Flow-IPC 1.0.2
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
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ipc::util Namespace Reference

Flow-IPC module containing miscellaneous general-use facilities that ubiquitously used by ~all Flow-IPC modules and/or do not fit into any other Flow-IPC module. More...


namespace  sync_io
 Contains common code, as well as important explanatory documentation in the following text, for the sync_io pattern used in ipc::transport and ipc::session to provide fine-tuned control over integrating asynchronous Flow-IPC activities into the user's event loop.


class  Default_init_allocator
 Allocator adaptor (useful for, e.g., vector that skips zero-filling) that turns a value-initialization T() into a default-initialization for those types, namely PoDs, for which default-initialization is a no-op. More...
struct  Native_handle
 A monolayer-thin wrapper around a native handle, a/k/a descriptor a/k/a FD. More...
class  Process_credentials
 A process's credentials (PID, UID, GID as of this writing). More...
class  Shared_name
 String-wrapping abstraction representing a name uniquely distinguishing a kernel-persistent entity from all others in the system, or a fragment of such a name. More...
class  Use_counted_object
 Simple counter that manually tracks utilization. It is not thread-safe. More...


using String_view = flow::util::String_view
 Short-hand for Flow's String_view.
using Fine_duration = flow::Fine_duration
 Short-hand for Flow's Fine_duration.
using Fine_time_pt = flow::Fine_time_pt
 Short-hand for Flow's Fine_time_pt.
using Task = flow::async::Task
 Short-hand for polymorphic function (a-la std::function<>) that takes no arguments and returns nothing.
using Blob_const = boost::asio::const_buffer
 Short-hand for an immutable blob somewhere in memory, stored as exactly a void const * and a size_t. More...
using Blob_mutable = boost::asio::mutable_buffer
 Short-hand for an mutable blob somewhere in memory, stored as exactly a void* and a size_t. More...
using process_id_t = ::pid_t
 Syntactic-sugary type for POSIX process ID (integer).
using user_id_t = ::uid_t
 Syntactic-sugary type for POSIX user ID (integer).
using group_id_t = ::gid_t
 Syntactic-sugary type for POSIX group ID (integer).
using Open_or_create = bipc::open_or_create_t
 Tag type indicating an atomic open-if-exists-else-create operation. More...
using Open_only = bipc::open_only_t
 Tag type indicating an ideally-atomic open-if-exists-else-fail operation. More...
using Create_only = bipc::create_only_t
 Tag type indicating a create-unless-exists-else-fail operation. More...
using Permissions = bipc::permissions
 Short-hand for Unix (POSIX) permissions class.


enum class  Permissions_level : size_t {
 Simple specifier of desired access permissions, usually but not necessarily translated into a Permissions value (though even then different value in different contexts). More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Native_handle &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Native_handle to the given ostream. More...
bool operator== (Native_handle val1, Native_handle val2)
 Returns true if and only if the two Native_handle objects are the same underlying handle. More...
bool operator!= (Native_handle val1, Native_handle val2)
 Negation of similar ==. More...
size_t hash_value (Native_handle val)
 Hasher of Native_handle for boost.unordered et al. More...
bool operator< (Native_handle val1, Native_handle val2)
 Returns a less-than comparison of two Native_handle objects, with the usual total ordering guarantees. More...
bool operator== (const Process_credentials &val1, const Process_credentials &val2)
 Checks for by-value equality between two Process_credentials objects. More...
bool operator!= (const Process_credentials &val1, const Process_credentials &val2)
 Checks for by-value inequality between two Process_credentials objects. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Process_credentials &val)
 Prints string representation of the given util::Process_credentials to the given ostream. More...
Shared_name operator+ (const Shared_name &src1, const char *raw_src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) += raw_src2. More...
Shared_name operator+ (const char *raw_src1, const Shared_name &src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src2) with raw_src1 pre-pended to it. More...
Shared_name operator+ (const Shared_name &src1, const Shared_name &src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) += src2. More...
Shared_name operator/ (const Shared_name &src1, const char *raw_src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) /= raw_src2. More...
Shared_name operator/ (const char *raw_src1, const Shared_name &src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(raw_src1) /= src2. More...
Shared_name operator/ (const Shared_name &src1, const Shared_name &src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) /= src2. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Shared_name &val)
 Prints embellished string representation of the given Shared_name to the given ostream. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Shared_name &val)
 Reads Shared_name from the given istream; equivalent to reading string into Shared_name::str(). More...
bool operator== (const Shared_name &val1, const Shared_name &val2)
 Returns true if and only if val1.str() == val2.str(). More...
bool operator!= (const Shared_name &val1, const Shared_name &val2)
 Negation of similar ==. More...
bool operator== (const Shared_name &val1, util::String_view val2)
 Returns true if and only if val1.str() == string(val2). More...
bool operator!= (const Shared_name &val1, util::String_view val2)
 Negation of similar ==. More...
bool operator== (util::String_view val1, const Shared_name &val2)
 Returns true if and only if string(val1) == val2.str(). More...
bool operator!= (util::String_view val1, const Shared_name &val2)
 Negation of similar ==. More...
bool operator< (const Shared_name &val1, const Shared_name &val2)
 Returns true if and only if val1.str() < val2.str(). More...
size_t hash_value (const Shared_name &val)
 Hasher of Shared_name for boost.unordered et al. More...
void swap (Shared_name &val1, Shared_name &val2)
 Swaps two objects. More...
template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator+ (const Shared_name &src1, const Source &raw_src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) += raw_src2. More...
template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator+ (const Source &raw_src1, const Shared_name &src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src2) with raw_src1 pre-pended to it. More...
template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator/ (const Shared_name &src1, const Source &raw_src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) /= raw_src2. More...
template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator/ (const Source &raw_src1, const Shared_name &src2)
 Returns new object equal to Shared_name(raw_src1) /= src2. More...
template<typename Persistent_object , typename Filter_func >
unsigned int remove_each_persistent_if (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, const Filter_func &filter_func)
 Utility that invokes Persistent_object::for_each_persistent(name_prefix_or_empty) and synchronously invokes Persistent_object::remove_persistent() on each resulting item that passes the given filter, where Persistent_object is a type that handles objects – such as SHM pools or POSIX MQs – with kernel-persistent semantics. More...
template<typename Persistent_object >
unsigned int remove_each_persistent_with_name_prefix (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, const Shared_name &name_prefix_or_empty)
 Utility that invokes remove_each_persistent_if() with the filter that returns true (yes, remove) if and only if the item's name optionally matches a given Shared_name prefix. More...
Permissions shared_resource_permissions (Permissions_level permissions_lvl)
 Maps general Permissions_level specifier to low-level Permissions value, when the underlying resource is in the file-system and is either accessible (read-write in terms of file system) or inaccessible. More...
void set_resource_permissions (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, const fs::path &path, const Permissions &perms, Error_code *err_code=0)
 Utility that sets the permissions of the given resource (at the supplied file system path) to specified POSIX value. More...
void set_resource_permissions (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, Native_handle handle, const Permissions &perms, Error_code *err_code=0)
 Identical to the other set_resource_permissions() overload but operates on a pre-opened Native_handle (a/k/a handle, socket, file descriptor) to the resource in question. More...
bool process_running (process_id_t process_id)
 Returns true if and only if the given process (by PID) is reported as running by the OS. More...
const uint8_t * blob_data (const Blob_const &blob)
 Syntactic-sugary helper that returns pointer to first byte in an immutable buffer, as const uint8_t*. More...
uint8_t * blob_data (const Blob_mutable &blob)
 Syntactic-sugary helper that returns pointer to first byte in a mutable buffer, as uint8_t*. More...


const Open_or_create OPEN_OR_CREATE
 Tag value indicating an open-if-exists-else-create operation.
const Open_only OPEN_ONLY
 Tag value indicating an atomic open-if-exists-else-fail operation.
const Create_only CREATE_ONLY
 Tag value indicating an atomic create-unless-exists-else-fail operation.
const std::string EMPTY_STRING
 A (default-cted) string. May be useful for functions returning const std::string&.

Detailed Description

Flow-IPC module containing miscellaneous general-use facilities that ubiquitously used by ~all Flow-IPC modules and/or do not fit into any other Flow-IPC module.

Each symbol therein is typically used by at least 1 other Flow-IPC module; but all public symbols (except ones under a detail/ subdirectory) are intended for use by Flow-IPC user as well. Some particulars to note:

ipc::util::Shared_name is a universally used shared-resource name class, conceptually similar to boost::filesystem::path. It is used in ipc::transport APIs – namely to name endpoints when establishing channels, and more – but also in other Flow-IPC modules. For example Shared_name is used to name certain SHM entities in ipc::shm and in ipc::session when connecting to conversation partner process(es).

ipc::util::Native_handle is a commonly used native-handle (FD in POSIX parlance) wrapper (so thin it doesn't add a single bit on top of the actul FD). These are ~always passed around by value (copied), as they are very small in practice.

There are of course various other things; just check them out as they are referenced, or just look around. Note there are free functions providing various niceties; and more types including classes and scoped enums.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Blob_const

using ipc::util::Blob_const = typedef boost::asio::const_buffer

Short-hand for an immutable blob somewhere in memory, stored as exactly a void const * and a size_t.

How to use

We provide this alias as a stylistic short-hand, as it better suits various interfaces especially in ipc::transport. Nevertheless it's not meant to more than that; it's an attempt to abstract it away.

That is to say, to work with these (create them, access them, etc.), do use the highly convenient boost.asio buffer APIs which are well documented in boost.asio's docs.

◆ Blob_mutable

using ipc::util::Blob_mutable = typedef boost::asio::mutable_buffer

Short-hand for an mutable blob somewhere in memory, stored as exactly a void* and a size_t.

See also
ipc::util::Blob_const; usability notes in that doc header apply similarly here.

◆ Create_only

using ipc::util::Create_only = typedef bipc::create_only_t

Tag type indicating a create-unless-exists-else-fail operation.

See also

◆ Open_only

using ipc::util::Open_only = typedef bipc::open_only_t

Tag type indicating an ideally-atomic open-if-exists-else-fail operation.

See also

◆ Open_or_create

using ipc::util::Open_or_create = typedef bipc::open_or_create_t

Tag type indicating an atomic open-if-exists-else-create operation.

See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Permissions_level

enum class ipc::util::Permissions_level : size_t

Simple specifier of desired access permissions, usually but not necessarily translated into a Permissions value (though even then different value in different contexts).

May be used to map, say, from a Permissions_level to a Permissions value in an array<Permissions, size_t(Permissions_level::S_END_SENTINEL)>.

While, unlike Permissions, this enum intends not be overtly based on a POSIX RWXRWXRWX model, it does still assume the 3 user groupings are "user themselves," "user's group," and "everyone." The 1st and 3rd are likely universal, but the 2nd may not apply to all OS – through probably all POSIX/Unix ones – and even for something like Linux there could be different groupings such as ones based on OS ACL. As of this writing it's fine, as this is a POSIX-targeted library at least (in fact, Linux, as of this writing, but that could change to include, say, macOS/similar).


Forbids all access, even by the creator's user. Most likely this would be useful for testing or debugging.


Allows access by resource-owning user (in POSIX/Unix identified by UID) and no one else.


Allows access by resource-owning user's containing group(s) (in POSIX/Unix identified by GID) and no one else.

This implies, as well, at least as much access as S_USER_ACCESS.


Allows access by all. Implies, as well, at least as much access as S_GROUP_ACCESS and thus S_USER_ACCESS.


Sentinel: not a valid value. May be used to, e.g., size an array<> mapping from Permissions_level.

Function Documentation

◆ blob_data() [1/2]

const uint8_t * ipc::util::blob_data ( const Blob_const blob)

Syntactic-sugary helper that returns pointer to first byte in an immutable buffer, as const uint8_t*.

blobThe buffer.
See above.

◆ blob_data() [2/2]

uint8_t * ipc::util::blob_data ( const Blob_mutable blob)

Syntactic-sugary helper that returns pointer to first byte in a mutable buffer, as uint8_t*.

blobThe buffer.
See above.

◆ hash_value() [1/2]

size_t hash_value ( const Shared_name val)

Hasher of Shared_name for boost.unordered et al.

valObject to hash.
See above.

◆ hash_value() [2/2]

size_t hash_value ( Native_handle  val)

Hasher of Native_handle for boost.unordered et al.

valObject to hash.
See above.

◆ operator!=() [1/5]

bool operator!= ( const Process_credentials val1,
const Process_credentials val2 

Checks for by-value inequality between two Process_credentials objects.

process_invoked_as() does not participate in this and is not invoked.

val1Value to compare.
val2Value to compare.
Whether at least one accessor compares unequal.

◆ operator!=() [2/5]

bool ipc::util::operator!= ( const Shared_name val1,
const Shared_name val2 

Negation of similar ==.

val1See ==.
val2See ==.
See above.

◆ operator!=() [3/5]

bool ipc::util::operator!= ( const Shared_name val1,
util::String_view  val2 

Negation of similar ==.

val1See ==.
val2See ==.
See above.

◆ operator!=() [4/5]

bool operator!= ( Native_handle  val1,
Native_handle  val2 

Negation of similar ==.

See above.

◆ operator!=() [5/5]

bool ipc::util::operator!= ( util::String_view  val1,
const Shared_name val2 

Negation of similar ==.

val1See ==.
val2See ==.
See above.

◆ operator+() [1/5]

Shared_name operator+ ( const char *  raw_src1,
const Shared_name src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src2) with raw_src1 pre-pended to it.

raw_src1String to precede the appended src2.
src2Object to append.
See above.

◆ operator+() [2/5]

Shared_name operator+ ( const Shared_name src1,
const char *  raw_src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) += raw_src2.

src1Object to precede the appended raw_src2.
raw_src2String to append.
See above.

◆ operator+() [3/5]

Shared_name operator+ ( const Shared_name src1,
const Shared_name src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) += src2.

src1Object to precede the appended src2.
src2Object to append.
See above.

◆ operator+() [4/5]

template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator+ ( const Shared_name src1,
const Source &  raw_src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) += raw_src2.

Template Parameters
SourceSee Shared_name::operator+=() similar overload.
src1Object to precede the appended raw_src2.
raw_src2String to append.
See above.

◆ operator+() [5/5]

template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator+ ( const Source &  raw_src1,
const Shared_name src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src2) with raw_src1 pre-pended to it.

Template Parameters
SourceSee Shared_name::operator+=() similar overload.
raw_src1String to precede the appended src2.
src2Object to append.
See above.

◆ operator/() [1/5]

Shared_name operator/ ( const char *  raw_src1,
const Shared_name src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(raw_src1) /= src2.

raw_src1String to precede the appended separator and src2.
src2Object to append after separator.
See above.

◆ operator/() [2/5]

Shared_name operator/ ( const Shared_name src1,
const char *  raw_src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) /= raw_src2.

src1Object to precede the appended separator and raw_src2.
raw_src2String to append after separator.
See above.

◆ operator/() [3/5]

Shared_name operator/ ( const Shared_name src1,
const Shared_name src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) /= src2.

src1Object to precede the appended separator and src2.
src2Object to append after separator.
See above.

◆ operator/() [4/5]

template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator/ ( const Shared_name src1,
const Source &  raw_src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(src1) /= raw_src2.

Template Parameters
SourceSee Shared_name::operator/=() similar overload.
src1Object to precede the appended separator and raw_src2.
raw_src2String to append after separator.
See above.

◆ operator/() [5/5]

template<typename Source >
Shared_name operator/ ( const Source &  raw_src1,
const Shared_name src2 

Returns new object equal to Shared_name(raw_src1) /= src2.

Template Parameters
SourceSee Shared_name::operator/=() similar overload.
raw_src1String to precede the appended separator and src2.
src2Object to append after separator.
See above.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

bool ipc::util::operator< ( const Shared_name val1,
const Shared_name val2 

Returns true if and only if val1.str() < val2.str().

Enables use of Shared_name in an std::map without jumping through any special hoops.

val1Object to compare.
val2Object to compare.
See above.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

bool operator< ( Native_handle  val1,
Native_handle  val2 

Returns a less-than comparison of two Native_handle objects, with the usual total ordering guarantees.

val1Left-hand side object.
val2Right-hand side object.
Whether left side is considered strictly less-than right side.

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Native_handle val 

Prints string representation of the given Native_handle to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Process_credentials val 

Prints string representation of the given util::Process_credentials to the given ostream.

process_invoked_as() does not participate in this and is not invoked; you may query that information if desired manually; just remember val.process_id() must be live at the time for it to work.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Shared_name val 

Prints embellished string representation of the given Shared_name to the given ostream.

This is not equivalent to writing Shared_name::str(); as of this writing it includes not just str() but also the number of characters in it as a decimal and a separator, for convenience in test/debug, to visually detect names approaching certain length limits. If you wish to output val.str(), then output... well... val.str().
Does Shared_name operator>> and operator<< being asymmetrical get one into trouble when using Shared_name with boost.program_options (or flow::cfg which is built on top of it)? Look into it. It may be necessary to make operator<< equal to that of ostream << string after all; though the added niceties of the current << semantics may still at least be available via some explicit accessor.
osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator==() [1/5]

bool operator== ( const Process_credentials val1,
const Process_credentials val2 

Checks for by-value equality between two Process_credentials objects.

process_invoked_as() does not participate in this and is not invoked.

val1Value to compare.
val2Value to compare.
Whether the accessors all compare equal.

◆ operator==() [2/5]

bool ipc::util::operator== ( const Shared_name val1,
const Shared_name val2 

Returns true if and only if val1.str() == val2.str().

Caution: this does not execute normalize() or anything like that.

val1Object to compare.
val2Object to compare.
See above.

◆ operator==() [3/5]

bool ipc::util::operator== ( const Shared_name val1,
util::String_view  val2 

Returns true if and only if val1.str() == string(val2).

Caution: this does not execute normalize() or anything like that.

val1Object to compare.
val2String to compare.
See above.

◆ operator==() [4/5]

bool operator== ( Native_handle  val1,
Native_handle  val2 

Returns true if and only if the two Native_handle objects are the same underlying handle.

See above.

◆ operator==() [5/5]

bool ipc::util::operator== ( util::String_view  val1,
const Shared_name val2 

Returns true if and only if string(val1) == val2.str().

Caution: this does not execute normalize() or anything like that.

val1String to compare.
val2Object to compare.
See above.

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Shared_name val 

Reads Shared_name from the given istream; equivalent to reading string into Shared_name::str().

isStream to read.
valObject to which to deserialize.

◆ process_running()

bool ipc::util::process_running ( process_id_t  process_id)

Returns true if and only if the given process (by PID) is reported as running by the OS.

Caution: It may be running, but it may be a zombie; and/or it may be running now but dead shortly after this function returns. Use defensively.

Implementation: It invokes POSIX kill() with the fake zero signal; this indicates the process can be signaled and therefore exists.

process_idThe process ID of the process in question.
See above.

◆ remove_each_persistent_if()

template<typename Persistent_object , typename Filter_func >
unsigned int ipc::util::remove_each_persistent_if ( flow::log::Logger *  logger_ptr,
const Filter_func &  filter_func 

Utility that invokes Persistent_object::for_each_persistent(name_prefix_or_empty) and synchronously invokes Persistent_object::remove_persistent() on each resulting item that passes the given filter, where Persistent_object is a type that handles objects – such as SHM pools or POSIX MQs – with kernel-persistent semantics.

The number of items removed (without any error) is returned. The nature of any error(s) encountered by individual remove_persistent() calls is ignored (not returned in any way) except for logging.

This "forgiving" error emission behavior is sufficient in many cases. If you require finer control over this please use Persistent_object::for_each_persistent() and Persistent_object::remove_persistent() plus your own handling of the failure thereof in your custom handle_name_func().

Template Parameters
Persistent_objectSee above. It must have static methods for_each_persistent() and remove_persistent() with semantics identical to, e.g., shm::classic::Pool_arena versions of these methods. As of this writing this includes: shm::classic::Pool_arena, transport::Persistent_mq_handle (concept), transport::Posix_mq_handle, transport::Bipc_mq_handle (its impls).
Filter_funcFunction object with signature bool F(const Shared_name&), which should return true to delete, false to skip. For example it might simply check that name starts with a certain prefix (remove_each_persistent_with_name_prefix() uses this), or it might check whether the creating process – whose PID might be encoded in name by some convention (e.g., see ipc::session) – is alive (util::process_running()).
logger_ptrLogger to use for subsequently logging.
filter_funcSee Filter_func above.
The number of successful Persistent_object::remove_persistent() calls invoked (might be zero).

◆ remove_each_persistent_with_name_prefix()

template<typename Persistent_object >
unsigned int ipc::util::remove_each_persistent_with_name_prefix ( flow::log::Logger *  logger_ptr,
const Shared_name name_prefix_or_empty 

Utility that invokes remove_each_persistent_if() with the filter that returns true (yes, remove) if and only if the item's name optionally matches a given Shared_name prefix.

(Optional in that supplying an .empty() prefix deletes all items.)

Template Parameters
Persistent_objectSee remove_each_persistent_if().
logger_ptrSee remove_each_persistent_if().
name_prefix_or_emptyAn object is removed only if its name starts with this value. This filter is skipped if the value is .empty().
See remove_each_persistent_if().

◆ set_resource_permissions() [1/2]

void ipc::util::set_resource_permissions ( flow::log::Logger *  logger_ptr,
const fs::path &  path,
const Permissions perms,
Error_code err_code = 0 

Utility that sets the permissions of the given resource (at the supplied file system path) to specified POSIX value.

If the resource cannot be accessed (not found, permissions...) that system Error_code shall be emitted.


It may seem unnecessary, particularly given that it sometimes (in our internal code, but I mention it publicly for exposition purposes) is placed right after the creation of the resource (file, SHM pool, POSIX MQ, shared mutex, etc.) – where the same perms is supplied to the creation-API, whichever is applicable. The reason is that those APIs tend to make the corresponding OS call (e.g., open()) which is bound by the "process umask" in POSIX/Linux; so for example if it's set to the typical 022 (octal), then it's impossible to make the resource group- or all-writable, regardless of perms. set_resource_permissions() uses a technique that bypasses the umask thing. Note that it does not make any calls to change the umask to accomplish this.

Note 1: Sometimes there is not even the creation-API argument for perms; in which case the rationale is even more straightforward.

Note 2: Sometimes there is that API... and (namely in boost.ipc at least) they actually took care to do this (what we do here) themselves (via fchmod() and such)... so we don't need to; in fact I (ygoldfel) treated it as valuable confirmation of the correctness of this maneuver.

logger_ptrLogger to use for logging (WARNING, on error only). Caller can themselves log further info if desired.
pathPath to resource. Symlinks are followed, and the target is the resource in question (not the symlink).
permsSee other overload.
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. Error_code generated: see other overload; note that in addition file-not-found and the like are possible errors (in fact arguably the likeliest).

◆ set_resource_permissions() [2/2]

void ipc::util::set_resource_permissions ( flow::log::Logger *  logger_ptr,
Native_handle  handle,
const Permissions perms,
Error_code err_code = 0 

Identical to the other set_resource_permissions() overload but operates on a pre-opened Native_handle (a/k/a handle, socket, file descriptor) to the resource in question.

logger_ptrSee other overload.
handleSee above. handle.null() == true causes undefined behavior (assertion may trip). Closed/invalid/etc. handle will yield civilized Error_code emission.
permsSee other overload.
err_codeSee flow::Error_code docs for error reporting semantics. Error_code generated: system error codes if permissions cannot be set (invalid descriptor, un-opened descriptor, etc.).

◆ shared_resource_permissions()

Permissions ipc::util::shared_resource_permissions ( Permissions_level  permissions_lvl)

Maps general Permissions_level specifier to low-level Permissions value, when the underlying resource is in the file-system and is either accessible (read-write in terms of file system) or inaccessible.

Examples of such resources are SHM pools (e.g., shm::classic::Pool_arena), bipc MQs (transport::Bipc_mq_handle), POSIX MQs (transport::Posix_mq_handle).

Please do not confuse this setting with the read-only/read-write dichotomy potentially specified each time such a resource is opened for access (as is the case for SHM pools): the present mapping applies to a persistent protection in the file system, not at runtime at the code writer's discretion. The present permissions check is performed at opening time; the runtime writability check each time a datum is written into the resource.

permissions_lvlThe value to translate.
The result.

◆ swap()

void swap ( Shared_name val1,
Shared_name val2 

Swaps two objects.

Constant-time. Suitable for standard ADL-swap pattern using std::swap; swap(val1, val2);.
