28 Impl(loop, clock_type,
The core flow::async interface, providing an optionally multi-threaded thread pool onto which runnabl...
Decorator of a Concurrent_task_loop with same or greater lifetime that accumulates time elapsed in an...
Timed_concurrent_task_loop(Concurrent_task_loop *loop, perf::Clock_type clock_type=perf::Clock_type::S_CPU_THREAD_TOTAL_HI_RES)
Constructs a time-accumulating version of existing loop *loop.
std::atomic< perf::duration_rep_t > Time_accumulator
Convenience alias to our thread-safe tick accumulator type.
Flow module containing tools enabling multi-threaded event loops operating under the asynchronous-tas...
Duration::rep duration_rep_t
The raw type used in Duration to store its clock ticks.
Clock types supported by flow::perf module facilities, perf::Checkpointing_timer in particular.