Each object of this class stores (at construction) and returns (on demand) a numeric ID unique from a...
id_t unique_id() const
Raw unique ID identifying this object as well as any object of a derived type.
static id_t create_unique_id()
Short-hand for Unique_id_holder().unique_id(); useful when all you want is the unique integer itself.
Thread-safely construct an ID whose value is different from any other object of this class,...
const Unique_id_holder & operator=(const Unique_id_holder &) const
This assignment operator is a const no-op.
const id_t m_id
The ID. Note its constness alone forbids a classic assignment operator.
static std::atomic< id_t > s_last_id
m_id value of the Unique_id_holder object last constructed.
uint64_t id_t
Raw integer type to uniquely identify a thing. 64-bit width should make overflow extremely hard to re...
Flow module containing miscellaneous general-use facilities that don't fit into any other Flow module...