itself. So, for example, I could bind a Node to UDP port 1010, and within that listen() on Flow ports 1010 (unrelated to UDP port 1010!) and 1011. In retrospect, though, is that complexity necessary? We could save quite a few lines of code, particularly in the implementation (class Port_space, for example) and the protocol (extra bytes for Flow source and target ports, for example). (They're fun and pretty lines, but the absence of lines is arguably even prettier albeit less fun. On the other hand, bugs aren't fun, and more code implies a higher probability of bugs, maintenance errors, etc.) The interface would also be a bit simpler; and not just due to fewer items in Remote_endpoint (which would in fact reduce to util::Udp_endpoint and cease to exist). Consider Server_socket; currently listen() takes a flow_port_t argument and returns a Server_socket which is listening; calling accept() (etc.) on the latter yields Peer_socket, as the other side connects. Without Flow ports, there is no argument to listen(); in fact, Server_socket itself is not strictly necessary and could be folded into Node, with listen() becoming essentially something that turns on the "are we listening?" Boolean state, while stop_listening() would turn it off (instead of something like Server_socket::close()). (Important note: That was not an endorsement of removing Server_socket. Arguably it is still a nice abstraction. Removing it would certainly remove some boiler-plate machinery to do with Server_socket's life cycle, on the other hand. Perhaps it's best to take a two-step appraoch; remove Flow ports first; then after a long time, assuming it becomes clear that nothing like them is going to come back, remove Server_socket as well.) A key question is, of course what would we lose? At first glance, Flow port allows multiple connections on a single UDP-port-taking Flow server, including multiple connections from one client (e.g., with differing connection parameters such as reliability levels among the different connections, or "channels")... but actually that'd still work without Flow ports, assuming the "one client's" multiple connections can bind to different (presumably ephemeral) UDP ports; since the tuple (source host, source UDP port) is still enough to distinguish from the 2+ "channels" of the same "client" connecting to the one Flow Node (vs. today's tuple: source host, source UDP port, source Flow port, destination Flow port; see struct Socket_id). However, without Flow ports, it is not possible for one Node to connect to another Node twice, as each Node by definition is on one port. Is this important? Maybe, maybe not; for NAT purposes it can be important to use only 1 port; but that typically applies only to the server, while the client can send packets from anywhere. However, gaming applications can be very demanding and for the most restrictive NAT types might desire only a single port used on both sides. So whether to remove Flow ports is somewhat questionable, now that they exist; but arguably they didn't need to be added in the first place, until they were truly needed. I'd probably leave them alone, since they do exist.
Multi-core/multi-threading: The existing implementation already has a nice multi-threaded property, namely that each Node (object that binds to a single UDP endpoint/port) is entirely independent of any other such object – they have entirely separate data, and each one does all its work on a separate thread. So to make use of multiple cores/processors, one can set up multiple Node objects. (Obviously this only makes sense for apps where using multiple ports is acceptable or even desired. E.g., a server could listen on N different UDP ports, where N=# of cores.) However, it would be nice for a single Node to be as multi-core/processor-friendly as possible. This is partially addressed by the "Dedicated thread to receive UDP datagrams ASAP" to-do item elsewhere. We could go further. boost.asio lets one easily go from 1 thread to multiple threads by simply starting more worker threads like W (W1, W2, ...) and executing m_task_engine::run() in each one – note that m_task_engine is shared (sans lock). Then subsequent handlers (timer-fired handlers, ack-received handlers, data-received handlers, and many more) would be assigned evenly to available threads currently executing run(). However, then all data these handlers access would need to be protected by a mutex or mutexes, which would be a significant increase in complexity and maintenance headaches compared to existing code, which features mutexes for data accessed both by W and the user thread(s) U – which excludes most Node, Server_socket, Peer_socket state – essentially the user-visible "state" enums, and the Receive and Send buffers; but hugely complex things like the scoreboards, etc. etc., needed no mutex protection, but with this change they would need it. Actually, if the implementation essentially uses one mutex M, and every handler locks it for the entirety of its execution, then one isn't really making use of multi-cores/etc. anyway. One could make use of boost.asio "strands" to avoid the need for the mutex – just wrap every handler in a shared strand S, and no locking is needed; boost.asio will never execute two handlers simultaneously in different threads. While this would arguably make the code simpler, but in terms of performance it wouldn't make any difference anyway, as it is functionally equivalent to the lock-M-around-every-operation solution (in fact, internally, it might even amount to exactly that anyway). So that's probably not worth it. We need to have more mutexes or strands, based on some other criterion/criteria. After a datagram is demuxed, vast majority of work is done on a particular socket independently of all others. Therefore we could add a mutex (or use an equivalent) into the socket object and then lock on that mutex. Multiple threads could then concurrently handle multiple sockets. However, for this to be used, one would have to use a single Node (UDP endpoint) with multiple sockets at the same time. Without any changes at all, one can get the same concurrency by instead setting up multiple Node objects. Other than a bit of lost syntactic sugar (arguably) – multiple Node objects needed, each one having to initialize with its own set of options, for example – this is particularly cost-free on the client side, as each Node can just use its own ephemeral UDP port. On the server side the network architecture has to allow for multiple non-ephemeral ports, and the client must know to (perhaps randomly) connect to one of N UDP ports/endpoints on the server, which is more restrictive than on the client. So perhaps there are some reasons to add the per-socket concurrency – but I would not put a high priority on it. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Long after the preceding text was written, flow::async Flow module was created containing flow::async::Concurrent_task_loop interface. That looks at the general problem of multi-tasking thread pools and what's the user-friendliest-yet-most-powerful way of doing it. While the preceding discussion in this to-do has been left unchanged, one must first familiarize self with flow::async; and then read the above, both because some of those older ideas might need reevaluation; and because some of those ideas may have been implemented by flow::async and are now available easily.
In Node::low_lvl_packet_sent(), the UDP async_send() handler, there is an inline to-do about specially treating the corner case of the would_block and try_again boost.asio errors being reported (a/k/a POSIX EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK). Please see that inline comment for details.
Class Node private section is very large. It's so large that the implementations of the methods therein are split up among different files such as flow_peer_socket.cpp, flow_event_set.cpp, flow_low_lvl_io.cpp, etc. Consider the following scheme to both better express this separation as well as enforce which of a given method group's method(s) are meant to be called by outside code vs. being helpers thereof: Introduce static-method-only inner classes (and, conceivably, even classes within those classes) to enforce this grouping (public methods and private methods enforcing what is a "public" helper vs. a helper's helper).
Make use of flow::async::Concurrent_task_loop or flow::async::Single_thread_task_loop, instead of manually setting up a thread and util::Task_engine, for m_worker. I, Yuri, wrote the constructor, worker_run(), destructor, and related setup/teardown code as my very first boost.asio activity ever. It's solid, but flow::async just makes it easier and more elegant to read/maintain; plus this would increase Flow-wide consistency. It would almost certainly reduce the number of methods and, even nicely, state (such as m_event_loop_ready).

Misc. topic: Doxygen markup within a Doxygen command

This section may seem random: Indeed, it is the meat of a similarly named ("Doxygen markup," etc.) subsection of the doc header on the very-general namespace flow. As noted in that subsection, this Node class is a more convenient place to explain this, because it is a large class with many examples available. Without further ado:

flow doc header discusses which items should be accompanied by Doxygen comment snippets. More specifically, each item is accompanied by a Doxygen "command". "@param param_name Explain parameter here.", for example, documents the parameter param_name with the text following that. (Some commands are implicit; namely without an explicit "@brief", the first sentence is the brief description of the class/function/whatever.)

However, all that doesn't talk about formatting the insides of paragraphs in these commands. Essentially we are saying just use English. However, Doxygen uses certain markup language conventions when interpreting those paragraphs. For example backticks will turn the thing inside the ticks into an inline code snippet, in fixed-width font. There are a few things to watch out for with this:

That said, I will now list all of the pieces of markup that are allowed within comments inside Flow code. Try not to add to this list without a very good reason. Simplicity is a virtue.

The most tricky yet powerful technique to learn here is the interplay between auto-linking and inline code snippets. Before discussing that in some detail, note the auto-linking which is allowed in this source code:

Now finally here are the guidelines about what to use: backticks, an auto-linked symbol, or both. Suppose there is some comment snippet X that you are considering how to format.

Definition at line 930 of file node.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Event_sets

using flow::net_flow::Node::Event_sets = boost::unordered_set<Event_set::Ptr>

A set of Event_set objects.

Definition at line 1453 of file node.hpp.

◆ Options_lock

Short-hand for lock that acquires exclusive access to an Options_mutex.

Definition at line 1436 of file node.hpp.

◆ Options_mutex

Short-hand for high-performance, non-reentrant, exclusive mutex used to lock m_opts.

Definition at line 1433 of file node.hpp.

◆ Port_to_server_map

A map from the local Flow port to the local Server_socket listening on that port.

Definition at line 1450 of file node.hpp.

◆ Signal_set

using flow::net_flow::Node::Signal_set = boost::asio::signal_set

Short-hand for a signal set.

Definition at line 1430 of file node.hpp.

◆ Socket_id_to_socket_map

A map from the connection ID (= remote-local socket pair) to the local Peer_socket that is the local portion of the connection.

Applies to peer-to-peer (not server) sockets.

Definition at line 1447 of file node.hpp.

◆ Timer_ptr

using flow::net_flow::Node::Timer_ptr = boost::shared_ptr<util::Timer>

boost.asio timer wrapped in a ref-counted pointer.

Definition at line 1427 of file node.hpp.

◆ Udp_socket

using flow::net_flow::Node::Udp_socket = boost::asio::ip::udp::socket

Short-hand for UDP socket.

Definition at line 1424 of file node.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Node()

flow::net_flow::Node::Node ( log::Logger logger,
const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_endpoint,
Net_env_simulator net_env_sim = 0,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Node_options opts = Node_options() 

Constructs Node.

Post-condition: Node ready for arbitrary use. (Internally this includes asynchronously waiting for any incoming UDP packets on the given endpoint.)

Does not block. After exiting this constructor, running() can be used to determine whether Node initialized or failed to do so; or one can get this from *err_code.

Potential shared use of Logger *logger

All logging, both in this thread (from which the constructor executes) and any potential internally spawned threads, by this Node and all objects created through it (directly or otherwise) will be through this Logger. *logger may have been used or not used for any purpose whatsoever prior to this constructor call. However, from now on, Node will assume that *logger will be in exclusive use by this Node and no other code until destruction. It is strongly recommended that all code refrains from further use of *logger until the destructor ~Node() exits. Otherwise, quality of this Node's logging (until destruction) may be lowered in undefined fashion except for the following formal guarantees: the output will not be corrupted from unsafe concurrent logging; and the current thread's nickname (for logging purposes only) will not be changed at any point. Less formally, interleaved or concurrent use of the same Logger might result in such things as formatters from Node log calls affecting output of your log calls or vice versa. Just don't, and it'll look good.

low_lvl_endpointThe UDP endpoint (IP address and UDP port) which will be used for receiving incoming and sending outgoing Flow traffic in this Node. E.g.: Udp_endpoint(Ip_address_v4::any(), 1234) // UDP port 1234 on all IPv4 interfaces.
loggerThe Logger implementation through which all logging from this Node will run. See notes on logger ownership above.
net_env_simNetwork environment simulator to use to simulate (fake) external network conditions inside the code, e.g., for testing. If 0, no such simulation will occur. Otherwise the code will add conditions such as loss and latency (in addition to any present naturally) and will take ownership of the the passed in pointer (meaning, we will delete as we see fit; and you must never do so from now on).
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING (Node failed to initialize), error::Code::S_OPTION_CHECK_FAILED.
optsThe low-level per-Node options to use. The default uses reasonable values that normally need not be changed. No reference to opts is saved; it is only copied. See also Node::set_options(), Node::options(), Node::listen(), Node::connect(), Peer_socket::set_options(), Peer_socket::options().

Definition at line 40 of file node.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_STR, m_event_loop_ready_result, m_worker, and options().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Node()

flow::net_flow::Node::~Node ( )

Destroys Node.

Closes all Peer_socket objects as if by sock->close_abruptly(). Then closes all Server_socket objects Then closes all Event_set objects as if by event_set->close().

Server_socket objects closed as if by what?

Frees all resources except the objects still shared by shared_ptr<>s returned to the Node user. All shared_ptr<> instances inside Node sharing the latter objects are, however, eliminated. Therefore any such object will be deleted the moment the user also eliminates all her shared_ptr<> instances sharing that same object; any object for which that is already the case is deleted immediately.

Does not block.

Note: as a corollary of the fact this acts as if {Peer|Server_}socket::close_abruptly() and Event_set::close(), in that order, were called, all event waits on the closed sockets (sync_send(), sync_receive(), sync_accept(), Event_set::sync_wait(), Event_set::async_wait()) will execute their on-event behavior (sync_send() return, sync_receive() return, sync_accept() return, sync_wait() return and invoke handler, respectively). Since Event_set::close() is executed soon after the sockets close, those Event_set objects are cleared. Therefore, the user on-event behavior handling may find that, despite a given event firing, the containing Event_set is empty; or they may win the race and see an Event_set with a bunch of S_CLOSED sockets. Either way, no work is possible on these sockets.

Rationale for previous paragraph: We want to wake up any threads or event loops waiting on these sockets, so they don't sit around while the underlying Node is long since destroyed. On the other hand, we want to free any resources we own (including socket handles inside Event_set). This solution satisfies both desires. It does add a bit of non-determinism (easily handled by the user: any socket in the Event_set, even if user wins the race, will be S_CLOSED anyway). However it introduces no actual thread safety problems (corruption, etc.).

Provide another method to shut down everything gracefully?

Definition at line 139 of file node.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, m_task_engine, and m_worker.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::accept ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of non-blocking serv->accept() for server socket serv in all cases except when serv->state() == Server_socket::State::S_CLOSED.


  • current thread is not W;
  • serv->m_mutex is locked and just after entering serv->accept();
  • no changes to *serv have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • serv->state() != Server_socket::State::S_CLOSED (so serv is in m_servs).

This method completes the functionality of serv->accept().

servServer socket, which must be in m_servs, on which Server_socket::accept() was called.
err_codeSee Server_socket::accept().
See Server_socket::accept().

Definition at line 297 of file server_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_CLOSING, and flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_LISTENING.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Server_socket::accept(), and flow::net_flow::Server_socket::sync_accept_impl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advance_seq_num() [1/2]

void flow::net_flow::Node::advance_seq_num ( Sequence_number seq_num,
boost::shared_ptr< const Data_packet data 

Assuming *seq_num points to the start of data.m_data, increments *seq_num to point to the datum just past data->m_data.

seq_numPointer to sequence number to increment.
dataDATA packet whose m_data to examine.

Definition at line 6361 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References advance_seq_num().

Referenced by advance_seq_num(), get_seq_num_range(), and send_worker().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advance_seq_num() [2/2]

void flow::net_flow::Node::advance_seq_num ( Sequence_number seq_num,
size_t  data_size 

Assuming *seq_num points to the start of some data of the given size, increments *seq_num to point to the datum just past that amount of data.

seq_numPointer to sequence number to increment.
data_sizeData size.

Definition at line 6373 of file peer_socket.cpp.

◆ async_acknowledge_packet()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_acknowledge_packet ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Sequence_number seq_num,
unsigned int  rexmit_id,
size_t  data_size 

Causes an acknowledgment of the given received packet to be included in a future Ack_packet sent to the other side.

That ACK low-level UDP packet is not sent in this handler, even if the low-level UDP socket is currently writable. The sending of this packet is performed asynchronously in the manner of boost::asio::post(io_context&).

Note that the Ack_packet may include other packets being acknowledged; and that ACK may be artificially delayed for reasons like the desire to accumulate more acknowledgments before sending ACK (to cut down on overhead).

sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED.
seq_numSequence number of first datum in the packet to be acknowledged.
rexmit_idWhich attempt are we acknowledging (0 = initial send, 1 = first retransmission, 2 = second retransmission, ...). Always 0 if retransmission is off.
data_sizeNumber of bytes in the user data in the packet to be acknowledged.

Definition at line 1566 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE.

◆ async_low_lvl_ack_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_low_lvl_ack_send ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Error_code sys_err_code = Error_code() 

Sends a low-level ACK packet, with all accumulated in Peer_socket::m_rcv_pending_acks of sock individual packet acknowledgments, to the other side's UDP endpoint.

If the pending acknowledgments don't fit into one ACK, more ACKs are generated and sent as necessary. If there is an error sending or preparing to send, sock is closed abruptly (close_connection_immediately()).

This may be called either directly or by boost.asio due to delayed ACK timer being triggered. If sock is not in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED, this does nothing except possibly logging.

sockSocket the remote side of which will get the RST. Method is basically a NOOP unless state is Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED.
sys_err_codeIf invoked via timer trigger, this is boost.asio's error code. If invoked directly, this should be set to the default (success). Value is handled as follows: assuming ESTABLISHED state: operation_aborted => NOOP; success or any other error => attempt to send ACK(s).

Definition at line 5771 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), FLOW_ERROR_SYS_ERROR_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), max_block_size(), flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, and sock_rcv_wnd().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl ( const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint,
Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr  packet,
bool  delayed_by_pacing,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Takes given low-level packet structure, serializes it, and initiates asynchronous send of these data to the remote Node specified by the given UDP endpoint.

The local and target ports are assumed to be already filled out in *packet. Once the send is possible (i.e., UDP net-stack is able to buffer it for sending; or there is an error), low_lvl_packet_sent() is called (asynchronously).

Takes ownership of packet; do not reference it in any way after this method returns.

This method exiting in no way indicates the send succeeded (indeed, the send cannot possibly initiate until this method exits).
low_lvl_remote_endpointUDP endpoint for the Node to which to send the packet.
packetPointer to packet structure with everything filled out as desired.
delayed_by_pacingtrue if there was a (pacing-related) delay between when higher-level code decided to send this packet and the execution of this method; false if there was not, meaning said higher-level code executed us immediately (synchronously), though not necessarily via a direct call (in fact that's unlikely; hence _impl in the name).
sockPeer_socket associated with this connection; null pointer if none is so associated. If not null, behavior undefined unless low_lvl_remote_endpoint == sock->remote_endpoint().m_udp_endpoint.

Definition at line 315 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_DATA, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, low_lvl_packet_sent(), flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_low_lvl_max_packet_size, m_low_lvl_sock, m_opts, mark_data_packet_sent(), and opt().

Referenced by async_no_sock_low_lvl_packet_send(), and async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_low_lvl_recv()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_low_lvl_recv ( )

Registers so that during the current or next m_task_engine.run(), the latter will wait for a receivable UDP packet and, when one is available, will call low_lvl_recv_and_handle().

Pre-condition: we are in thread W.

Definition at line 31 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References low_lvl_recv_and_handle(), and m_low_lvl_sock.

Referenced by low_lvl_recv_and_handle(), and worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_low_lvl_syn_ack_ack_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_low_lvl_syn_ack_ack_send ( const Peer_socket::Ptr sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_packet > &  syn_ack 

Helper to create, fully fill out, and asynchronously send via async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() a SYN_ACK_ACK packet.

Since rcv_wnd is advertised, Peer_socket::m_rcv_last_sent_rcv_wnd is updated for sock.

sockSee async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send().
syn_ackSYN_ACK to which the resulting SYN_ACK_ACK is the reply.

Definition at line 5756 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), and sock_rcv_wnd().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ async_no_sock_low_lvl_packet_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_no_sock_low_lvl_packet_send ( const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint,
Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr  packet 

async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl() wrapper to call when packet is to be sent to the remote side of the connection sock.

In particular, this records certain per-socket stats accordingly.

low_lvl_remote_endpointUDP endpoint for the Node to which to send the packet.
packetSee async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().

Definition at line 307 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().

Referenced by async_no_sock_low_lvl_rst_send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_no_sock_low_lvl_rst_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_no_sock_low_lvl_rst_send ( Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr  causing_packet,
const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint 

Sends an RST to the given UDP endpoint in response to the given incoming low-level packet that came from that endpoint, when there is no associated Peer_socket for that remote endpoint/local port combo.

An error is unlikely, but if it happens there is no reporting other than logging.

You should use this to reply with an RST in situations where no Peer_socket is applicable; for example if anything but a SYN or RST is sent to a server port. In situations where a Peer_socket is applicable (which is most of the time an RST is needed), use async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send().

causing_packetPacket we're responding to (used at least to set the source and destination Flow ports of the sent packet).
low_lvl_remote_endpointWhere causing_packet came from (the Node low-level endpoint).

Definition at line 580 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_no_sock_low_lvl_packet_send(), and flow::log::Log_context::get_logger().

Referenced by handle_incoming(), and handle_syn_to_listening_server().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_rcv_wnd_recovery()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_rcv_wnd_recovery ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
size_t  rcv_wnd 

receive_wnd_updated() helper that continues rcv_wnd recovery: that is, sends unsolicited ACK with a rcv_wnd advertisement only and schedules the next iteration of a timer to have this occur again, unless that timer is canceled due to too long a recovery phase or DATA packets arriving from the other side.

sockSee receive_wnd_updated().
rcv_wndThe rcv_wnd (free Receive buffer space) to advertise to the other side.

Definition at line 5321 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References async_rcv_wnd_recovery(), async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), m_task_engine, flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), flow::util::schedule_task_from_now(), and sock_rcv_wnd().

Referenced by async_rcv_wnd_recovery(), and receive_wnd_updated().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr &&  packet,
bool  delayed_by_pacing 

async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl() wrapper to call when packet is to be sent to the remote side of the connection sock.

In particular, this records certain per-socket stats accordingly.

sockSocket whose remote side to target when sending.
packetSee async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().
delayed_by_pacingSee async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().

Definition at line 301 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().

Referenced by async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), sock_pacing_new_packet_ready(), and sock_pacing_process_q().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced ( const Peer_socket::Ptr sock,
Low_lvl_packet::Ptr &&  packet 

Begins the process of asynchronously sending the given low-level packet to the remote Node specified by the given Peer_socket.

The method, if this feature is applicable and enabled, applies packet pacing (which attempts to avoid burstiness by spreading out packets without changing overall sending rate). Therefore the given packet may be sent as soon as a UDP send is possible according to OS (which is typically immediate), or later, if pacing delays it. Once it is time to send it, async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send() is used.

Takes ownership of packet; do not reference it in any way after this method returns.

Note that an error may occur in asynchronous operations triggered by this method; if this happens the socket will be closed via close_connection_immediately().

sockSocket whose remote_endpoint() specifies to what Node and what Flow port within that Node this socket will go.
packetPointer to packet structure with everything except the source, destination, and retransmission mode fields (essentially, the public members of Low_lvl_packet proper but not its derived types) filled out as desired.

Definition at line 599 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send(), and sock_pacing_new_packet_ready().

Referenced by async_low_lvl_ack_send(), async_low_lvl_syn_ack_ack_send(), async_rcv_wnd_recovery(), async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), and send_worker().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Sends an RST to the other side of the given socket asynchronously when possible.

An error is unlikely, but if it happens there is no reporting other than logging.

sockSocket the remote side of which will get the RST.

Definition at line 988 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), and flow::log::Log_context::get_logger().

Referenced by handle_incoming(), and rst_and_close_connection_immediately().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming()

void flow::net_flow::Node::async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming ( const Fine_duration latency,
util::Blob packet_data,
const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint 

Sets up handle_incoming(packet_data, low_lvl_remote_endpoint) to be called asynchronously after a specified period of time.

Used to simulate latency.

latencyAfter how long to call handle_incoming().
packet_dataSee handle_incoming_with_simulation().
low_lvl_remote_endpointSee handle_incoming_with_simulation().

Definition at line 249 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), handle_incoming(), m_task_engine, perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(), and flow::util::schedule_task_from_now().

Referenced by handle_incoming_with_simulation().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ can_send()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::can_send ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Answers the perennial question of congestion and flow control: assuming there is a DATA packet to send to the other side on the given socket, should we do so at this moment? Over a perfect link and with a perfect receiver, this would always return true, and we would always send every packet as soon as we could make it.

As it is, some congestion control algorithm is used here to determine if the link should be able to handle a packet, and rcv_wnd is used to determine if the receive would be able to buffer a packet if it did arrive.

sockSocket for which we answer the question.
true if should send; false if should wait until it becomes true and THEN send.

Definition at line 4963 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE.

Referenced by send_worker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cancel_timers()

void flow::net_flow::Node::cancel_timers ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Cancel any timers and scheduled tasks active in the given socket.

More precisely, causes for each handler scheduled to happen in the future to be called as soon as possible with error code operation_aborted. If, by the time the current handler has begun, the handler was about to be called due the timer triggering, this method will not be able to induce operation_aborted. Therefore the handler should be careful to check state and not rely on operation_aborted, despite this method.

Update: The caveats in previous paragraph do not apply to scheduled tasks (util::schedule_task_*()). Canceling such tasks (which this method also does) prevents their handlers from running.

sockSocket whose timers/scheduled tasks to abort.

Definition at line 4376 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), and flow::util::scheduled_task_cancel().

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), and handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ categorize_individual_ack()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::categorize_individual_ack ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Ack_packet::Individual_ack::Const_ptr  ack,
bool dupe_or_late,
Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter acked_pkt_it 

Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that categorizes the given accumulated individual acknowledgment w/r/t legality and validity; determines the DATA packet being acked if possible; logs and record stats accordingly; and closes underlying socket if ack is illegal.

In all cases, all relevant (to the categorization of the given ack) information is logged and stats are recorded.

Furthermore, if the ack is illegal, the socket is closed (while false is returned). Otherwise, true is returned, and *dupe_or_late is set to indicate whether the ack is valid or not. If valid, *acked_pkt_it is definitely set to indicate which DATA packet is being acked. If invalid, *acked_pkt_it may or may not be set, as that information may or may not be available any longer (example of it being available: the ack is for an earlier transmission attempt of packet P, but packet P is currently In-flight due to a subsequent retransmission attempt).

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket.
ackIndividual acknowledgment being categorized.
dupe_or_lateSet to false if ack refers to currently In-flight instance of a packet; true if no longer In-flight (late = considered Dropped laready; duplicate = was acked before); untouched if false returned.
acked_pkt_itSet to point into Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when that is being acked if !*dupe_or_late, or if *dupe_or_late but the acked packet is still known; set to end() a/k/a past_oldest() otherwise; untouched if false returned.
false if and only if the ack is sufficiently invalid to have made this method close the socket.

Definition at line 2501 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::util::in_open_open_range(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_packet, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_sent_when, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::rexmit_on(), flow::net_flow::error::S_SEQ_NUM_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE, and flow::net_flow::error::S_SEQ_NUM_IMPLIES_CONNECTION_COLLISION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks()

Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter flow::net_flow::Node::categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const boost::unordered_set< Peer_socket::order_num_t > &  flying_now_acked_pkts 

Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that determines the range of In-flight packets that should be Dropped due to given individual acks that have just been processed; and updates the relevant m_acks_after_me members in the socket.

Logging is minimal, and no stats are recorded. However, see associated drop_pkts_on_acks() method.

Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_acks_after_me data members, as documented, are incremented where relevant based on the just-processed acks in flying_now_acked_pkts.

Finally, the following In-flight packets must be considered Dropped due to acks:

  • The packet referred to by the returned iterator into Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when.
  • All packets contained in the same structure appearing later in it (i.e., sent out earlier), up to past_oldest() (a/k/a end()).

Note that this method does not actually perform the various tasks: it only updates m_acks_after_me and computes/returns the start of the to-be-Dropped range. See drop_pkts_on_acks() for the actual dropping.

sockPeer socket.
flying_now_acked_pktsThe individual DATA packet send attempts acks of which have just been processed. The Peer_socket::Sent_packet (and within it, the Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when) with the order ID P, where P is in flying_now_acked_pkts, must be in Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when.
Iterator into sock->m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when indicating the latest-sent packet that should be Dropped due to acks; past_oldest() a/k/a end() if none should be so Dropped.

Definition at line 2892 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE_WITHOUT_CHECKING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_acks_after_me, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_order_num, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_sent_when, and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ close_abruptly()

void flow::net_flow::Node::close_abruptly ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of non-blocking sock->close_abruptly() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == State::S_CLOSED.

See Peer_socket::close_abruptly() doc header; this method is the entirety of that method's implementation after CLOSED is eliminated as a possibility.


  • current thread is not W;
  • sock->m_mutex is locked and just after entering sock->close_abruptly();
  • no changes to *sock have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • sock->state() == Stated::S_OPEN (so sock is in m_socks);
  • sock has been given to user via accept() or connect() or friends.

Post-condition (not exhaustive): sock->m_mutex is unlocked.

sockSocket in OPEN state.
err_codeSee Peer_socket::close_abruptly().

Definition at line 5532 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), m_task_engine, rst_and_close_connection_immediately(), running(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, flow::net_flow::error::S_USER_CLOSED_ABRUPTLY, and socket_id().

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::close_abruptly().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ close_connection_immediately()

void flow::net_flow::Node::close_connection_immediately ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Error_code err_code,
bool  defer_delta_check 

A thread W method that handles the transition of the given socket from OPEN (any sub-state) to CLOSED (including eliminating the given Peer_socket from our data structures).

For example, if an invalid packet comes in on the socket, and we send back an RST, then we're free to then close our side immediately, as no further communication (with the other side or the local user) is needed. As another example, if we there is a graceful close while Receive buffer has data, user must Receive all of it, and the final handshake must finish, and then this is called.

Graceful close not yet implemented w/r/t close_connection_immediately().

Pre-condition: if err_code is failure: sock is in m_socks; sock->state() == S_OPEN (and any sock->m_int_state that corresponds to it); err_code contains the reason for the close.

Pre-condition: if err_code is success: sock is in m_socks; sock state is OPEN+DISCONNECTING; m_int_state is CLOSED; Send and Receive buffers are empty; m_disconnect_cause is not success.

Post-condition: sock Receive and Send buffers are empty; sock->state() == S_CLOSED (and sock is no longer in m_socks or any other Node structures, directly or indirectly) with sock->m_disconnect_cause set to reason for closing. Other decently memory-consuming structures are also cleared to conserve memory.

Any socket that is in m_socks MUST be eventually closed using this method. No socket that is not in m_socks must be passed to this method. In particular, do not call this method during connect() or handle_syn_to_listening_server().

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockSocket to close.
err_codeIf this is not success, then it is an abrupt close, and this is why sock is being abruptly closed. m_disconnect_cause is set accordingly and logged. If err_code is failure, then: sock is OPEN+DISCONNECTING (graceful close), and all criteria required for it to move so CLOSED are satisfied: internal state is CLOSED (goodbye handshake finished), and Receive and Send buffers are empty; m_disconnect_cause is already set.
defer_delta_checkSame meaning as in event_set_all_check_delta().

Definition at line 5600 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References cancel_timers(), event_set_all_check_delta(), FLOW_ERROR_LOG_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::util::Linked_hash_map< Key, Mapped, Hash, Pred >::insert(), m_ports, m_servs, m_sock_events, m_socks, flow::net_flow::Port_space::return_port(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_PEER_SOCKET_READABLE, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_PEER_SOCKET_WRITABLE, serv_peer_socket_closed(), sock_disconnect_completed(), sock_disconnect_detected(), sock_load_info_struct(), sock_log_detail(), sock_set_int_state(), and socket_id().

Referenced by handle_incoming(), receive_emptied_rcv_buf_while_disconnecting(), rst_and_close_connection_immediately(), and worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ close_empty_server_immediately()

void flow::net_flow::Node::close_empty_server_immediately ( const flow_port_t  local_port,
Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
const Error_code err_code,
bool  defer_delta_check 

Handles the transition of the given server socket from S_LISTENING/S_CLOSING to S_CLOSED (including eliminating the given Peer_socket from our data structures).

Pre-condition: there is no socket sock such that sock->m_originating_serv == serv; i.e., there are no sockets having to do with this server that have not yet been accept()ed.

Pre-condition: serv is in m_servs; serv->state() != S_OPEN.

Post-condition: serv->state() == Server_socket::State::S_CLOSED (and serv is no longer in m_servs or any other Node structures, directly or indirectly) with serv->m_disconnect_cause set to err_code (or see below).

Any server socket that is in m_servs MUST be eventually closed using this method. No socket that is not in m_servs must be passed to this method. In particular, do not call this method during listen().

local_portFlow port of the server to delete.
servSocket to close.
err_codeWhy is it being closed? Server_socket::m_disconnect_cause is set accordingly and logged.
defer_delta_checkSame meaning as in event_set_all_check_delta().

Definition at line 361 of file server_socket.cpp.

References event_set_all_check_delta(), FLOW_ERROR_LOG_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_INFO, m_ports, m_servs, m_sock_events, flow::net_flow::Port_space::return_port(), flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_SERVER_SOCKET_ACCEPTABLE, and serv_close_detected().

Referenced by worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compute_rtt_on_ack()

Fine_duration flow::net_flow::Node::compute_rtt_on_ack ( Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Const_ptr  flying_pkt,
const Fine_time_pt time_now,
Ack_packet::Individual_ack::Const_ptr  ack,
const Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when **  sent_when 
) const

Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that computes the RTT implied by a given individual acknowledgment.

In addition to returning the RTT, note the convenience out-param.

flying_pktThe In-flight DATA packet to which the ack pertains.
time_nowThe current time to use for the RTT computation (not using value within to allow for caller to simulate simultaneity between nearby RTT computations).
ackIndividual acknowledgment being categorized.
sent_whenThis out-param is set to point within Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when's Sent_when structure pertaining to the DATA packet send attempt to which ack refers.
The RTT. May be zero.

Definition at line 2826 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_order_num.

◆ connect()

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::connect ( const Remote_endpoint to,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options opts = 0 

Initiates an active connect to the specified remote Flow server.

Returns a safe pointer to a new Peer_socket. The socket's state will be some substate of S_OPEN at least initially. The connection operation, involving network traffic, will be performed asynchronously.

One can treat the resulting socket as already connected; its Writable and Readable status can be determined; once Readable or Writable one can receive or send, respectively.

Port selection: An available local Flow port will be chosen and will be available for information purposes via sock->local_port(), where sock is the returned socket. The port will be in the range [Node::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT, Node::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT + Node::S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS - 1]. Note that there is no overlap between that range and the range [Node::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT, Node::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT + Node::S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS - 1].

toThe remote Flow port to which to connect.
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_OUT_OF_PORTS, error::Code::S_INTERNAL_ERROR_PORT_COLLISION, error::Code::S_OPTION_CHECK_FAILED.
optsThe low-level per-Peer_socket options to use in the new socket. If null (typical), the per-socket options template in Node::options() is used. If not null, the given per-socket options are first validated and, if valid, used. If invalid, it is an error. See also Peer_socket::set_options(), Peer_socket::options().
Shared pointer to Peer_socket, which is in the S_OPEN main state; or null pointer, indicating an error.

Definition at line 3900 of file peer_socket.cpp.

◆ connect_with_metadata()

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::connect_with_metadata ( const Remote_endpoint to,
const boost::asio::const_buffer &  serialized_metadata,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options opts = 0 

Same as connect() but sends, as part of the connection handshake, the user-supplied metadata, which the other side can access via Peer_socket::get_connect_metadata() after accepting the connection.

It is up to the user to serialize the metadata portably. One recommended convention is to use boost::endian::native_to_little() (and similar) before connecting; and on the other side use the reverse (boost::endian::little_to_native()) before using the value. Packet dumps will show a flipped (little-endian) representation, while with most platforms the conversion will be a no-op at compile time. Alternatively use native_to_big() and vice-versa.
Why provide this metadata facility? After all, they could just send the data upon connection via send()/receive()/etc. Answers: Firstly, this is guaranteed to be delivered (assuming successful connection), even if reliability (such as via retransmission) is disabled in socket options (opts argument). For example, if a reliability mechanism (such as FEC) is built on top of the Flow layer, parameters having to do with configuring that reliability mechanism can be bootstrapped reliably using this mechanism. Secondly, it can be quite convenient (albeit not irreplaceably so) for connection-authenticating techniques like security tokens known by both sides.
toSee connect().
serialized_metadataData copied and sent to the other side during the connection establishment. The other side can get equal data using Peer_socket::get_connect_metadata(). The returned socket sock also stores it; it's similarly accessible via sock->get_connect_metadata() on this side. The metadata must fit into a single low-level packet; otherwise error::Code::S_CONN_METADATA_TOO_LARGE error is returned.
err_codeSee connect(). Added error: error::Code::S_CONN_METADATA_TOO_LARGE.
optsSee connect().
See connect().

Definition at line 3907 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::max_block_size(), flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_METADATA_TOO_LARGE, and flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::asio::Node::async_connect_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ connect_worker()

void flow::net_flow::Node::connect_worker ( const Remote_endpoint to,
const boost::asio::const_buffer &  serialized_metadata,
const Peer_socket_options opts,
Peer_socket::Ptr sock 

Thread W implementation of connect().

Performs all the needed work up to waiting for network traffic, gives the resulting Peer_socket to the user thread, and signals that user thread.

Pre-condition: We're in thread W; thread U != W is waiting for us to return having set *sock. Post-condition: *sock contains a Peer_socket::Ptr in an OPEN+CONNECTING state if !(Peer_socket::m_disconnect_cause) for *sock; otherwise an error occurred, and that error is Peer_socket::m_disconnect_cause (in *sock).

toSee connect().
serialized_metadataSerialized metadata to provide to the peer when the connection is being established.
optsSee connect().
sock*sock shall be set to the resulting new Peer_socket. Check (*sock)->m_disconnect_cause.

Definition at line 3957 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Congestion_control_selector::create_strategy(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::util::key_exists(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::m_opts, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::m_opts_mutex, flow::net_flow::Remote_endpoint::m_udp_endpoint, flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), flow::net_flow::error::S_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_IP_ANY, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTING, flow::net_flow::error::S_INTERNAL_ERROR_PORT_COLLISION, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, flow::net_flow::S_PORT_ANY, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_SENT, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Send_bandwidth_estimator, flow::net_flow::Sequence_number::set_metadata(), and socket_id().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create_syn()

Syn_packet::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::create_syn ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock)

Helper that creates a new SYN packet object to the extent that is suitable for immediately passing to async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced().

sock members that reflect any data in Syn_packet must already be saved and are not used as the source for such data.

sockSee async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send().
Pointer to new packet object suitable for async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() without having to fill any further data members in the object.

Definition at line 5728 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::log::Log_context::get_logger().

Referenced by handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_syn_ack()

Syn_ack_packet::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::create_syn_ack ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock)

Like create_syn() but for SYN_ACK.

sockSee create_syn().
See create_syn().

Definition at line 5743 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::log::Log_context::get_logger().

Referenced by handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event(), and handle_syn_to_listening_server().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drop_pkts_on_acks()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::drop_pkts_on_acks ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter last_dropped_pkt_it,
size_t *  cong_ctl_dropped_pkts,
size_t *  cong_ctl_dropped_bytes,
size_t *  dropped_pkts,
size_t *  dropped_bytes,
std::vector< Peer_socket::order_num_t > *  pkts_marked_to_drop 

Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that acts on the determination made by categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks().

In all cases, all relevant (to the categorization of the In-flight packets as Dropped) information is logged and stats are recorded.

This acts, or gathers information necessary to act, on the determination by categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks() that a certain range of In-flight packets should be Dropped due to excess acks of packets sent before them. Namely:

  • *cong_ctl_dropped_... are set to the values to report congestion control as part of a new loss event.
  • *dropped_... are set to values that indicate totals w/r/t the packets Dropped (regardless of whether it's a new or existing loss event).
  • *pkts_marked_to_drop are loaded with the Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_order_num order IDs specifying the Dropped packets.
  • sock members m_snd_flying_pkts* and related are updated, meaning the newly Dropped packets are removed.
  • On the other hand, if retransmission is on, Peer_socket::m_snd_rexmit_q is pushed onto, gaining the just-Dropped packets to retransmit.
  • true is returned.

However, if it is determined that a retransmission placed onto sock->m_snd_rexmit_q would indicate one retransmission too many, the socket is closed, and false is returned.

sockPeer socket.
last_dropped_pkt_itReturn value of of categorize_pkts_as_dropped_on_acks().
cong_ctl_dropped_pktsWill be set to total # of packets marked as Dropped to report to congestion control as part of a loss event (<= *dropped_pkts).
cong_ctl_dropped_bytesTotal data size corresponding to cong_ctl_dropped_pkts (<= *dropped_bytes)).
dropped_pktsWill be set to total # of packets marked as Dropped by this method.
dropped_bytesTotal data size corresponding to dropped_pkts.
pkts_marked_to_dropWill be filled with packet IDs (sock->m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when[...]->m_sent_when->m_order_num) of the packets marked dropped by this method. Results undefined unless empty at method start.
true normally; false if too many retransmissions detected, and thus sock was closed.

Definition at line 3058 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_order_num, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_sent_time, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::rexmit_on().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ drop_timer_action()

void flow::net_flow::Node::drop_timer_action ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
bool  drop_all_packets 

Handles a Drop_timer (Peer_socket::m_snd_drop_timer) event in ESTABLISHED state by dropping the specified packets.

To be executed as a Drop_timer callback.

sockPeer socket is Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED with at least one In-flight sent packet.
drop_all_packetsIf true, will consider all packets Dropped. If false, will consider only the earliest In-flight packet dropped.

Definition at line 3273 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::rexmit_on(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED.

Referenced by setup_drop_timer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ensure_sock_open()

template<typename Socket_ptr >
bool flow::net_flow::Node::ensure_sock_open ( Socket_ptr  sock,
Error_code err_code 

Helper method that checks whether the given Peer_socket or Server_socket is CLOSED; if so, it sets *err_code to the reason it was closed (which is in sock->m_disconnect) and returns false; otherwise it returns true and leaves *err_code untouched.

This exists to improve code reuse, as this is a frequent operation for both socket types.

Pre- and post-conditions: sock->m_mutex is locked.

Template Parameters
Socket_ptrPeer_socket::Ptr or Server_socket::Ptr.
sockThe socket in question.
err_code*err_code is set to sock->m_disconnect_cause if socket is closed.
true if state is not CLOSED; otherwise false.

Definition at line 4099 of file node.hpp.


Referenced by flow::net_flow::Server_socket::accept(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::close_abruptly(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::ensure_open(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::info(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_receive(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_send(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_sync_receive(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_sync_send(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::set_options(), and flow::net_flow::Server_socket::sync_accept_impl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_all_check_delta()

void flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_all_check_delta ( bool  defer_delta_check)

For each WAITING Event_set within the Node: checks for any events that hold, and if any do hold, signals the user (calls handler, goes to INACTIVE, etc.).

The logic for how it does so is complex. For background, please see Event_set::async_wait() giant internal comment first. Then read on here.

For each WAITING Event_set: If baseline check (event_set_check_baseline()) is still required and hasn't been performed, perform it. Otherwise, for efficiency perform a "delta" check, wherein EVERY active (for all definitions of active: Readable, Writable, Acceptable) socket detected since the last baseline check is checked against the desired event/socket pairs in the Event_set. Any socket in both sets (active + desired) is saved in event_set->m_can. If either the baseline or delta check yields at least one active event, signal user (call handler, go INACTIVE, etc.).

For the delta check just described, how does it know which sockets have been active since the last check? Answer: Node::m_sock_events members (NOTE: not the same as Event_set::m_can, though they are related). See m_sock_events doc header for details.

defer_delta_checkSet to true if and only if you know, for a FACT, that within a non-blocking amount of time event_set_all_check_delta(false) will be called. For example, you may know event_set_all_check_delta(false) will be called within the present boost.asio handler. Then this method will only log and not perform the actual check, deferring to the promised event_set_all_check_delta(false) call, by which point more events may have been detected in m_sock_events.

Definition at line 1127 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Event_set::clear_ev_type_to_socks_map(), flow::util::Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred >::empty(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::ev_type_to_socks_map_entry_is_empty(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::ev_type_to_socks_map_sizes_to_str(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::util::Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred >::insert(), flow::util::key_exists(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING, flow::util::Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred >::size(), and flow::net_flow::Event_set::sock_as_any_to_str().

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), close_empty_server_immediately(), handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(), and send_worker().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_async_wait()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_async_wait ( Event_set::Ptr  event_set,
const Event_set::Event_handler on_event,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of Event_set::async_wait() when Event_set::state() == Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE.


  • current thread is not W;
  • event_set->m_mutex is locked and just after entering async_wait();
  • no changes to *event_set have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • event_set->state() == Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE (so event_set is in m_event_sets);
  • on_event is as originally passed into async_wait().

This method completes the functionality of event_set->async_wait().

event_setEvent_set in question.
on_eventSee Event_set::async_wait().
err_codeSee Event_set::async_wait().
See Event_set::async_wait().

Definition at line 915 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Event_set::clear_ev_type_to_socks_map(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_INACTIVE, flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Event_set::async_wait().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_check_baseline()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_check_baseline ( Event_set::Ptr  event_set)

Checks each desired (Event_set::m_want) event in event_set; any that holds true is saved into event_set (Event_set::m_can).

This is the exhaustive, or "baseline," check. This should only be performed when necessary, as it is typically slower than checking individual active sockets against the Event_set ("delta" check).

This check is skipped if Event_set::m_baseline_check_pending == false (for event_set).

See Event_set::async_wait() giant internal comment for context on all of the above.

Pre-conditions: event_set state is Event_set::State::S_WAITING; event_set->m_mutex is locked.

This method, unlike most, is intended to be called from either W or U != W. All actions it takes are on non-W-exclusive data (namely, actions on: event_set; and non-W-exclusive data in Peer_socket and Server_socket, namely their state() and Receive/Send/Accept structures).

event_setEvent_set in question.
true if and only if the check was performed; false returned if !event_set->m_baseline_check_pending.

Definition at line 1015 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::util::Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred >::empty(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::util::Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred >::insert(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_EV_TYPE_TO_IS_ACTIVE_NODE_MTD, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::sock_as_any_to_str().

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Event_set::poll().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_check_baseline_assuming_state()

void flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_check_baseline_assuming_state ( Event_set::Ptr  event_set)

Helper placed by event_set_async_wait() onto thread W to invoke event_set_check_baseline() but first ensure that the Event_set event_set has not exited Event_set::State::S_WAITING (which would make any checking for active events nonsense).

If it has exited that state, does nothing. (That situation is possible due to concurrently deleting the overarching Node (IIRC) and maybe other similar races.)

event_setEvent_set in question.

Definition at line 987 of file event_set.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING.

◆ event_set_close()

void flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_close ( Event_set::Ptr  event_set,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of Event_set::close() when Event_set::state() != Event_set::State::S_CLOSED for event_set.


  • current thread is not W;
  • event_set->m_mutex is locked and just after entering async_wait();
  • no changes to *event_set have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • event_set->state() != Event_set::State::S_CLOSED (so event_set is in m_event_sets).

This method completes the functionality of event_set->close().

event_setEvent_set in question.
err_codeSee Event_set::close().

Definition at line 1271 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::error::S_EVENT_SET_CLOSED, and flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Event_set::close().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_close_worker()

void flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_close_worker ( Event_set::Ptr  event_set)

The guts of event_set_close_worker_check_state(): same thing, but assumes Event_set::state() == Event_set::State::S_CLOSED, and Event_set::m_mutex is locked (for event_set).

May be called directly from thread W assuming those pre-conditions holds.

event_setEvent_set in question.

Definition at line 1330 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Event_set::clear_ev_type_to_socks_map(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_INACTIVE, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING.

Referenced by worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_create()

Event_set::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_create ( Error_code err_code = 0)

Creates a new Event_set in Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE state with no sockets/events stored; returns this Event_set.

err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.
Shared pointer to Event_set; or null pointer, indicating an error.

Definition at line 879 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::Event_set(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_INACTIVE, and flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::asio::Node::async_op(), and sync_op().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ event_set_fire_if_got_events()

void flow::net_flow::Node::event_set_fire_if_got_events ( Event_set::Ptr  event_set)

Check whether given Event_set contains any active sockets (Event_set::m_can); if so, signals the user (who previously called async_wait() to set all this in motion): set state back to Event_set::State::S_INACTIVE from Event_set::State::S_WAITING; calls the handler passed to async_wait(); forgets handler.

If no active sockets, does nothing.

Pre-conditions: same as event_set_check_baseline().

event_setEvent_set in question.

Definition at line 1082 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Event_set::ev_type_to_socks_map_entry_is_empty(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_INACTIVE, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_seq_num_range()

template<typename Packet_map_iter >
void flow::net_flow::Node::get_seq_num_range ( const Packet_map_iter &  packet_it,
Sequence_number seq_num_start,
Sequence_number seq_num_end 

Given an iterator into a Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_by_sent_when_map or Peer_socket::Recv_pkt_map, gets the range of sequence numbers in the packet represented thereby.

Template Parameters
Packet_map_iterIterator type (const or otherwise) into one of the above-mentioned maps.
packet_itA valid, non-end() iterator into such a map.
seq_num_startIf 0, ignored; otherwise the sequence number of the first datum in that packet is placed there.
seq_num_endIf 0, ignored; otherwise the sequence number just past the last datum in that packet is placed there.

Definition at line 6384 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References advance_seq_num().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_accumulated_acks()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_accumulated_acks ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that handles any incoming acknowledgments and rcv_wnd updates accumulated during the currently running receive handler.

Pre-conditions: executed from perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(); Peer_socket::m_rcv_acked_packets and Peer_socket::m_snd_pending_rcv_wnd (in sock) have been set; sock is in m_socks_with_accumulated_acks.

If sock is not in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED, method does nothing except possibly log.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket.

Definition at line 2017 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_order_num, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when::m_sent_cwnd_bytes, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::rexmit_on(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, and flow::util::setup_auto_cleanup().

Referenced by perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_accumulated_pending_acks()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_accumulated_pending_acks ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Helper of perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() that handles any additional individual outgoing acknowledgments accumulated during the currently running receive handler.

Pre-conditions: executed from perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(); !(Peer_socket::m_rcv_pending_acks).empty() for sock; Peer_socket::m_rcv_pending_acks_size_at_recv_handler_start (for sock) has been set; sock is in m_socks_with_accumulated_pending_acks.

If state is not Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED, method does nothing except possibly log.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket.

Definition at line 1629 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED.

Referenced by perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_ack_to_established()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_ack_to_established ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Ack_packet ack 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, low-level ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED state.

This will hopefully update internal data structures and inform congestion control (or queue that to be done by the end of the current receive handler, low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming().

sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED.
ackDeserialized immutable ACK.

Definition at line 1946 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE.

Referenced by handle_incoming().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Handles the triggering of the retransmit timer wait set up by setup_connection_timers(); it will re-send the SYN or SYN_ACK.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket.

Definition at line 4336 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), create_syn(), create_syn_ack(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_SENT, setup_connection_timers(), sock_rcv_wnd(), and socket_id().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handle_data_to_established()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_data_to_established ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet packet,
bool  syn_rcvd_qd_packet 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, low-level DATA packet delivered to the given peer socket in S_ESTABLISHED state.

This will hopefully reply with ACK and deliver the data to the Receive buffer, where the user can receive() them.

Also similarly handles packets received and queued earlier while in S_SYN_RCVD state.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED internal state.
packetDeserialized DATA packet. (For performance when moving data to Receive buffer, this is modifiable.)
syn_rcvd_qd_packetIf true, this packet was saved during Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD by handle_data_to_syn_rcvd() and is being handled now that socket is Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED. If false, this packet was received normally during S_ESTABLISHED state.

Definition at line 545 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::util::buffers_dump_string(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::error_data_packet(), FLOW_LOG_DATA, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_to_send_ack_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::late_or_dupe_data_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::late_or_dupe_to_send_ack_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::rexmit_on(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::total_data_packet().

Referenced by handle_incoming(), and handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_data_to_syn_rcvd()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_data_to_syn_rcvd ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet packet 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, low-level DATA packet delivered to the given peer socket in SYN_RCVD state.

This is legitimate under loss and re-ordering conditions. This will hopefully save the packet for later handling once we have entered ESTABLISHED state.

sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD.
packetDeserialized packet of type DATA. (For performance when moving data to Receive buffer, this is modifiable.)

Definition at line 686 of file server_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WITH_CHECKING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, flow::log::S_INFO, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Referenced by handle_incoming().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_incoming()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_incoming ( util::Blob packet_data,
const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint 

Handles a just-received, not-yet-deserialized low-level packet.

A rather important method....

packet_dataPacket to deserialize and handle. Upon return, the state of *packet_data is not known; and caller retains ownership of it (e.g., can read another datagram into it if desired).
low_lvl_remote_endpointFrom where the packet came.

Definition at line 426 of file node.cpp.

References async_no_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), close_connection_immediately(), flow::net_flow::Low_lvl_packet::create_from_raw_data_packet(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), handle_ack_to_established(), handle_data_to_established(), handle_data_to_syn_rcvd(), handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), handle_syn_ack_to_established(), handle_syn_ack_to_syn_sent(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_guarantee_one_low_lvl_in_buf_per_socket, m_opts, m_servs, m_socks, max_block_size(), opt(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_REFUSED, flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_RESET_BAD_PEER_BEHAVIOR, flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_RESET_BY_OTHER_SIDE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_LISTENING, flow::net_flow::S_PORT_ANY, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_SENT, and socket_id().

Referenced by async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming(), and handle_incoming_with_simulation().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_incoming_with_simulation()

unsigned int flow::net_flow::Node::handle_incoming_with_simulation ( util::Blob packet_data,
const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint,
bool  is_sim_duplicate_packet = false 

Helper for low_lvl_recv_and_handle() that calls handle_incoming() on the not-yet-deserialized low-level packet just read off the UDP socket, but first handles simulation of various network conditions like latency, loss, and duplication.

Pre-condition is that a UDP receive just successfully got the data, or that a simulation thereof occurred.

packet_dataSee handle_incoming(). Note that, despite this method possibly acting asynchronously (e.g., if simulating latency), *packet_data ownership is retained by the immediate caller. Caller must not assume anything about its contents upon return and is free to do anything else to it (e.g., read another datagram into it).
low_lvl_remote_endpointSee handle_incoming().
is_sim_duplicate_packetfalse if packet_data contains data actually just read from UDP socket. true if packet_data contains data placed there as a simulated duplicate packet. The latter is used to prevent that simulated duplicated packet from itself getting duplicated or dropped.
The number of times handle_incoming() was called within this call (before this call returned); i.e., the number of packets (e.g., packet and/or its duplicate) handled immediately as opposed to dropped or scheduled to be handled later.

Definition at line 181 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), handle_incoming(), handle_incoming_with_simulation(), and m_net_env_sim.

Referenced by handle_incoming_with_simulation(), and low_lvl_recv_and_handle().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_ack_packet syn_ack_ack 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed low-level SYN_ACK_ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD state.

So it will hopefully finish up establishing connection on our side.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD.
syn_ack_ackDeserialized immutable SYN_ACK_ACK.

Definition at line 568 of file server_socket.cpp.

References cancel_timers(), event_set_all_check_delta(), FLOW_LOG_DATA_WITHOUT_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_TRACE_WITHOUT_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), handle_data_to_established(), m_sock_events, rst_and_close_connection_immediately(), flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_RESET_BAD_PEER_BEHAVIOR, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTED, flow::log::S_DATA, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_SERVER_SOCKET_ACCEPTABLE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, flow::log::S_TRACE, serv_peer_socket_acceptable(), setup_drop_timer(), sock_set_int_state(), sock_set_state(), and socket_id().

Referenced by handle_incoming().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_syn_ack_to_established()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_syn_ack_to_established ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_packet syn_ack 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed, duplicate (equal to already-received SYN_ACK) low-level SYN_ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in S_ESTABLISHED state.

This will hopefully reply with SYN_ACK_ACK again. Reasoning for this behavior is given in handle_incoming() at the call to this method.

sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED internal state with sock->m_active_connect.
syn_ackDeserialized immutable SYN_ACK.

Definition at line 524 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED.

Referenced by handle_incoming().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_syn_ack_to_syn_sent()

void flow::net_flow::Node::handle_syn_ack_to_syn_sent ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_ack_packet syn_ack 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed low-level SYN_ACK packet delivered to the given peer socket in S_SYN_SENT state.

So it will hopefully send back a SYN_ACK_ACK, etc.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_SENT internal state.
syn_ackDeserialized immutable SYN_ACK.

Definition at line 464 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_PEER_SOCKET_WRITABLE.

Referenced by handle_incoming().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handle_syn_to_listening_server()

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::handle_syn_to_listening_server ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
boost::shared_ptr< const Syn_packet syn,
const util::Udp_endpoint low_lvl_remote_endpoint 

Handles a just-deserialized, just-demultiplexed low-level SYN packet delivered to the given server socket.

So it will hopefully create a m_socks entry, send back a SYN_ACK, etc.

servServer socket in LISTENING state to which this SYN was demuxed.
synDeserialized immutable SYN.
low_lvl_remote_endpointThe remote Node address.
New socket placed into Node socket table; or Ptr() on error, wherein no socket was saved.

Definition at line 430 of file server_socket.cpp.

References async_no_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::const_ptr_cast(), flow::net_flow::Congestion_control_selector::create_strategy(), create_syn_ack(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::net_flow::Sequence_number::Generator::generate_init_seq_num(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::util::key_exists(), flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_sock_opts, m_opts, m_opts_mutex, m_rnd_security_tokens, m_seq_num_generator, m_socks, flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, serv_peer_socket_init(), flow::net_flow::Sequence_number::set_metadata(), setup_connection_timers(), sock_create(), sock_rcv_wnd(), sock_set_int_state(), sock_set_state(), and socket_id().

Referenced by handle_incoming().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interrupt_all_waits()

void flow::net_flow::Node::interrupt_all_waits ( Error_code err_code = 0)

Interrupts any blocking operation, a/k/a wait, and informs the invoker of that operation that the blocking operation's outcome was being interrupted.

Conceptually, this causes a similar fate as a POSIX blocking function exiting with -1/EINTR, for all such functions currently executing. This may be called from any thread whatsoever and, particularly, from signal handlers as well.

Before deciding to call this explicitly from signal handler(s), consider using the simpler Node_options::m_st_capture_interrupt_signals_internally instead.

The above is vague about how an interrupted "wait" exhibits itself. More specifically, then: Any operation with name sync_...() will return with an error, that error being Error_code error::Code::S_WAIT_INTERRUPTED. Event_set::async_wait()-initiated wait will end, with the handler function being called, passing the Boolean value true to that function. true indicates the wait was interrupted rather than successfully finishing with 1 or more active events (false would've indicated th latter, more typical situation).

Note that various calsses have sync_...() operations, including Node (Node::sync_connect()), Server_socket (Server_socket::sync_accept()), and Peer_socket (Peer_socket::sync_receive()).

err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.

Definition at line 1390 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::error::exec_void_and_throw_on_error(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_STR, and flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ interrupt_all_waits_internal_sig_handler()

void flow::net_flow::Node::interrupt_all_waits_internal_sig_handler ( const Error_code sys_err_code,
int  sig_number 

signal_set handler, executed on SIGINT and SIGTERM, if user has enabled this feature: causes interrupt_all_waits_worker() to occur on thread W.

Pre-condition: We're in thread W [sic].

sys_err_codeboost.asio error code indicating the circumstances of the callback executing. It is unusual for this to be truthy.
sig_numberSignal number of the signal that was detected.

Definition at line 1454 of file event_set.cpp.


Referenced by worker_run().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interrupt_all_waits_worker()

void flow::net_flow::Node::interrupt_all_waits_worker ( )

Thread W implementation of interrupt_all_waits().

Performs all the needed work, which is to trigger any WAITING Event_set objects to fire their on-event callbacks, with the Boolean argument set to true, indicating interrupted wait.

Pre-condition: We're in thread W.

Definition at line 1419 of file event_set.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Event_set::clear_ev_type_to_socks_map(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_INACTIVE, and flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_WAITING.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ listen()

Server_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::listen ( flow_port_t  local_port,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options child_sock_opts = 0 

Sets up a server on the given local Flow port and returns Server_socket which can be used to accept subsequent incoming connections to this server.

Any subsequent incoming connections will be established asynchronously and, once established, can be claimed (as Peer_socket objects) via Server_server::accept() and friends.

Port specification: You must select a port in the range [Node::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT, Node::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT + Node::S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS - 1] or the special value S_PORT_ANY. In the latter case an available port in the range [Node::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT, Node::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT + Node::S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS - 1] will be chosen for you. Otherwise we will use the port you explicitly specified.

Note that using S_PORT_ANY in this context typically makes sense only if you somehow communicate serv->local_port() (where serv is the returned socket) to the other side through some other means (for example if both client and server are running in the same program, you could just pass it via variable or function call). Note that there is no overlap between the two aforementioned port ranges.

local_portThe local Flow port to which to bind.
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, error::Code::S_PORT_TAKEN, error::Code::S_OUT_OF_PORTS, error::Code::S_INVALID_SERVICE_PORT_NUMBER, error::Code::S_INTERNAL_ERROR_PORT_COLLISION.
child_sock_optsIf null, any Peer_sockets that serv->accept() may return (where serv is the returned Server_socket) will be initialized with the options set equal to options().m_dyn_sock_opts. If not null, they will be initialized with a copy of *child_sock_opts. No reference to *child_sock_opts is saved.
Shared pointer to Server_socket, which is in the Server_socket::State::S_LISTENING state at least initially; or null pointer, indicating an error.

Definition at line 141 of file server_socket.cpp.

References flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), listen(), listen_worker(), m_task_engine, running(), and flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.

Referenced by listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ listen_worker()

void flow::net_flow::Node::listen_worker ( flow_port_t  local_port,
const Peer_socket_options child_sock_opts,
Server_socket::Ptr serv 

Thread W implementation of listen().

Performs all the needed work, gives the resulting Server_socket to the user thread, and signals that user thread.

Pre-condition: We're in thread W; thread U != W is waiting for us to return having set *serv. Post-condition: *serv contains a Server_socket::Ptr in a Server_socket::State::S_LISTENING state if !(*serv)->m_disconnect_cause; otherwise an error occurred, and that error is (*serv)->m_disconnect_cause.

local_portSee listen().
child_sock_optsSee listen().
serv*serv shall be set to the resulting Server_socket. Check (*serv)->m_disconnect_cause.

Definition at line 215 of file server_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::util::key_exists(), m_ports, m_servs, flow::net_flow::Port_space::reserve_port(), flow::net_flow::Port_space::return_port(), flow::net_flow::error::S_INTERNAL_ERROR_PORT_COLLISION, flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_LISTENING, flow::net_flow::S_PORT_ANY, serv_create(), serv_set_state(), and sock_validate_options().

Referenced by listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ local_low_lvl_endpoint()

const util::Udp_endpoint & flow::net_flow::Node::local_low_lvl_endpoint ( ) const

Return the UDP endpoint (IP address and UDP port) which will be used for receiving incoming and sending outgoing Flow traffic in this Node.

This is similar to to the value passed to the Node constructor, except that it represents the actual bound address and port (e.g., if you chose 0 as the port, the value returned here will contain the actual emphemeral port randomly chosen by the OS).

If !running(), this equals Udp_endpoint(). The logical value of the returned util::Udp_endpoint never changes over the lifetime of the Node.

See above. Note that it is a reference.

Definition at line 369 of file node.cpp.

References m_low_lvl_endpoint.

◆ log_accumulated_acks()

void flow::net_flow::Node::log_accumulated_acks ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Helper of handle_accumulated_acks() that logs the about-to-be-handled accumulated individual acknowledgments.

sockPeer socket with 0 or more accumulated acks recorded.

Definition at line 3222 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_DATA_WITHOUT_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::log::S_DATA, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ log_rcv_window()

void flow::net_flow::Node::log_rcv_window ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock,
bool  force_verbose_info_logging = false 
) const

Logs TRACE or DATA messages that show the detailed state of the receiving sequence number space.

Quite slow if DATA log level is enabled or force_verbose_info_logging is true.

sockSocket whose data to log.
force_verbose_info_loggingIf true, then the method acts as if DATA logging is enabled, i.e., the maximum amount of information is logged (but with INFO verbosity). You should only do this if you know for a fact that this is being called infrequently (such as from perform_regular_infrequent_tasks()).

Definition at line 1860 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WITHOUT_CHECKING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::util::ostream_op_to_string(), flow::log::S_DATA, and flow::log::S_INFO.

Referenced by sock_log_detail().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ log_snd_window()

void flow::net_flow::Node::log_snd_window ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock,
bool  force_verbose_info_logging = false 
) const

Logs TRACE or DATA messages thats show the detailed state of the sending sequence number space.

Quite slow if DATA log level is enabled or force_verbose_info_logging is true.

sockSocket whose data to log.
force_verbose_info_loggingSimilar to same argument in log_rcv_window().

Definition at line 3591 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WITH_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_WITHOUT_CHECKING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::util::ostream_op_to_string(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::rexmit_on(), flow::log::S_DATA, flow::log::S_INFO, and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Referenced by sock_log_detail().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ low_lvl_packet_sent()

void flow::net_flow::Node::low_lvl_packet_sent ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Low_lvl_packet::Const_ptr  packet,
size_t  bytes_expected_transferred,
const Error_code sys_err_code,
size_t  bytes_transferred 

Completion handler for async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl(); called when the packet is either successfully fed to the UDP net-stack for sending, or when there is an error in doing so.

It is important to pass packet to this, because the serialization operation produces a bunch of pointers into *packet; if one does not pass it here through the boost.asio send call, *packet might get deleted, and then send op will try to access pointer(s) to invalid memory.
packetRef-counted pointer to the packet that was hopefully sent. Will be destroyed at the end of low_lvl_packet_sent() unless a copy of this pointer is saved elsewhere before that point. (Usually you should indeed let it be destroyed.)
sockSee async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl(). Note the null pointer is allowed.
bytes_expected_transferredSize of the serialization of *packet, that being the total # of bytes we want sent over UDP.
sys_err_codeResult of UDP send operation.
bytes_transferredNumber of bytes transferred assuming !err_code. Presumably that would equal bytes_expected_transferred, but we will see.

Definition at line 491 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_SYS_ERROR_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_LOG_DATA_WITHOUT_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_TRACE_WITHOUT_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::log::S_DATA, and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Referenced by async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ low_lvl_recv_and_handle()

void flow::net_flow::Node::low_lvl_recv_and_handle ( Error_code  sys_err_code)

Handles the pre-condition that m_low_lvl_sock has a UDP packet available for reading, or that there was an error in waiting for this pre-condition.

If no error (!sys_err_code) then the packet is read (thus erased) from the OS UDP net-stack's packet queue. The packet is then properly handled (for example it may result in more data decoded into an appropriate Peer_socket's stream buffer).

sys_err_codeError code of the operation.

Definition at line 40 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_low_lvl_recv(), FLOW_ERROR_SYS_ERROR_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, handle_incoming_with_simulation(), flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_low_lvl_max_packet_size, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_max_packets_per_main_loop_iteration, m_low_lvl_sock, m_opts, m_packet_data, opt(), and perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks().

Referenced by async_low_lvl_recv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mark_data_packet_sent()

void flow::net_flow::Node::mark_data_packet_sent ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Sequence_number seq_num 

Performs important book-keeping based on the event "DATA packet was sent to destination." The affected data structures are: Sent_packet::m_sent_when (for the Sent_packet in question), Peer_socket::m_snd_last_data_sent_when, Drop_timer Peer_socket::m_snd_drop_timer (in *sock).

sock->m_snd_drop_timer. More information is in the doc headers for those data members.

sockSocket for which the given DATA packet is sent.
seq_numThe first sequence number for the sent DATA packet. Sent_packet::m_sent_when for its Sent_packet should contain the time at which send_worker() removed the data from Send buffer and packetized it; it's used to log the difference between that time and now.

Definition at line 416 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE_WITHOUT_CHECKING, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_sent_when, and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Referenced by async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ max_block_size()

size_t flow::net_flow::Node::max_block_size ( ) const

The maximum number of bytes of user data per received or sent block on connections generated from this Node, unless this value is overridden in the Peer_socket_options argument to listen() or connect() (or friend).

See Peer_socket_options::m_st_max_block_size.


Definition at line 1111 of file node.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_sock_opts, m_opts, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_max_block_size, and opt().

Referenced by async_low_lvl_ack_send(), and handle_incoming().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ new_round_trip_time_sample()

void flow::net_flow::Node::new_round_trip_time_sample ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Fine_duration  round_trip_time 

Handles a just-computed new RTT (round trip time) measurement for an individual packet earlier sent: updates smoothed RTT, DTO, and anything else relevant.

sockPeer socket in Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED.
round_trip_timeThe RTT just computed, with as much resolution as is available.

Definition at line 3453 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE.

◆ ok_to_rexmit_or_close()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::ok_to_rexmit_or_close ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter pkt_it,
bool  defer_delta_check 

Checks whether the given sent packet has been retransmitted the maximum number of allowed times; if so then performs rst_and_close_connection_immediately() and returns false; otherwise returns true.

sockSocket to check and possibly close.
pkt_itIterator info Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when of sock for packet in question. Its m_rexmit_id should not yet be incremented for the potential new retransmission.
defer_delta_checkSame meaning as in event_set_all_check_delta().
See above.

Definition at line 3877 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_packet, and flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_RESET_TOO_MANY_REXMITS.

◆ opt()

template<typename Opt_type >
Opt_type flow::net_flow::Node::opt ( const Opt_type &  opt_val_ref) const

Obtain a copy of the value of a given option in a thread-safe manner.

Because m_opts may be modified at any time – even if the desired option is static and not being modified, this is still unsafe – m_opts must be locked, the desired value must be copied, and m_opts must be unlocked. This method does so.

Do NOT read option values without opt().

Template Parameters
Opt_typeThe type of the option data member.
opt_val_refA reference (important!) to the value you want; this may be either a data member of this->m_opts or the entire this->m_opts itself.
A copy of the value at the given reference.

Definition at line 4138 of file node.hpp.

References m_opts_mutex.

Referenced by async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl(), handle_incoming(), low_lvl_recv_and_handle(), max_block_size(), options(), sock_load_info_struct(), sock_pacing_new_time_slice(), sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), and worker_run().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ options()

Node_options flow::net_flow::Node::options ( ) const

Copies this Node's option set and returns that copy.

If you intend to use set_options() to modify a Node's options, we recommend you make the modifications on the copy returned by options().


Definition at line 1106 of file node.cpp.

References m_opts, and opt().

Referenced by Node().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks()

void flow::net_flow::Node::perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks ( )

Performs all tasks to be performed at the end of low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming(), as determined over the course of the execution of either of those methods.

This includes at least performing event_set_all_check_delta() for anything in m_sock_events, etc., and any accumulated ACK-related tasks stored in the Peer_sockets in m_socks_with_accumulated_pending_acks and similar. This is done for efficiency and to reduce network overhead (for example, to combine several individual acknowledgments into one ACK packet).

Definition at line 375 of file node.cpp.

References event_set_all_check_delta(), handle_accumulated_acks(), handle_accumulated_pending_acks(), m_socks_with_accumulated_acks, m_socks_with_accumulated_pending_acks, and socket_id().

Referenced by async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming(), and low_lvl_recv_and_handle().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ perform_regular_infrequent_tasks()

void flow::net_flow::Node::perform_regular_infrequent_tasks ( bool  reschedule)

Performs low-priority tasks that should be run on an infrequent, regular basis, such as stat logging and schedules the next time this should happen.

This is the timer handler for that timer.

rescheduleIf true, after completing the tasks, the timer is scheduled to run again later; otherwise it is not.

Definition at line 1116 of file node.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), m_socks, m_task_engine, perform_regular_infrequent_tasks(), S_REGULAR_INFREQUENT_TASKS_PERIOD, flow::util::schedule_task_from_now(), and sock_log_detail().

Referenced by perform_regular_infrequent_tasks(), and worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rcv_buf_deqable()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::rcv_buf_deqable ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Return true if and only if there are enough data in Peer_socket::m_rcv_buf of sock to give the user some data in a Peer_socket::receive() call.

Pre-condition: sock->m_mutex is locked.

Currently this simply means that there is at least 1 block of data in m_rcv_buf.

Design rationale: see snd_buf_deqable().

sockSocket whose Receive buffer to examine.
See above.

Definition at line 6002 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by sock_is_readable().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rcv_get_first_gap_info()

void flow::net_flow::Node::rcv_get_first_gap_info ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock,
bool first_gap_exists,
Sequence_number seq_num_after_first_gap 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that gets simple info about Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps in sock.

sockSocket to examine.
first_gap_existsPointer to value to set to true if and only if !(Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps).empty() in sock. If the Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps invariant fully holds, this means that there is at least one gap of unreceived packets between some received packets and other received packets, by sequence number order.
seq_num_after_first_gapPointer to value that will be set to the first sequence number of the first element of sock->m_rcv_packets_with_gaps; untouched if !*first_gap_exists at return.

Definition at line 1554 of file peer_socket.cpp.

◆ receive()

size_t flow::net_flow::Node::receive ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Function< size_t()> &  rcv_buf_consume_func,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of non-blocking sock->receive() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == State::S_CLOSED.


  • current thread is not W;
  • sock->m_mutex is locked and just after entering sock->receive();
  • no changes to *sock have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • sock->state() == Stated::S_OPEN (so sock is in m_socks);
  • rcv_buf_feed_func is as described below.

This method completes the functionality of sock->receive().

sockSocket, which must be in m_socks, on which receive() was called.
rcv_buf_consume_funcPointer to function with signature size_t fn() that will perform sock->m_rcv_buf.consume_bufs_copy(...) call, which will consume data from m_rcv_buf, and return the return value of that call (which indicates how many bytes Socket_buffer::consume_bufs_copy() was able to fit into the user's data structure). Doing it this way prevents this Node::receive() from being a template, which prevents circular dependency unpleasantness. See Peer_socket::receive() for details.
err_codeSee Peer_socket::receive().
See Peer_socket::receive().

Definition at line 5007 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, m_task_engine, receive_emptied_rcv_buf_while_disconnecting(), receive_wnd_updated(), running(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_receive(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_sync_receive().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ receive_emptied_rcv_buf_while_disconnecting()

void flow::net_flow::Node::receive_emptied_rcv_buf_while_disconnecting ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Placed by receive() onto W during a graceful close, after the Receive buffer had been emptied by the user; determines whether the socket can now proceed to Peer_socket::m_state == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED and be removed from the Node.

See also
sockSocket which may possibly now move to m_state == S_CLOSED.

Definition at line 5468 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References close_connection_immediately(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, and socket_id().

Referenced by receive().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ receive_wnd_recovery_data_received()

void flow::net_flow::Node::receive_wnd_recovery_data_received ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Pertaining to the async_rcv_wnd_recovery() mechanism, this handles the event that we have received an acceptable (either into Receive buffer or reassembly queue) DATA packet from the other side.

If we are currently in rcv_wnd recovery, this signifies the recovery "worked" – the sender is sending data again – so we can now end this phase.

sockSee receive_wnd_updated().

Definition at line 5402 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), and flow::util::scheduled_task_cancel().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ receive_wnd_updated()

void flow::net_flow::Node::receive_wnd_updated ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Placed by receive() onto W if it has dequeued data from Receive buffer and given it to the user, which would free up space in the Receive buffer, which possibly should result in a window update sent to the server, so that it knows it can now send more data.

See also
sockSocket (whose state is ESTABLISHED or later).

Definition at line 5187 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References async_rcv_wnd_recovery(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, and sock_rcv_wnd().

Referenced by receive().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rst_and_close_connection_immediately()

void flow::net_flow::Node::rst_and_close_connection_immediately ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Error_code err_code,
bool  defer_delta_check 

Asynchronously send RST to the other side of the given socket and close_connection_immediately().

socket_idSee close_connection_immediately().
sockSee close_connection_immediately().
err_codeSee close_connection_immediately().
defer_delta_checkSame meaning as in event_set_all_check_delta().

Definition at line 5720 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), close_connection_immediately(), and socket_id().

Referenced by close_abruptly(), handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), and setup_drop_timer().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ running()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::running ( ) const

Returns true if and only if the Node is operating.

If not, all attempts to use this object or any objects generated by this object (Peer_socket::Ptr, etc.) will result in error.


Definition at line 420 of file node.cpp.

References m_task_engine.

Referenced by close_abruptly(), listen(), receive(), send(), set_options(), sock_info(), sock_set_options(), and sync_op().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send()

size_t flow::net_flow::Node::send ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Function< size_t(size_t max_data_size)> &  snd_buf_feed_func,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of non-blocking sock->send() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == State::S_CLOSED.


  • current thread is not W;
  • sock->m_mutex is locked and after entering sock->[sync_]send();
  • no changes to *sock have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • sock->state() == State::S_OPEN (so sock is in m_socks);
  • `snd_buf_feed_func is as described below.

This method completes the functionality of sock->send().

See also
Important: see giant comment inside Node::send() for overall design and how send_worker() fits into it.
sockSocket, which must be in m_socks, on which [sync_]send() was called.
snd_buf_feed_funcPointer to function with signature size_t fn(size_t x) that will perform sock->m_snd_buf.feed_bufs_copy(...) call with max_data_size == X, which will feed the data the user wants to sock->send() into sock->m_snd_buf, and return the return value of that call (which indicates how many bytes the call was able to fit into m_snd_buf). Doing it this way prevents this Node::send() from being a template, which prevents circular dependency unpleasantness. See Peer_socket::send() for details.
err_codeSee Peer_socket::send().
See Peer_socket::send().

Definition at line 4449 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR_LOG_INFO, m_task_engine, running(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, send_worker_check_state(), and snd_deqable().

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_send(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_sync_send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_worker()

void flow::net_flow::Node::send_worker ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
bool  defer_delta_check 

Thread W implemention of send(): synchronously or asynchronously send the contents of sock->m_snd_buf to the other side.

This locks the socket and examines m_snd_buf. If a low-level UDP packet cannot be produced from the front of m_snd_buf (i.e., not enough data in m_snd_buf), then there is nothing to do. Otherwise, determines whether network conditions (e.g., congestion control) allow for 1 or more such packets to be sent. If not, then there is nothing to do. Otherwise (if 1 or more packets can be sent), 1 or more packets are sent and removed from sock->m_snd_buf. Finally, m_snd_buf is unlocked.

Pre-condition: sock->m_int_state == S_ESTABLISHED.

Are there other states where sending DATA packets is OK? If so it would be during graceful termination, if we implement it. See send_worker() for contedt for this to-do.
See also
Important: see giant comment inside Node::send() for overall design and how send_worker() fits into it.
sockSocket on which to possibly send low-level packets.
defer_delta_checkSame meaning as in event_set_all_check_delta().

Definition at line 4721 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References advance_seq_num(), async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), can_send(), flow::net_flow::Socket_buffer::consume_buf_move(), flow::net_flow::Socket_buffer::data_size(), event_set_all_check_delta(), FLOW_LOG_DATA, FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), m_sock_events, flow::util::Shared_ptr_alias_holder< boost::shared_ptr< Low_lvl_packet > >::ptr_cast(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_PEER_SOCKET_WRITABLE, snd_buf_enqable(), snd_deqable(), snd_flying_pkts_push_one(), snd_past_last_flying_datum_seq_num(), and sock_get_new_snd_order_num().

Referenced by send_worker_check_state().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_worker_check_state()

void flow::net_flow::Node::send_worker_check_state ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Helper placed by send() onto W to invoke send_worker() but ensures that the socket has not entered some state such that sending data is not possible and no longer going to be possible.

Example: send(sock) runs while sock is in ESTABLISHED state; queues up send_worker_check_state() on thread W; thread W detects a connection reset and moves sock to CLOSED; send_worker_check_state() gets its turn on thread W; detects state is now CLOSED and returns without doing anything.

See also
Important: see giant comment inside Node::send() for overall design and how send_worker() fits into it.
sockSocket on which to possibly send low-level packets.

Definition at line 4676 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_ESTABLISHED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_SENT, and send_worker().

Referenced by send().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serv_close_detected()

void flow::net_flow::Node::serv_close_detected ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
const Error_code disconnect_cause,
bool  close 

Records that thread W shows this socket is not to listen to incoming connections and is to abort any not-yet-established (i.e., not yet queued) and established-but-unclaimed (i.e., queued) connections; and sets Server_socket::m_disconnect_cause and Server_socket::m_state in serv accordingly.


servServer socket under consideration.
disconnect_causeThe cause of the disconnect.
closeIf true, the target public state should be the super-final S_CLOSED; if false, the target public state should be the ominous S_CLOSING. The caller's responsibility is to decide which one it is.

Definition at line 751 of file server_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_CLOSING, and serv_set_state().

Referenced by close_empty_server_immediately().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serv_create()

Server_socket * flow::net_flow::Node::serv_create ( const Peer_socket_options child_sock_opts)

Internal factory used for ALL Server_socket objects created by this Node (including subclasses).

child_sock_optsSee Server_socket::Server_socket().
Pointer to newly constructed socket.

Reimplemented in flow::net_flow::asio::Node.

Definition at line 858 of file server_socket.cpp.

Referenced by listen_worker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serv_create_forward_plus_ctor_args()

template<typename Server_socket_impl_type >
Server_socket * flow::net_flow::Node::serv_create_forward_plus_ctor_args ( const Peer_socket_options child_sock_opts)

Like sock_create_forward_plus_ctor_args() but for Server_sockets.

Template Parameters
Server_socket_impl_typeEither net_flow::Server_socket or net_flow::asio::Server_socket, as of this writing.
child_sock_optsSee, for example, Peer_socket::accept(..., const Peer_socket_options* child_sock_opts)
Pointer to new object of type Server_socket or of a subclass.

Definition at line 4157 of file node.hpp.

References flow::log::Log_context::get_logger().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serv_is_acceptable()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::serv_is_acceptable ( const boost::any &  serv_as_any) const

Returns true if and only if calling serv->accept() with at least some arguments would return either non-null (i.e., successfully dequeued a connected socket) or null and an error (but not null and NO error).

serv will be locked and unlocked; safe to call from any thread.

serv_as_anySocket to examine, as an any wrapping a Server_socket::Ptr.
See above.

Definition at line 339 of file server_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_LISTENING.

◆ serv_peer_socket_acceptable()

void flow::net_flow::Node::serv_peer_socket_acceptable ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Records that an unestablished socket sock (Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD) has just become established and can be accept()ed (Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED).

Moves sock from Server_socket::m_connecting_socks to Server_socket::m_unaccepted_socks (in serv). To be called from thread W only. Thread-safe.

servServer socket under consideration.
sockSocket that was just moved to Peer_socket::Int_state::S_ESTABLISHED.

Definition at line 823 of file server_socket.cpp.

Referenced by handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serv_peer_socket_closed()

void flow::net_flow::Node::serv_peer_socket_closed ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Records that a Server_socket-contained (i.e., currently un-established, or established but not yet accepted by user) Peer_socket is being closed and should be removed from the given Server_socket.

To be called from thread W only. Thread-safe.

If sock is not contained in *serv, method does nothing.

servServer socket under consideration.
sockSocket to remove (moving from S_SYN_RCVD or S_ESTABLISHED to S_CLOSED).

Definition at line 771 of file server_socket.cpp.

Referenced by close_connection_immediately().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serv_peer_socket_init()

void flow::net_flow::Node::serv_peer_socket_init ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Records a new (just received SYN) peer socket from the given server socket.

Adds sock to Server_socket::m_connecting_socks (in serv) and maintains the Peer_socket::m_originating_serv (in sock) invariant. To be called from thread W only. Thread-safe.

servServer that originated sock.
sockSocket that was just moved to Peer_socket::Int_state::S_SYN_RCVD.

Definition at line 835 of file server_socket.cpp.

Referenced by handle_syn_to_listening_server().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serv_set_state()

void flow::net_flow::Node::serv_set_state ( Server_socket::Ptr  serv,
Server_socket::State  state 

Sets Server_socket::m_state.

If moving to S_CLOSED, resets the required data to their "undefined" values (e.g., Server_socket::m_local_port = #S_PORT_ANY). Thread-safe.

servServer socket under consideration.
stateNew m_state.

Definition at line 411 of file server_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Server_socket::S_CLOSED.

Referenced by listen_worker(), and serv_close_detected().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_options()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::set_options ( const Node_options opts,
Error_code err_code = 0 

Dynamically replaces the current options set (options()) with the given options set.

Only those members of opts designated as dynamic (as opposed to static) may be different between options() and opts. If this is violated, it is an error, and no options are changed.

Typically one would acquire a copy of the existing options set via options(), modify the desired dynamic data members of that copy, and then apply that copy back by calling set_options(). Warning: this technique is only safe if other (user) threads do not call set_options() simultaneously. There is a to-do to provide a thread-safe maneuver for when this is a problem (see class Node doc header).

optsThe new options to apply to this socket. It is copied; no reference is saved.
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_OPTION_CHECK_FAILED, error::Code::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING.
true on success, false on error.

Definition at line 1054 of file node.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, m_opts, m_opts_mutex, running(), flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, set_options(), and validate_options().

Referenced by set_options().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setup_connection_timers()

void flow::net_flow::Node::setup_connection_timers ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
bool  initial 

Assuming we've just sent SYN or SYN_ACK, sets up an asynchronous scheduled task to fire within some amount of time, so that we may try the SYN[_ACK] again if we don't get the acknowledgement by then (or we may close socket after too many such retries).

If initial is true, an overall connection timeout scheduled task is also set up, to trigger the aforementioned close on timeout.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockPeer socket in SYN_SENT or SYN_RCVD internal state.
initialtrue if and only if the first SYN or SYN_ACK; otherwise it is a retry.

Definition at line 4257 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::error::S_CONN_TIMEOUT, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_RCVD, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_SYN_SENT, flow::util::schedule_task_from_now(), flow::util::scheduled_task_fired(), and flow::util::scheduled_task_fires_from_now_or_canceled().

Referenced by handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event(), and handle_syn_to_listening_server().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setup_drop_timer()

void flow::net_flow::Node::setup_drop_timer ( const Socket_id socket_id,
Peer_socket::Ptr  sock 

Creates a new Drop Timer and saves it to sock->m_snd_drop_timer.

Pre-condition: m_int_state == S_ESTABLISHED, and sock->m_snd_drop_timer is null.

socket_idConnection ID (socket pair) identifying the socket in m_socks.
sockSocket that just entered ESTABLISHED state.

Definition at line 4427 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Drop_timer::create_drop_timer(), drop_timer_action(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), m_task_engine, rst_and_close_connection_immediately(), and socket_id().

Referenced by handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snd_buf_enqable()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::snd_buf_enqable ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Return true if and only if there is enough free space in Peer_socket::m_snd_buf of sock to enqueue any given atomic piece of user data.

Pre-condition: sock->m_mutex is locked.

Currently this simply means that there is space for at least max-block-size bytes (i.e., one maximally large block) in sock->m_snd_buf.

Design rationale for the latter: See code.

sockSocket whose Send buffer to examine.
See above.

Definition at line 5985 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by send_worker(), and sock_is_writable().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snd_deqable()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::snd_deqable ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Return true if and only if there are enough data either in Peer_socket::m_snd_rexmit_q of sock (if retransmission is on) or in Peer_socket::m_snd_buf of sock to send a DATA packet to the other side.

Pre-condition: sock->m_mutex is locked.

sockSocket whose retransmission queue and Send buffer to examine.
See above.

Definition at line 5979 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by send(), and send_worker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snd_flying_pkts_erase_one()

void flow::net_flow::Node::snd_flying_pkts_erase_one ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_iter  pkt_it 

Erases (for example if considered Acknowledged or Dropped) a packet struct from the "scoreboard" (Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when) and adjusts all related structures.

Note: It does NOT inform sock->m_snd_drop_timer (namely calling Drop_timer::on_packet_no_longer_in_flight()). This is left to the caller; in particular because the timing may not be appropriate for what such a call might trigger (e.g., on-Drop-Timeout actions such as massive retransmission).

sockSocket to modify.
pkt_itIterator into m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when which will be deleted.

Definition at line 3737 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE_WITHOUT_CHECKING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_packet, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Sent_packet::m_sent_when, and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ snd_flying_pkts_push_one()

void flow::net_flow::Node::snd_flying_pkts_push_one ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Sequence_number seq_num,
Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Ptr  sent_pkt 

Adds a new packet struct (presumably representing packet to be sent shortly) to the "scoreboard" (Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when) and adjusts all related structures as applicable.

Note, however, that mark_data_packet_sent() is NOT called, because we should do that when the DATA packet is actually sent (after pacing, if any).

sockSocket to modify.
seq_numThe first sequence number of the DATA packet.
sent_pktRef-counted pointer to new packet struct.

Definition at line 3774 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE_WITHOUT_CHECKING, flow::log::Log_context::get_log_component(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), and flow::log::S_TRACE.

Referenced by send_worker().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snd_flying_pkts_updated()

void flow::net_flow::Node::snd_flying_pkts_updated ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_const_iter  pkt_begin,
const Peer_socket::Sent_pkt_ordered_by_when_const_iter pkt_end,
bool  added 

Updates Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_bytes according to an operation (add packets, remove packets) caller is about to undertake or has just undertaken on Peer_socket::m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when (= the scoreboard).

Call this WHENEVER m_snd_flying_pkts_by_sent_when is about to be modified (if erasing) or has just been modified (if adding) to ensure m_snd_flying_bytes is updated accordingly.

This has strong implications for congestion control! Do not forget.
sockSocket to modify.
pkt_beginIterator to first packet that was added or will be removed.
pkt_endIterator one past the last packet that was added or will be removed.
addedIf true, the given range of packets was just added (e.g., Sent); if false, the given range of packets is about to be removed (e.g., Dropped or Acknowledged).

Definition at line 3840 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE.

◆ snd_past_last_flying_datum_seq_num()

Sequence_number flow::net_flow::Node::snd_past_last_flying_datum_seq_num ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock)

Obtain the sequence number for the datum just past the last (latest) In-flight (i.e., sent but neither Acknowledged nor Dropped) packet, for the given socket.

If there are no In-flight packets, returns the default Sequence_number – which is < all other Sequence_numbers.

Note that "last" in this case refers to position in the sequence number space, not time at which packets are sent. (A packet with a given Sequence_number may be sent several times due to retransmission.)

sockSocket whose In-flight packets to examine.
See above.

Definition at line 3716 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by send_worker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_categorize_data_to_established()

Error_code flow::net_flow::Node::sock_categorize_data_to_established ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Data_packet packet,
bool dupe,
bool slide,
size_t *  slide_size 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that categorizes the DATA packet received as either illegal; legal but duplicate of a previously received DATA packet; legal but out-of-order; and finally legal and in-order.

Illegal means sender can never validly send such sequence numbers in a DATA packet. Legal means it can, although network problems may still lead to the received DATA being not-useful in some way. Out-of-order means that packet occupies seq. numbers past the start of the first unreceived data, or "first gap," which starts at Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num. In-order, therefore, means packet indeed begins exactly at Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num (which means typically one should increment the latter by packet->m_data.size()).

No statistics are marked down on sock; the caller should proceed depending on the output as described just below.

If a truthy value is returned, packet is illegal; other outputs are meaningless. Otherwise, falsy is returned; and: If *dupe, then packet is a legal dupe; and other outputs are meaningless. Otherwise, !*dupe. and: *slide if and only if the packet is in-order (hence receive window left edge should "slide" right). *slide_size is the number of bytes by which Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num should increment ("slide"); it is meaningful if and only if *slide.

(Aside: Every attempt to detect illegality is made, within reason, but NOT every illegal behavior can be detected as such; but defensive coding strives that a failure to detect such leads to nothing worse than meaningless data received by user.)

sockSee handle_data_to_established().
packetSee handle_data_to_established(). Note it is read-only, however. .
dupeOutput for whether the packet is a dupe (true if so). Meaningless if truthy is returned.
slideOutput for whether the packet consists of the next data to be passed to Receive buffer. Meaningless if truthy is returned, or else if *dupe is set to true.
slide_sizeBy how much to increment Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num due to this in-order packet. Meaningless unless *slide is set to true.
Success if packet is legal; the recommended error to accompany the connection-breaking RST due to the illegal packet, otherwise.

Definition at line 810 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::error_data_packet(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::m_rcv_init_seq_num, flow::net_flow::error::S_SEQ_NUM_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE, and flow::net_flow::error::S_SEQ_NUM_IMPLIES_CONNECTION_COLLISION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_create()

Peer_socket * flow::net_flow::Node::sock_create ( const Peer_socket_options opts)

Internal factory used for ALL Peer_socket objects created by this Node (including subclasses).

optsSee Peer_socket::Peer_socket().
Pointer to newly constructed socket.

Reimplemented in flow::net_flow::asio::Node.

Definition at line 6405 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by handle_syn_to_listening_server().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_create_forward_plus_ctor_args()

template<typename Peer_socket_impl_type >
Peer_socket * flow::net_flow::Node::sock_create_forward_plus_ctor_args ( const Peer_socket_options opts)

Returns a raw pointer to newly created Peer_socket or sub-instance like asio::Peer_socket, depending on the template parameter.

Template Parameters
Peer_socket_impl_typeEither net_flow::Peer_socket or net_flow::asio::Peer_socket, as of this writing.
optsSee, for example, Peer_socket::connect(..., const Peer_socket_options&).
Pointer to new object of type Peer_socket or of a subclass.

Definition at line 4151 of file node.hpp.

References flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), and m_task_engine.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_data_to_rcv_buf_unless_overflow()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::sock_data_to_rcv_buf_unless_overflow ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet packet 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to pass the payload of the given DATA packet to the given socket's Receive buffer for user consumption; but detects and reports overflow if appropriate, instead.

Certain relevant stats are logged in all cases. packet.m_data is emptied due to moving it elsewhere – for performance (recommend saving its .size() before-hand, if needed for later) – and the implications on rcv_wnd recovery (if any) are handled. true is returned assuming no overflow.

If overflow detected, only statistical observations and logs are made, and false is returned.

sockSee handle_data_to_established().
packetSee handle_data_to_established().
false on overflow; true on success.

Definition at line 1118 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::buffer_fed(), FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_accepted_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_delivered_packet(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_dropped_buf_overflow_packet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_data_to_reassembly_q_unless_overflow()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::sock_data_to_reassembly_q_unless_overflow ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< Data_packet packet 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to register the given DATA packet as an out-of-order packet in the reassembly queue sock->m_rcv_packets_with_gaps – in retransmission-on mode; but detects and reports overflow if appropriate, instead.

Certain relevant stats are logged in all cases. packet.m_data is emptied due to moving it elsewhere – for performance (recommend saving its .size() before-hand, if needed for later) – and the implications on rcv_wnd recovery (if any) are handled. true is returned assuming no overflow. The retransmission-off counterpart is, roughly speaking, sock_track_new_data_after_gap_rexmit_off().

If overflow detected, only statistical observations and logs are made, and false is returned.

This assumes that sock_categorize_data_to_established() returned *slide == false.

sockSee handle_data_to_established().
packetSee handle_data_to_established().
false on overflow; true on success.

Definition at line 1305 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_accepted_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_dropped_reassembly_q_overflow_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_first_qd_packet(), and flow::util::subtract_with_floor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_disconnect_completed()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_disconnect_completed ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

While in S_OPEN+S_DISCONNECTING state (i.e., after beginning a graceful close with sock_disconnect_detected(..., false), moves the socket to S_CLOSED state and clears Receive/Send buffers and any other decently memory-consuming structures.

Pre-conditions: state is S_OPEN+S_DISCONNECTING; Peer_socket::m_disconnect_cause is set to non-success value.

sockSocket under consideration.

Definition at line 6060 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, sock_free_memory(), and sock_set_state().

Referenced by close_connection_immediately().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_disconnect_detected()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_disconnect_detected ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Error_code disconnect_cause,
bool  close 

Records that thread W shows underlying connection is broken (graceful termination, or error) and sets Peer_socket::m_disconnect_cause and Peer_socket::m_state, Peer_socket::m_open_sub_state accordingly.

Optionally also empties the Send and Receive buffers and any other decently memory-consuming structures. Thread-safe.

So the mutually exclusive closure scenarios are:

  • sock_disconnect_detected(sock, err_code, false); ...; sock_disconnect_completed(sock); Graceful close initiated; ...buffers emptied...; graceful close completed.
  • sock_disconnect_detected(sock, err_code, true); Abrupt close, or graceful close when the buffers already happen to be empty.
sockSocket under consideration.
disconnect_causeThe cause of the disconnect.
closeIf true, the target public state should be the super-final S_CLOSED, and the Send and Receive buffers are cleared; if false, the target public state should be the ominous S_OPEN+S_DISCONNECTING, and the buffers are left alone. The caller's responsibility is to decide which one it is, but true is typically either for an abrupt close (e.g., RST) or for a graceful close when buffers are empty; while false is typically for a graceful close before buffers are empty, so that the user can get Receive buffer, and the Node can send out Send buffer.

Definition at line 6039 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN, sock_free_memory(), and sock_set_state().

Referenced by close_connection_immediately().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_free_memory()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_free_memory ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Helper that clears all non-O(1)-space data structures stored inside sock.

Intended to be called from sock_disconnect_*(), not anywhere else. Pre-condition: sock->m_mutex is locked.

sockSocket under consideration.

Definition at line 6073 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by sock_disconnect_completed(), and sock_disconnect_detected().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_get_new_snd_order_num()

Peer_socket::order_num_t flow::net_flow::Node::sock_get_new_snd_order_num ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Returns the "order number" to use for Peer_socket::Sent_packet::Sent_when structure corresponding to the next packet to be sent.

This will be higher than the last sent packet's number. Make sure you send packets in exactly increasing numeric order of this order number.

0 is reserved and never returned by this.

sockSocket to consider.
See above.

Definition at line 6399 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by send_worker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_info()

Peer_socket_info flow::net_flow::Node::sock_info ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock)

Implementation of sock->info() for socket sock in all cases except when sock->state() == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED.

See Peer_socket::info() doc header; this method is the entirety of that method's implementation after S_CLOSED is eliminated as a possibility.


  • current thread is not W;
  • sock->m_mutex is locked and just after entering sock->info();
  • no changes to *sock have been made since m_mutex was locked;
  • sock->state() == Peer_socket::State::S_OPEN.

Post-condition (not exhaustive): sock->m_mutex is unlocked.

sockSocket in consideration.
See Peer_socket::info().

Definition at line 6243 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::async::asio_exec_ctx_post(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), m_task_engine, running(), and sock_load_info_struct().

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::info().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_is_readable()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::sock_is_readable ( const boost::any &  sock_as_any) const

Returns true if and only if calling sock->receive() with at least some arguments would return either non-zero (i.e., successfully dequeued received data) or zero and an error (but not zero and NO error).

sock will be locked and unlocked; safe to call from any thread.

sock_as_anySocket to examine, as an any wrapping a Peer_socket::Ptr.
See above.

Definition at line 5157 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References rcv_buf_deqable(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_is_writable()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::sock_is_writable ( const boost::any &  sock_as_any) const

Returns true if and only if calling sock->send() with at least some arguments would return either non-zero (i.e., successfully enqueued data to send) or zero and an error (but not zero and NO error).

sock will be locked and unlocked; safe to call from any thread.

sock_as_anySocket to examine, as an any wrapping a Peer_socket::Ptr.
See above.

Definition at line 4642 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CONNECTED, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_DISCONNECTING, and snd_buf_enqable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_load_info_struct()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_load_info_struct ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock,
Peer_socket_info stats 
) const

Given a Peer_socket, copies all stats info (as available via Peer_socket::info()) from various structures into the given stats struct.

This can then be logged, given to the user, etc.

This should be run from thread W only.

sockSocket in consideration. It can be in any state, but see above.
statsAll members (direct or indirect) of this struct will be filled.

Definition at line 6287 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_disconnect_cause, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_int_state_str, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_is_active_connect, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_low_lvl_max_buf_size, m_low_lvl_max_buf_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_node_opts, m_opts, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_buf_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_reassembly_q_data_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_syn_rcvd_data_cumulative_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_syn_rcvd_data_q_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_wnd, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_rcv_wnd_last_advertised, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_buf_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_cong_ctl_in_flight_bytes, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_cong_ctl_in_flight_count, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_cong_ctl_wnd_bytes, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_cong_ctl_wnd_count_approx, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_drop_timeout, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_est_bandwidth_mbit_per_sec, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_pacing_bytes_allowed_this_slice, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_pacing_packet_q_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_pacing_slice_period, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_pacing_slice_start, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_rcv_wnd, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_round_trip_time_variance, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_snd_smoothed_round_trip_time, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_info::m_sock_opts, opt(), and sock_rcv_wnd().

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), sock_info(), and sock_log_detail().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_log_detail()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_log_detail ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Logs a verbose state report for the given socket.

This is suitable for calling from perform_regular_infrequent_tasks() and other infrequently executed spots.

sockSocket whose state to log.

Definition at line 6340 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, log_rcv_window(), log_snd_window(), and sock_load_info_struct().

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), and perform_regular_infrequent_tasks().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_max_packets_after_unrecvd_packet()

size_t flow::net_flow::Node::sock_max_packets_after_unrecvd_packet ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Computes and returns the max size for Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps for sock.

sockAn open socket.
See above.

Definition at line 1541 of file peer_socket.cpp.

◆ sock_pacing_new_packet_ready()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_pacing_new_packet_ready ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Low_lvl_packet::Ptr  packet 

async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: Handles a DATA or ACK packet that was just passed into async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced(), i.e., is available for sending.

That is, either sends the packet via async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send() immediately or queues it for sending later.

Pre-conditions: pacing is enabled for the socket in options; an SRTT value has been computed (is not undefined); packet is DATA or ACK; packet is fully filled out; sock is in OPEN state; invariants described for struct Send_pacing_data hold.

Note that an error may occur in asynchronous operations triggered by this method; if this happens the socket will be closed via close_connection_immediately().

Takes ownership of packet; do not reference it in any way after this method returns.

sockSocket under consideration.
packetPacket to send.

Definition at line 642 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_bytes_allowed_this_slice, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_packet_q, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_period, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_start, sock_pacing_new_time_slice(), and sock_pacing_process_q().

Referenced by async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_pacing_new_time_slice()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_pacing_new_time_slice ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Fine_time_pt now 

async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: Resets the socket's Send_pacing_data structure to reflect that a new pacing time slice should begin right now.

The slice start is set to now, its period is set based on the current SRTT and congestion window (so that packets are evenly spread out over the next SRTT); and the number of full packets allowed over this time slice are computed.

Pre-conditions: pacing is enabled for the socket in options; an SRTT value has been computed (is not undefined); sock is in OPEN state; invariants described for struct Send_pacing_data hold.

See also
struct Send_pacing_data doc header.
sockSocket under consideration. Should be in OPEN state.
nowFor performance (so that we don't need to acquire the current time again), this is the very recent time point at which it was determined it is time for a new pacing time slice.

Definition at line 757 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_bytes_allowed_this_slice, m_opts, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_period, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_start, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_st_timer_min_period, and opt().

Referenced by sock_pacing_new_packet_ready(), and sock_pacing_time_slice_end().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_pacing_process_q()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_pacing_process_q ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
bool  executing_after_delay 

async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: Given that we are currently in the pacing time slice in sock->m_snd_pacing_data, sends as many queued packets as possible given the time slice's budget, and if any remain queued after this, schedules for them to be sent in the next time slice.

Pre-conditions: pacing is enabled for the socket in options; an SRTT value has been computed (is not undefined); sock is in OPEN state; invariants described for struct Send_pacing_data hold; the current time is roughly within the current pacing time slice.

Note that an error may occur in asynchronous operations triggered by this method; if this happens to socket will be closed via close_connection_immediately(). However if the error happens IN this method (false is returned), it is up to the caller to handle the error as desired.

sockSocket under consideration.
executing_after_delaytrue if executing from a pacing-related timer handler; false otherwise (i.e., if sock_pacing_new_packet_ready() is in the call stack).

Definition at line 841 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_bytes_allowed_this_slice, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_packet_q, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_period, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_start, flow::net_flow::Send_pacing_data::m_slice_timer, and sock_pacing_time_slice_end().

Referenced by sock_pacing_new_packet_ready(), and sock_pacing_time_slice_end().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_pacing_time_slice_end()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_pacing_time_slice_end ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Error_code sys_err_code 

async_sock_low_lvl_packet_send_paced() pacing helper: If sock_pacing_process_q() ran out of the last time slice's budget and still had packets to send, this is the handler that triggers when the out-of-budget time slice ends.

Sets up a new time slice starting now and tries to send as many queud packets as possible with the new budget; if still more packets remain after this, schedules yet another timer.

This may also be called via cancel() of the timer. In this case, the pre-condition is that sock->state() == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED; the method will do nothing.

Otherwise, pre-conditions: Send_pacing_data::m_packet_q for sock is NOT empty; the byte budget for the current time slice is less than the packet at the head m_packet_q; sock is in OPEN state; invariants described for struct Send_pacing_data hold; the current time is roughly just past the current pacing time slice.

Note that an error may occur in asynchronous operations triggered by this method; if this happens to socket will be closed via close_connection_immediately(). However if the error happens IN this method (false is returned), it is up to the caller to handle the error as desired.

sockSocket under consideration.
sys_err_codeboost.asio error code.

Definition at line 950 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, sock_pacing_new_time_slice(), and sock_pacing_process_q().

Referenced by sock_pacing_process_q().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_rcv_buf_now_readable()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_rcv_buf_now_readable ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
bool  syn_rcvd_qd_packet 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that assumes the given's socket Receive buffer is currently readable and handles implications on the Event_set subsystem.

sockSee handle_data_to_established().
syn_rcvd_qd_packetSee handle_data_to_established().

Definition at line 1195 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_PEER_SOCKET_READABLE.

◆ sock_rcv_wnd()

size_t flow::net_flow::Node::sock_rcv_wnd ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock) const

Computes and returns the currently correct rcv_wnd value; that is the amount of space free in Receive buffer for the given socket.

This may only be called from thread W.

sockA socket.
See above.

Definition at line 5435 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by async_low_lvl_ack_send(), async_low_lvl_syn_ack_ack_send(), async_rcv_wnd_recovery(), handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), receive_wnd_updated(), and sock_load_info_struct().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_set_int_state()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_set_int_state ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Peer_socket::Int_state  new_state 

Sets internal state of given socket to the given state and logs a TRACE message about it.

Should only be run from thread W; performs no locking.

sockSocket under consideration.
new_stateNew state.

Definition at line 6008 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_TRACE.

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), and handle_syn_to_listening_server().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_set_options()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::sock_set_options ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
const Peer_socket_options opts,
Error_code err_code 

Thread W implementation of sock->set_options().

Performs all the needed work to complete sock->set_options() call.

Pre-condition: sock->state() is not Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED.

sockSee Peer_socket::set_options().
optsSee Peer_socket::set_options().
err_codeSee Peer_socket::set_options().
See Peer_socket::set_options().

Definition at line 6096 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, running(), flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, and sock_validate_options().

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::set_options().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_set_state()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_set_state ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
Peer_socket::State  state,
Peer_socket::Open_sub_state  open_sub_state = Peer_socket::Open_sub_state::S_CONNECTED 

Sets Peer_socket::m_state and Peer_socket::m_open_sub_state.

If moving to Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED, resets the required data to their "undefined" values (e.g., Peer_socket::m_local_port = S_PORT_ANY). Thread-safe.

Only set state = S_CLOSED if no more data are in Receive buffer, so that the user can get those data before S_CLOSED state. See Peer_socket::State::S_DISCONNECTING.
sockSocket under consideration.
stateNew Peer_socket::m_state.
open_sub_stateIgnored if state != S_OPEN; otherwise the new value for Peer_socket::m_open_sub_state.

Definition at line 6017 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_OPEN.

Referenced by handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), sock_disconnect_completed(), and sock_disconnect_detected().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sock_slide_rcv_next_seq_num()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_slide_rcv_next_seq_num ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
size_t  slide_size,
bool  reassembly_in_progress 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to register a set of received DATA packet data as in-order payload in the structures Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps and Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num in sock.

Both structures are updated given the precondition that a set of data had arrived with data starting at sock->m_rcv_next_seq_num. If reassembly_in_progress (which should be true if and only if retransmission is on), then the reassembly queue is popped into sock->m_rcv_buf to the appropriate extent (as the just-arrived packet may have bridged the entire gap to the first packet in that queue).

Certain relevant stats are logged in all cases. Note that it's possible to simulate DATA packets' receipt without actually having received such a packet. This method will slide the window as directed regardless.

sockSee handle_data_to_established().
slide_sizeBy how much to increment (slide right) Peer_socket::m_rcv_packets_with_gaps. See handle_data_to_established().
reassembly_in_progressBasically, sock->rexmit_on().

Definition at line 1456 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::buffer_fed(), FLOW_LOG_TRACE, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::good_data_delivered_packet(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Received_packet::m_data, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::Received_packet::m_size.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_track_new_data_after_gap_rexmit_off()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sock_track_new_data_after_gap_rexmit_off ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock,
boost::shared_ptr< const Data_packet packet,
size_t  data_size,
bool slide,
size_t *  slide_size 

Helper for handle_data_to_established() that aims to register the given DATA packet as an out-of-order packet in sock->m_rcv_packets_with_gaps – in retransmission-off mode.

The retransmission-on counterpart is, roughly speaking, sock_data_to_reassembly_q_unless_overflow().

This assumes that sock_categorize_data_to_established() returned *slide == false. However, due to overflow considerations this helper itself set its own *slide (and *slide_size) value. The *slide argument should be interpereted the same way as from sock_categorize_data_to_established(); *slide_size (meaningful if and only if *slide = true is set) specifies by how much Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num must now increment. (Note, then, that in the caller this can only set *slide from false to true; or not touch it.)

sockSee handle_data_to_established().
packetSee handle_data_to_established(). Note it is read-only, however.
data_sizeOriginal packet->m_data.size() value; by now presumbly that value is 0, but we want the original.
slideSame semantics as in sock_categorize_data_to_established() (except it is always set; no "illegal" case).
slide_sizeBy how much to increment Peer_socket::m_rcv_next_seq_num due certain overflow considerations.

Definition at line 1229 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_LOG_INFO, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_receive_stats_accumulator::presumed_dropped_data().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sock_validate_options()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::sock_validate_options ( const Peer_socket_options opts,
const Peer_socket_options prev_opts,
Error_code err_code 
) const

Analogous to validate_options() but checks per-socket options instead of per-Node options.

*prev_opts is replaced with opts. Leave prev_opts as null unless an existing Peer_socket's options are being changed via Peer_socket::set_options(). Otherwise a Node_options::m_dyn_sock_opts Peer_socket_options is being changed, and that is always allowed (since if a per-socket option were not dynamic in that way, it would simply be a per-Node option instead).

optsNew option values to validate.
prev_optsnull if called from constructor; &sock->m_opts if called from sock->set_options(). Used to ensure no static per-socket option is being changed.
err_codeAfter return, *err_code is success or: error::Code::S_OPTION_CHECK_FAILED, error::Code::S_STATIC_OPTION_CHANGED. If !err_code, error::Runtime_error() with that Error_code is thrown instead.
true on success, false on validation error.

Definition at line 6144 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References flow::util::in_closed_range(), flow::util::in_open_closed_range(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_dyn_drop_timeout_backoff_factor, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_dyn_drop_timeout_ceiling, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_dyn_rcv_wnd_recovery_timer_period, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_cong_ctl_classic_wnd_decay_percent, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_cong_ctl_cong_avoidance_increment_blocks, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_cong_ctl_cong_wnd_on_drop_timeout_blocks, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_cong_ctl_init_cong_wnd_blocks, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_cong_ctl_max_cong_wnd_blocks, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_connect_retransmit_period, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_connect_retransmit_timeout, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_delayed_ack_timer_period, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_init_drop_timeout, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_max_block_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_max_full_blocks_before_ack_send, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_max_rexmissions_per_packet, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_rcv_buf_max_size, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_rcv_buf_max_size_to_advertise_percent, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_rcv_max_packets_after_unrecvd_packet_ratio_percent, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_snd_bandwidth_est_sample_period_floor, and flow::net_flow::Peer_socket_options::m_st_snd_buf_max_size.

Referenced by listen_worker(), sock_set_options(), and validate_options().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ socket_id()

Node::Socket_id flow::net_flow::Node::socket_id ( Peer_socket::Const_ptr  sock)

Constructs the socket pair (connection ID) for the given socket.

For performance, try not to use this, as this is usually already available in most points in Node code and can be passed around to places where it's not. However there are situations when one must reconstruct it from a Peer_socket::Ptr alone.

Call from thread W only.

Could make it a Socket_id constructor instead.
sockSource socket.

Definition at line 5973 of file peer_socket.cpp.

Referenced by close_abruptly(), close_connection_immediately(), connect_worker(), handle_connection_rexmit_timer_event(), handle_incoming(), handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(), receive_emptied_rcv_buf_while_disconnecting(), rst_and_close_connection_immediately(), and setup_drop_timer().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sync_connect() [1/2]

template<typename Rep , typename Period >
Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::sync_connect ( const Remote_endpoint to,
const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &  max_wait,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options opts = 0 

The blocking (synchronous) version of connect().

Acts just like connect() but instead of returning a connecting socket immediately, waits until the initial handshake either succeeds or fails, and then returns the socket or null, respectively. Additionally, you can specify a timeout; if the connection is not successful by this time, the connection attempt is aborted and null is returned.

Note that there is always a built-in Flow protocol connect timeout that is mandatory and will report an error if it expires; but it may be too long for your purposes, so you can specify your own that may expire before it. The two timeouts should be thought of as fundamentally independent (built-in one is in the lower level of Flow protocol; the one you provide is at the application layer), so don't make assumptions about Flow's behavior and set a timeout if you know you need one – even if in practice it is longer than the Flow one (which as of this writing can be controlled via socket option).

The following are the possible outcomes:

  1. Connection succeeds before the given timeout expires (or succeeds, if no timeout given). Socket is at least Writable at time of return. The new socket is returned, no error is returned via *err_code.
  2. Connection fails before the given timeout expires (or fails, if no timeout given). null is returned, *err_code is set to reason for connection failure. (Note that a built-in handshake timeout – NOT the given user timeout, if any – falls under this category.) *err_code == error::Code::S_WAIT_INTERRUPTED means the wait was interrupted (similarly to POSIX's EINTR).
  3. A user timeout is given, and the connection does not succeed before it expires. null is returned, and *err_code is set to error::Code::S_WAIT_USER_TIMEOUT. (Rationale: consistent with Server_socket::sync_accept(), Peer_socket::sync_receive(), Peer_socket::sync_send() behavior.)

Tip: Typical types you might use for max_wait: boost::chrono::milliseconds, boost::chrono::seconds, boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration.

Template Parameters
RepSee boost::chrono::duration documentation (and see above tip).
PeriodSee boost::chrono::duration documentation (and see above tip).
toSee connect().
max_waitThe maximum amount of time from now to wait before giving up on the wait and returning. "duration<Rep, Period>::max()" will eliminate the time limit and cause indefinite wait – however, not really, as there is a built-in connection timeout that will expire.
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_WAIT_INTERRUPTED, error::Code::S_WAIT_USER_TIMEOUT, error::Code::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, error::Code::S_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_IP_ANY, error::Code::S_OUT_OF_PORTS, error::Code::S_INTERNAL_ERROR_PORT_COLLISION, error::Code::S_CONN_TIMEOUT, error::Code::S_CONN_REFUSED, error::Code::S_CONN_RESET_BY_OTHER_SIDE, error::Code::S_NODE_SHUTTING_DOWN, error::Code::S_OPTION_CHECK_FAILED.
optsSee connect().
See connect().

Definition at line 3925 of file node.hpp.

References S_DEFAULT_CONN_METADATA, and sync_connect_with_metadata().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sync_connect() [2/2]

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::sync_connect ( const Remote_endpoint to,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options opts = 0 

Equivalent to sync_connect(to, duration::max(), err_code, opt)s; i.e., sync_connect() with no user timeout.

toSee other sync_connect().
err_codeSee other sync_connect().
optsSee sync_connect().
See other sync_connect().

Definition at line 4129 of file peer_socket.cpp.

◆ sync_connect_impl()

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::sync_connect_impl ( const Remote_endpoint to,
const Fine_duration max_wait,
const boost::asio::const_buffer &  serialized_metadata,
Error_code err_code,
const Peer_socket_options opts 

Implementation core of sync_connect*() that gets rid of templated or missing arguments thereof.

E.g., the API would wrap this and supply a Fine_duration instead of generic duration; and supply Fine_duration::max() if user omitted the timeout argument. Code bloat and possible circular definition issues are among the reasons for this "de-templating" pattern.

toSee connect().
max_waitSee the public sync_connect(timeout). "duration<Rep, Period>::max()" maps to the value Fine_duration::max() for this argument.
serialized_metadataSee connect_with_metadata().
err_codeSee sync_connect().
optsSee connect().
See sync_connect().

Definition at line 4144 of file peer_socket.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR, flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::S_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::error::S_EVENT_SET_CLOSED, flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, flow::net_flow::Event_set::S_PEER_SOCKET_WRITABLE, flow::net_flow::error::S_WAIT_INTERRUPTED, flow::net_flow::error::S_WAIT_USER_TIMEOUT, and flow::util::setup_auto_cleanup().

Referenced by sync_connect_with_metadata().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sync_connect_with_metadata() [1/2]

Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::sync_connect_with_metadata ( const Remote_endpoint to,
const boost::asio::const_buffer &  serialized_metadata,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options opts = 0 

Equivalent to sync_connect_with_metadata(to, duration::max(), serialized_metadata, err_code, opts); i.e., sync_connect_with_metadata() with no user timeout.

toSee sync_connect().
serialized_metadataSee connect_with_metadata().
err_codeSee sync_connect(). Added error: error::Code::S_CONN_METADATA_TOO_LARGE.
optsSee sync_connect().
See sync_connect().

Definition at line 4137 of file peer_socket.cpp.

◆ sync_connect_with_metadata() [2/2]

template<typename Rep , typename Period >
Peer_socket::Ptr flow::net_flow::Node::sync_connect_with_metadata ( const Remote_endpoint to,
const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &  max_wait,
const boost::asio::const_buffer &  serialized_metadata,
Error_code err_code = 0,
const Peer_socket_options opts = 0 

A combination of sync_connect() and connect_with_metadata() (blocking connect, with supplied metadata).

toSee sync_connect().
max_waitSee sync_connect().
serialized_metadataSee connect_with_metadata().
err_codeSee sync_connect(). Added error: error::Code::S_CONN_METADATA_TOO_LARGE.
optsSee sync_connect().
See sync_connect().

Definition at line 3914 of file node.hpp.

References flow::util::chrono_duration_to_fine_duration(), and sync_connect_impl().

Referenced by sync_connect().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sync_op()

template<typename Socket , typename Non_blocking_func_ret_type >
Non_blocking_func_ret_type flow::net_flow::Node::sync_op ( typename Socket::Ptr  sock,
const Function< Non_blocking_func_ret_type()> &  non_blocking_func,
Non_blocking_func_ret_type  would_block_ret_val,
Event_set::Event_type  ev_type,
const Fine_time_pt wait_until,
Error_code err_code 

Implementation of core blocking transfer methods, namely Peer_socket::sync_send(), Peer_socket::sync_receive(), and Server_socket::sync_accept() for all cases except when sock->state() == Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED.

It is heavily templated and shared among those three implementations to avoid massive copy/pasting, since the basic pattern of the blocking wrapper around Event_set::sync_wait() and a non-blocking operation (Peer_socket::receive(), Peer_socket::send(), Server_socket::accept(), respectively) is the same in all cases.


  • current thread is not W;
  • sock->m_mutex is locked;
  • no changes to *sock have been made since sock->m_mutex was locked;
  • sock->state() is OPEN (so sock is in m_socks or m_servs, depending on socket type at compile time);
  • other arguments are as described below.

This method completes the functionality of sock->sync_send(), sock->sync_receive(), and sock->sync_accept().

Template Parameters
SocketUnderlying object of the transfer operation (Peer_socket or Server_socket).
Non_blocking_func_ret_typeThe return type of the calling transfer operation (size_t or Peer_socket::Ptr).
sockSocket on which user called sync_*().
non_blocking_funcWhen this method believes it should attempt a non-blocking transfer op, it will execute non_blocking_func(). If non_blocking_func.empty(), do not call non_blocking_func() – return indicating no error so far, and let them do actual operation, if they want; we just tell them it should be ready for them. This is known as reactor pattern mode. Otherwise, do the successful operation and then return. This is arguably more typical.
would_block_ret_valThe value that non_blocking_func() returns to indicate it was unable to perform the non-blocking operation (i.e., no data/sockets available).
ev_typeEvent type applicable to the type of operation this is. See Event_set::Event_type doc header.
wait_untilSee max_wait argument on the originating sync_*() method. This is absolute timeout time point derived from it; zero-valued if no timeout.
err_codeSee this argument on the originating sync_*() method. However, unlike that calling method's user-facing API, the present sync_op() method does NOT allow null err_code (behavior undefined if err_code is null). Corollary: we will NOT throw Runtime_error().
The value that the calling sync_*() method should return to its caller. Corner/special case: If non_blocking_func.empty() (a/k/a "reactor pattern" mode), then this will always return would_block_ret_val; the caller shall interpret bool(*err_code) == false as meaning the socket has reached the desired state in time and without error. In that special case, as of this writing, you can't just return this return value, since it's always a zero/null/whatever.

Definition at line 3935 of file node.hpp.

References event_set_create(), FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, running(), flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_NOT_RUNNING, and flow::util::setup_auto_cleanup().

Referenced by flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_sync_receive(), flow::net_flow::Peer_socket::node_sync_send(), and flow::net_flow::Server_socket::sync_accept_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send()

void flow::net_flow::Node::sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send ( Peer_socket::Ptr  sock)

Sends an RST to the other side of the given socket, synchronously.

An error is unlikely, but if it happens there is no reporting other than logging. Will block (though probably not for long, this being UDP) if m_low_lvl_sock is in blocking mode.

sockSocket the remote side of which will get the RST.

Definition at line 997 of file low_lvl_io.cpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_SYS_ERROR_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_low_lvl_max_packet_size, m_low_lvl_sock, m_opts, and opt().

Referenced by worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ this_thread_init_logger_setup()

log::Logger * flow::net_flow::Node::this_thread_init_logger_setup ( const std::string &  thread_type,
log::Logger logger = 0 

Helper to invoke for each thread in which this Node executes, whether or not it starts that thread, that applies certain common settings to all subsequent logging from that thread.

E.g., it might nickname the thread (w/r/t logging) and set a certain style of printing duration units (short like "ms" or long like "milliseconds"): these probably won't change for the rest of the Node's logging.

thread_typeRoughly 3-letter character sequence identifying the thread's purpose, to be included in the thread's logged nickname in subsequent log message prefixes; or empty string to let the thread's nickname stay as-is.
loggerThe Logger whose logging to configure(); or null to assume this->get_logger() (which is typical but may not yet be available, say, during object construction).
Address of the Logger that was configured (either logger or this->get_logger()).

Definition at line 113 of file node.cpp.

References flow::log::beautify_chrono_logger_this_thread(), flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), and flow::util::ostream_op_to_string().

Referenced by worker_run().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ validate_option_check()

bool flow::net_flow::Node::validate_option_check ( bool  check,
const std::string &  check_str,
Error_code err_code 
) const

Helper that, if the given condition is false, logs and returns an error; used to check for option value validity when setting options.

checkfalse if and only if some validity check failed.
check_strString describing which condition was checked; this is presumably obtained using the macro # technique.
err_codeSee Peer_socket::set_options().
true on success, false on validation error.

Definition at line 1092 of file node.cpp.


◆ validate_options()

const Node_options & flow::net_flow::Node::validate_options ( const Node_options opts,
bool  init,
Error_code err_code 
) const

Given a new set of Node_options intended to replace (or initialize) a Node's m_opts, ensures that these new option values are legal.

In all cases, values are checked for individual and mutual validity. Additionally, unless init is true, which means we're being called from constructor, ensures that no static data member is different between m_opts and opts. If any validation fails, it is an error.

Pre-condition: If !init, m_opts_mutex is locked.

Is it necessary to return opts now that we've switched to C++11 or better?
optsNew option values to validate.
initTrue if called from constructor; false if called from set_options().
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. error::Code generated: error::Code::S_OPTION_CHECK_FAILED, error::Code::S_STATIC_OPTION_CHANGED.
opts. The only reason we return this is so that it can be called during the construction's initializer section (go, C++03!).

Definition at line 980 of file node.cpp.

References FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_STR, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_low_lvl_max_packet_size, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_dyn_sock_opts, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_st_low_lvl_max_buf_size, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_st_timer_min_period, sock_validate_options(), and validate_options().

Referenced by set_options(), and validate_options().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ validate_static_option()

template<typename Opt_type >
bool flow::net_flow::Node::validate_static_option ( const Opt_type &  new_val,
const Opt_type &  old_val,
const std::string &  opt_id,
Error_code err_code 
) const

Helper that compares new_val to old_val and, if they are not equal, logs and returns an error; used to ensure static options are not changed.

Template Parameters
Opt_typeType of a Node_options, etc., data member.
new_valProposed new value for the option.
old_valCurrent value of the option.
opt_idThe name of the option, suitable for logging; this is presumably obtained using the macro # technique.
err_codeSee Peer_socket::set_options().
true on success, false on validation error.

Definition at line 4119 of file node.hpp.

References FLOW_ERROR_EMIT_ERROR, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::net_flow::Node_options::opt_id_to_str(), and flow::net_flow::error::S_STATIC_OPTION_CHANGED.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ worker_run()

void flow::net_flow::Node::worker_run ( const util::Udp_endpoint  low_lvl_endpoint)

Worker thread W (main event loop) body.

Does not exit unless told to do so by Node's destruction (presumably from a non-W thread, as W is not exposed to Node user).

low_lvl_endpointSee that parameter on Node constructor. Intentionally passed by value, to avoid race with user's Udp_endpoint object disappearing before worker_run() can use it.

Definition at line 151 of file node.cpp.

References async_low_lvl_recv(), close_connection_immediately(), close_empty_server_immediately(), event_set_close_worker(), FLOW_ERROR_SYS_ERROR_LOG_WARNING, FLOW_LOG_INFO, FLOW_LOG_TRACE, FLOW_LOG_WARNING, flow::log::Log_context::get_logger(), interrupt_all_waits_internal_sig_handler(), m_event_loop_ready, m_event_sets, m_low_lvl_endpoint, m_low_lvl_max_buf_size, m_low_lvl_sock, m_opts, m_servs, m_signal_set, m_socks, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_st_capture_interrupt_signals_internally, flow::net_flow::Node_options::m_st_low_lvl_max_buf_size, m_task_engine, opt(), perform_regular_infrequent_tasks(), flow::net_flow::error::S_NODE_SHUTTING_DOWN, S_REGULAR_INFREQUENT_TASKS_PERIOD, flow::util::schedule_task_from_now(), sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), and this_thread_init_logger_setup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Event_set

friend class Event_set

Event_set must be able to forward close(), event_set_async_wait(), etc.

to Node.

See also

Definition at line 1419 of file node.hpp.

◆ hash_value

size_t hash_value ( const Socket_id socket_id)

Free function that returns socket_id.hash(); has to be a free function named hash_value() for boost.hash to pick it up.

socket_idSocket ID to hash.

Definition at line 1161 of file node.cpp.

◆ operator==

bool operator== ( const Socket_id lhs,
const Socket_id rhs 

Whether lhs is equal to rhs.

lhsObject to compare.
rhsObject to compare.
See above.

Definition at line 1156 of file node.cpp.

◆ Peer_socket

friend class Peer_socket

Peer_socket must be able to forward send(), receive(), etc.

to Node.

See also

Definition at line 1409 of file node.hpp.

◆ Server_socket

friend class Server_socket

Server_socket must be able to forward accept(), etc.

to Node.

See also

Definition at line 1414 of file node.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_event_loop_ready

boost::promise<Error_code> flow::net_flow::Node::m_event_loop_ready

Promise that thread W sets to truthy Error_code if it fails to initialize or falsy once event loop is running.

The truthy payload can be returned or thrown inside an error::Runtime_exception if desired.

Definition at line 3838 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by worker_run().

◆ m_event_loop_ready_result

boost::unique_future<Error_code> flow::net_flow::Node::m_event_loop_ready_result

The future object through which the non-W thread waits for m_event_loop_ready to be set to success/failure.

Definition at line 3841 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by Node().

◆ m_event_sets

Event_sets flow::net_flow::Node::m_event_sets

Every Event_set to have been returned by event_set_create() and not subsequently reached Event_set::State::S_CLOSED.

Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3762 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by worker_run().

◆ m_last_loss_sock_log_when

Fine_time_pt flow::net_flow::Node::m_last_loss_sock_log_when

For debugging, when we detect loss of data we'd sent, we log the corresponding socket's state; this is the last time this was done for any socket (or epoch if never).

It's used to throttle such messages, since they are CPU-intensive and disk-intensive (when logging to disk).

Definition at line 3832 of file node.hpp.

◆ m_low_lvl_endpoint

util::Udp_endpoint flow::net_flow::Node::m_low_lvl_endpoint

After we bind m_low_lvl_sock to a UDP endpoint, this is a copy of that endpoint.

Thus it should contain the actual local address and port (even if user specified 0 for the latter, say).

This is equal to Udp_endpoint() until the constructor exits. After the constructor exits, its value never changes, therefore all threads can access it without mutex. If the constructor fails to bind, this remains equal to Udp_endpoint() forever.

Definition at line 3722 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by local_low_lvl_endpoint(), and worker_run().

◆ m_low_lvl_max_buf_size

size_t flow::net_flow::Node::m_low_lvl_max_buf_size

OS-reported m_low_lvl_sock UDP receive buffer maximum size, obtained right after we OS-set that setting and never changed subsequently.

Note the OS may not respect whatever value we passed into the OS socket option setting call, or it may respect it but only approximately.

Definition at line 3729 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by sock_load_info_struct(), and worker_run().

◆ m_low_lvl_sock

Udp_socket flow::net_flow::Node::m_low_lvl_sock

The UDP socket used to receive low-level packets (to assemble into application layer data) and send them (vice versa).

Only thread W can access this.

Access to this may be highly contentious in high-traffic situations. Since only thread W accesses this, and that thread does the vast bulk of the work of the entire Node, at least one known problem is that the internal OS UDP receive buffer may be exceeded, as we may not read datagrams off this socket quickly enough.

See also
Class Node doc header for to-do items regarding the aforementioned UDP receive buffer overflow problem.

Definition at line 3711 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl(), async_low_lvl_recv(), low_lvl_recv_and_handle(), sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), and worker_run().

◆ m_net_env_sim

boost::shared_ptr<Net_env_simulator> flow::net_flow::Node::m_net_env_sim

The object used to simulate stuff like packet loss and latency via local means directly in the code.

If 0, no such simulation is performed. shared_ptr<> used for basic auto-delete convenience.

Definition at line 3671 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by handle_incoming_with_simulation().

◆ m_opts

Node_options flow::net_flow::Node::m_opts

This Node's global set of options.

Initialized at construction; can be subsequently modified by set_options(), although only the dynamic members of this may be modified.

Accessed from thread W and user thread U != W. Protected by m_opts_mutex. When reading, do NOT access without locking (which is encapsulated in opt()).

Definition at line 3662 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by async_low_lvl_packet_send_impl(), handle_incoming(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), low_lvl_recv_and_handle(), max_block_size(), options(), set_options(), sock_load_info_struct(), sock_pacing_new_time_slice(), sync_sock_low_lvl_rst_send(), and worker_run().

◆ m_opts_mutex

Options_mutex flow::net_flow::Node::m_opts_mutex

The mutex protecting m_opts.

Definition at line 3665 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by handle_syn_to_listening_server(), opt(), and set_options().

◆ m_packet_data

util::Blob flow::net_flow::Node::m_packet_data

Stores incoming raw packet data; re-used repeatedly for possible performance gains.

Definition at line 3732 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by low_lvl_recv_and_handle().

◆ m_ports

Port_space flow::net_flow::Node::m_ports

Flow port space for both client and server sockets. All threads may access this.

Definition at line 3735 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), close_empty_server_immediately(), and listen_worker().

◆ m_rnd_security_tokens

util::Rnd_gen_uniform_range<Peer_socket::security_token_t> flow::net_flow::Node::m_rnd_security_tokens

Random number generator for picking security tokens; seeded on time at Node construction and generates integers from the entire range.

(Not thread-safe. Use only in thread W.)

Definition at line 3744 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by handle_syn_to_listening_server().

◆ m_seq_num_generator

Sequence_number::Generator flow::net_flow::Node::m_seq_num_generator

Sequence number generator (at least to generate ISNs). Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3738 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by handle_syn_to_listening_server().

◆ m_servs

Port_to_server_map flow::net_flow::Node::m_servs

The server sockets this Node is currently tracking.

Their states are not Server_socket::State::S_CLOSED. Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3756 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), close_empty_server_immediately(), handle_incoming(), listen_worker(), and worker_run().

◆ m_signal_set

Signal_set flow::net_flow::Node::m_signal_set

Signal set which we may or may not be using to trap SIGINT and SIGTERM in order to auto-fire interrupt_all_waits().

add() is called on it at initialization if and only if that feature is enabled by the user via Node_options. Otherwise this object just does nothing for the Node's lifetime.

Definition at line 3848 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by worker_run().

◆ m_sock_events

Event_set::Ev_type_to_socks_map flow::net_flow::Node::m_sock_events

All sockets that have been detected to be "ready" (by the Event_set doc header definition) at any point since the last time m_sock_events's contained sets were cleared (which happens initially and after each event_set_all_check_delta() call).

EVERY piece of code in thread W to potentially set a socket's status to "ready" (e.g.: DATA received, error detected) MUST add that socket's handle to this data structure. This enables the Event_set machinery to efficiently but thoroughly detect every event in which the Event_set user is interested. The theory behind this is described in the giant comment inside Event_set::async_wait().

This maps Event_set::Event_type enum members to Event_set::Sockets socket sets, exactly the same way Event_set::m_can and Event_set::m_want are set up.

A question arises: why use this set to store such active sockets? Why not just call event_set_all_check_delta() EVERY time we see a socket is now Readable, etc., thus handling it right away and not needing to store it? Answer: we could. However, we want to collect as many possibly active events as possible, without blocking, before performing the check. That way the user is informed of as many events as possible, instead of the very first one (when there could be hundreds more; for example if hundreds of DATA packets have arrived simultaneously). The theory behind this is also discussed in Event_set::async_wait() giant comment. So we insert into m_sock_events and defer event_set_all_check_delta(false) to the end of the current boost.asio handler, since we know we won't block (sleep) until the handler exits.

Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3788 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), close_empty_server_immediately(), handle_syn_ack_ack_to_syn_rcvd(), and send_worker().

◆ m_socks

Socket_id_to_socket_map flow::net_flow::Node::m_socks

The peer-to-peer connections this Node is currently tracking.

Their states are not Peer_socket::State::S_CLOSED. Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3750 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by close_connection_immediately(), handle_incoming(), handle_syn_to_listening_server(), perform_regular_infrequent_tasks(), and worker_run().

◆ m_socks_with_accumulated_acks

boost::unordered_set<Peer_socket::Ptr> flow::net_flow::Node::m_socks_with_accumulated_acks

Within a given low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming() call, by the time perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() is called, this stores exactly those sockets for which possible incoming-ACK handling tasks have been accumulated during the low_lvl_recv_and_handle()/etc.

call. The idea is that, for congestion control robustness, all simultaneously available acknowledgments and rcv_wnd updates are collected first, and then they're all handled together at the end.

Details on the acks to potentially send are stored within that Peer_socket itself (Peer_socket::m_rcv_acked_packets scan all).

This should be added to throughout the method, used in perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(), and then cleared for the next run.

Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3825 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks().

◆ m_socks_with_accumulated_pending_acks

boost::unordered_set<Peer_socket::Ptr> flow::net_flow::Node::m_socks_with_accumulated_pending_acks

Within a given low_lvl_recv_and_handle() or async part of async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming() (async part) call, by the time perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks() is called, this stores exactly those sockets for which possible ACK sending tasks have been accumulated during the low_lvl_recv_and_handle()/etc.

call. The idea is that, for efficiency and reduced overhead, all simultaneously available incoming data are examined first, and some tasks are accumulated to perform at the end. For example, all DATA packets to be acknowledged at the same time are collected and then sent in as few ACKs as possible.

Details on the acks to potentially send are stored within that Peer_socket itself (e.g., Peer_socket::m_rcv_pending_acks).

This should be added to throughout the method, used in perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks(), and then cleared for the next run.

Only thread W can access this.

Definition at line 3807 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by perform_accumulated_on_recv_tasks().

◆ m_task_engine

util::Task_engine flow::net_flow::Node::m_task_engine

The main loop engine, functioning in the single-threaded-but-asynchronous callback-based "reactor" style (or is it "proactor"?).

The Node constructor creates a single new thread W, which then places some callbacks onto this guy and invoke m_task_engine.run(), at which point the main loop begins in thread W.

Thus, per boost.asio's model, any work items (functions) placed onto m_task_engine (e.g.: post(m_task_engine, do_something_fn);) will execute in thread W, as it's the one invoking run() at the time – even if the placing itself is done on some other thread, such as a user thread U. An example of the latter is a Peer_socket::send() implementation might write to the socket's internal Send buffer in thread U, check whether it's currently possible to send over the wire, and if and only if the answer is yes, post(m_task_engine, S), where S is a function/functor (created via lambdas usually) that will perform the hairy needed Node/socket work on thread W.

All threads may access this (no mutex required, as explicitly announced in boost.asio docs).

Adding more threads that would call m_task_engine.run() would create a thread pool. With "strands" one can avoid concurrency in this situation. An intelligent combination of those two concepts can lead to efficient multi-core use without complex and/or inefficient locking. This is non-trivial.

See also
Class Node doc header for to-do items regarding efficient multi-core use and how that relates to using an m_task_engine thread pool and/or strands.

Definition at line 3697 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by async_rcv_wnd_recovery(), async_wait_latency_then_handle_incoming(), close_abruptly(), listen(), perform_regular_infrequent_tasks(), receive(), running(), send(), setup_drop_timer(), sock_create_forward_plus_ctor_args(), sock_info(), worker_run(), and ~Node().

◆ m_worker

util::Thread flow::net_flow::Node::m_worker

Worker thread (= thread W). Other members should be initialized before this to avoid race condition.

Definition at line 3851 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by Node(), and ~Node().


const uint8_t flow::net_flow::Node::S_DEFAULT_CONN_METADATA = 0

Type and value to supply as user-supplied metadata in SYN, if user chooses to use [[a]sync_]connect() instead of [[a]sync_]connect_with_metadata().

If you change this value, please update Peer_socket::get_connect_metadata() doc header.

Definition at line 1400 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by flow::net_flow::asio::Node::async_connect(), and sync_connect().


const flow_port_t & flow::net_flow::Node::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT = Port_space::S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT

The port number of the lowest ephemeral Flow port, making the range of ephemeral ports [S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT, S_FIRST_EPHEMERAL_PORT + S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS - 1].

Definition at line 960 of file node.hpp.


const flow_port_t & flow::net_flow::Node::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT = Port_space::S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT

The port number of the lowest service port, making the range of service ports [S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT, S_FIRST_SERVICE_PORT + S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS - 1].

Definition at line 954 of file node.hpp.


const Peer_socket::Sent_packet::ack_count_t flow::net_flow::Node::S_MAX_LATER_ACKS_BEFORE_CONSIDERING_DROPPED = 2

For a given unacknowledged sent packet P, the maximum number of times any individual packet with higher sequence numbers than P may be acknowledged before P is considered Dropped (i.e., we give up on it).

If we enable retransmission, that would trigger Fast Retransmit, using TCP's terminology.

Definition at line 3644 of file node.hpp.


const size_t & flow::net_flow::Node::S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS = Port_space::S_NUM_EPHEMERAL_PORTS

Total number of Flow "ephemeral" ports (ones reserved locally at random with Node::listen(S_PORT_ANY) or Node::connect()).

Definition at line 948 of file node.hpp.


const size_t & flow::net_flow::Node::S_NUM_PORTS = Port_space::S_NUM_PORTS

Total number of Flow ports in the port space, including S_PORT_ANY.

Definition at line 939 of file node.hpp.


const size_t & flow::net_flow::Node::S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS = Port_space::S_NUM_SERVICE_PORTS

Total number of Flow "service" ports (ones that can be reserved by number with Node::listen()).

Definition at line 942 of file node.hpp.


const Fine_duration flow::net_flow::Node::S_REGULAR_INFREQUENT_TASKS_PERIOD = boost::chrono::seconds(1)

Time interval between performing "infrequent periodic tasks," such as stat logging.

This should be large enough to ensure that the tasks being performed incur no significant processor use.

Definition at line 3651 of file node.hpp.

Referenced by perform_regular_infrequent_tasks(), and worker_run().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: