Flow-IPC 1.0.2
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
ipc::transport Namespace Reference

Flow-IPC module providing transmission of structured messages and/or low-level blobs (and more) between pairs of processes. More...


namespace  asio_local_stream_socket
 Additional (versus boost.asio) APIs for advanced work with local stream (Unix domain) sockets including transmission of native handles through such streams; and peer process credentials acquisition.
namespace  error
 Namespace containing the ipc::transport module's extension of boost.system error conventions, so that that API can return codes/messages from within its own new set of error codes/messages.
namespace  struc
 Sub-module of Flow-IPC module ipc::transport providing transmission of structured messages specifically.
namespace  sync_io
 sync_io-pattern counterparts to async-I/O-pattern object types in parent namespace ipc::transport.


class  Bipc_mq_handle
 Implements the Persistent_mq_handle concept by thinly wrapping bipc::message_queue, which is boost.interprocess's persistent message queue API. More...
class  Blob_receiver
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of reliably/in-order receiving of discrete messages, each containing a binary blob. More...
class  Blob_sender
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of reliably/in-order sending of discrete messages, each containing a binary blob. More...
class  Blob_stream_mq_base
 Base of Blob_stream_mq_sender and Blob_stream_mq_receiver containing certain static facilities, particularly for post-abort persistent resource cleanup. More...
class  Blob_stream_mq_receiver
 Implements Blob_receiver concept by using an adopted Persistent_mq_handle MQ handle to an MQ (message queue) of that type, such as a POSIX or bipc MQ. More...
class  Blob_stream_mq_sender
 Implements Blob_sender concept by using an adopted Persistent_mq_handle MQ handle to an MQ (message queue) of that type, such as a POSIX or bipc MQ. More...
class  Channel
 Peer to a bundle of 1-2 full-duplex pipe(s), one for transmitting unstructured binary blobs; the other for transmitting native handle+blob combos; hence a Blob_sender + Blob_receiver, a Native_handle_sender + Native_handle_receiver, or both. More...
class  Mqs_channel
 A Channel with at least a blobs pipe consisting of two MQs of type Persistent_mq_handle (template arg 1); and possibly a handles pipe as governed by template args 2 and 3 which default to Null_peer (in which case the handles pipe is disabled). More...
class  Mqs_socket_stream_channel
 A Channel with a blobs pipe consisting of 2 MQs of type Persistent_mq_handle (template arg); and a handles pipe over a Unix domain socket connection. More...
class  Native_handle_receiver
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of reliably/in-order receiving of discrete messages, each containing a native handle, a binary blob, or both. More...
class  Native_handle_sender
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of reliably/in-order sending of discrete messages, each containing a native handle, a binary blob, or both. More...
class  Native_socket_stream
 Implements both Native_handle_sender and Native_handle_receiver concepts by using a stream-oriented Unix domain socket, allowing high-performance but non-zero-copy transmission of discrete messages, each containing a native handle, a binary blob, or both. More...
class  Native_socket_stream_acceptor
 A server object that binds to a Shared_name and listens for incoming Native_socket_stream connect attempts to that name; and yields connected-peer sync_io::Native_socket_stream objects, one per counterpart opposing *_connect(). More...
class  Null_peer
 Dummy type for use as a template param to Channel when either the blobs pipe or handles pipe is disabled; as well as to mark a given peer object as not having a counterpart form: a sync_io object shall have its using Sync_io_obj = Null_peer and coversely for async-I/O guys and their Async_io_objs. More...
class  Persistent_mq_handle
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object representing a light-weight handle to a message queue, capable of receiving/sending discrete messages in non-blocking/blocking/timed-blocking fashion, as well as some support for polling/waiting and interruptions thereof. More...
class  Posix_mq_handle
 Implements the Persistent_mq_handle concept by wrapping the POSIX message queue API (see man mq_overview). More...
class  Protocol_negotiator
 A simple state machine that, assuming the opposide side of a comm pathway uses an equivalent state machine, helps negotiate the protocol version to speak over that pathway, given each side being capable of speaking a range of protocol versions and reporting the highest such version to the other side. More...
class  Socket_stream_channel
 A Channel with a handles pipe only (no blobs pipe) that uses a Unix domain socket connection as the underlying transport for that pipe. More...
class  Socket_stream_channel_of_blobs
 A Channel with a blobs pipe only (no handles pipe) that uses a Unix domain socket connection as the underlying transport for that pipe. More...


using Native_handle = util::Native_handle
 Convenience alias for the commonly used type util::Native_handle.
using Shared_name = util::Shared_name
 Convenience alias for the commonly used type util::Shared_name.
using Posix_mq_sender = Blob_stream_mq_sender< Posix_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Blob_sender via unidirectional POSIX MQ (message queue). More...
using Posix_mq_receiver = Blob_stream_mq_receiver< Posix_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Blob_receiver via unidirectional POSIX MQ (message queue). More...
using Bipc_mq_sender = Blob_stream_mq_sender< Bipc_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Blob_sender via unidirectional bipc MQ (message queue). More...
using Bipc_mq_receiver = Blob_stream_mq_receiver< Bipc_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Blob_receiver via unidirectional bipc MQ (message queue). More...
using Posix_mqs_channel_of_blobs = Mqs_channel< false, Posix_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver) at one end of full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional POSIX MQs (message queues). More...
using Bipc_mqs_channel_of_blobs = Mqs_channel< false, Bipc_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver) at one end of full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional POSIX MQs (message queues). More...
using Posix_mqs_socket_stream_channel = Mqs_socket_stream_channel< false, Posix_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver, Native_handle_sender, Native_handle_receiver) at one end of a full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional POSIX MQs (message queues), transmitting blobs only; and a full-duplex pipe over a Unix domain stream connection, transmitting native-handle-and/or-meta-blob messages. More...
using Bipc_mqs_socket_stream_channel = Mqs_socket_stream_channel< false, Bipc_mq_handle >
 Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver, Native_handle_sender, Native_handle_receiver) at one end of a full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional bipc MQs (message queues), transmitting blobs only; and a full-duplex pipe over a Unix domain stream connection, transmitting native-handle-and/or-meta-blob messages. More...


void swap (Bipc_mq_handle &val1, Bipc_mq_handle &val2)
 Implements Persistent_mq_handle related concept: Swaps two objects. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Bipc_mq_handle &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Bipc_mq_handle to the given ostream. More...
template<typename Persistent_mq_handle >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Blob_stream_mq_receiver< Persistent_mq_handle > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Blob_stream_mq_receiver to the given ostream. More...
template<typename Persistent_mq_handle >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Blob_stream_mq_sender< Persistent_mq_handle > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Blob_stream_mq_sender to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Null_peer &val)
 Dummy that is never invoked. More...
template<typename Blob_sender , typename Blob_receiver , typename Native_handle_sender , typename Native_handle_receiver >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Channel< Blob_sender, Blob_receiver, Native_handle_sender, Native_handle_receiver > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Channel to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Native_socket_stream &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Native_socket_stream to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Native_socket_stream_acceptor &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Native_socket_stream_acceptor to the given ostream. More...
void swap (Persistent_mq_handle &val1, Persistent_mq_handle &val2)
 Swaps two objects. More...
void swap (Posix_mq_handle &val1, Posix_mq_handle &val2)
 Implements Persistent_mq_handle related concept: Swaps two objects. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Posix_mq_handle &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Posix_mq_handle to the given ostream. More...

Detailed Description

Flow-IPC module providing transmission of structured messages and/or low-level blobs (and more) between pairs of processes.

See namespace ipc doc header for an overview of Flow-IPC modules including how ipc::transport relates to the others. Then return here. A synopsis follows:

The main transport features of ipc::transport are: class template struc::Channel (for structured message and native handle transport) and various lower-level utilities (Channel; blob/handle streams; message queue (MQ) streams). Structured transmission facilities (struc::Channel being the main guy) are segregated in sub-namespace transport::struc.

Generally speaking, to communicate (via struc::Channel and others), the two processes A and B that intend to talk must have established a broad conversation called a session within which all communication occurs. In fact, a transport::struc::Channel wraps a transport::Channel, and the latter can be established, in factory-ish fashion and otherwise, from an ipc::session::Session. Hence, see namespace ipc::session doc header to learn about establishing/terminating sessions. Once you have a session::Session, you can actually use main ipc::transport facilities.

That said: ipc::transport does not require ipc::session to be used: One can instantiate all the various IPC mechanisms therein directly. ipc::session provides the lifecycle and organization to make this as simple as possible (but no simpler). In that sense ipc::transport has the essential building blocks; ipc::session provides access to those building blocks in one possible fashion – for example by establishing a naming convention for the various required Shared_names taken by the various ipc::transport constructors. Formally speaking there can certainly be other fashions of organizing ipc::transport resources. Therefore the API design of ipc::transport is not rigid.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Bipc_mq_receiver

Convenience alias: Blob_receiver via unidirectional bipc MQ (message queue).

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Bipc_mq_sender

Convenience alias: Blob_sender via unidirectional bipc MQ (message queue).

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Bipc_mqs_channel_of_blobs

Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver) at one end of full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional POSIX MQs (message queues).

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Bipc_mqs_socket_stream_channel

Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver, Native_handle_sender, Native_handle_receiver) at one end of a full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional bipc MQs (message queues), transmitting blobs only; and a full-duplex pipe over a Unix domain stream connection, transmitting native-handle-and/or-meta-blob messages.

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Posix_mq_receiver

Convenience alias: Blob_receiver via unidirectional POSIX MQ (message queue).

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Posix_mq_sender

Convenience alias: Blob_sender via unidirectional POSIX MQ (message queue).

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Posix_mqs_channel_of_blobs

Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver) at one end of full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional POSIX MQs (message queues).

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ Posix_mqs_socket_stream_channel

Convenience alias: Channel peer (Blob_sender, Blob_receiver, Native_handle_sender, Native_handle_receiver) at one end of a full-duplex (bidirectional) pipe composed of 2 opposite-facing unidirectional POSIX MQs (message queues), transmitting blobs only; and a full-duplex pipe over a Unix domain stream connection, transmitting native-handle-and/or-meta-blob messages.

Tip: In sync_io sub-namespace there is the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<() [1/8]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Bipc_mq_handle val 

Prints string representation of the given Bipc_mq_handle to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [2/8]

template<typename Persistent_mq_handle >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Blob_stream_mq_receiver< Persistent_mq_handle > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given Blob_stream_mq_receiver to the given ostream.

If object is default-cted (or moved-from), this will output something graceful indicating this.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [3/8]

template<typename Persistent_mq_handle >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Blob_stream_mq_sender< Persistent_mq_handle > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given Blob_stream_mq_sender to the given ostream.

If object is default-cted (or moved-from), this will output something graceful indicating this.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [4/8]

template<typename Blob_sender , typename Blob_receiver , typename Native_handle_sender , typename Native_handle_receiver >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Channel< Blob_sender, Blob_receiver, Native_handle_sender, Native_handle_receiver > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given Channel to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [5/8]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Native_socket_stream val 

Prints string representation of the given Native_socket_stream to the given ostream.

Friend of Native_socket_stream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [6/8]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Native_socket_stream_acceptor val 

Prints string representation of the given Native_socket_stream_acceptor to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [7/8]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Null_peer val 

Dummy that is never invoked.

It must still exist in order for Channel to build successfully with at least 1 Null_peer template arg.

Assertion may trip if this is invoked. Formally behavior is undefined.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [8/8]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Posix_mq_handle val 

Prints string representation of the given Posix_mq_handle to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ swap() [1/3]

void swap ( Bipc_mq_handle val1,
Bipc_mq_handle val2 

Implements Persistent_mq_handle related concept: Swaps two objects.


◆ swap() [2/3]

void swap ( Persistent_mq_handle val1,
Persistent_mq_handle val2 

Swaps two objects.

Constant-time. Suitable for standard ADL-swap pattern using std::swap; swap(val1, val2);.


◆ swap() [3/3]

void swap ( Posix_mq_handle val1,
Posix_mq_handle val2 

Implements Persistent_mq_handle related concept: Swaps two objects.
