Flow 2.0.0
Flow project: Public API.
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flow::perf Namespace Reference

Flow module containing tools for profiling and optimization. More...


class  Checkpointing_timer
 The central class in the perf Flow module, this efficiently times the user's operation, with a specified subset of timing methods; and with the optional ability to time intermediate checkpoints within the overall operation. More...
struct  Duration_set
 Convenience wrapper around an array<Duration, N>, which stores a duration for each of the N possible clock types in perf::Clock_type. More...
struct  Time_pt_set
 Convenience wrapper around an array<Time_pt, N>, which stores a time point for each of the N possible clock types in perf::Clock_type. More...


using Time_pt = Fine_time_pt
 Short-hand for a high-precision boost.chrono point in time, formally equivalent to flow::Fine_time_pt. More...
using Duration = Fine_duration
 Short-hand for a high-precision boost.chrono duration, formally equivalent to flow::Fine_duration. More...
using duration_rep_t = Duration::rep
 The raw type used in Duration to store its clock ticks. More...
using Clock_types_subset = std::bitset< size_t(Clock_type::S_END_SENTINEL)>
 Short-hand for a bit-set of N bits which represents the presence or absence of each of the N possible clock types in perf::Clock_type. More...
using Checkpointing_timer_ptr = boost::shared_ptr< Checkpointing_timer >
 Short-hand for ref-counting pointer to Checkpointing_timer. More...


enum class  Clock_type : size_t {
 Clock types supported by flow::perf module facilities, perf::Checkpointing_timer in particular. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Checkpointing_timer::Checkpoint &checkpoint)
 Prints string representation of the given Checkpoint to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Checkpointing_timer &timer)
 Prints string representation of the given Checkpointing_timer (whether with original data or an aggregated-result timer) to the given ostream. More...
Duration_set operator- (const Time_pt_set &to, const Time_pt_set &from)
 Returns a Duration_set representing the time that passed since from to to (negative if to happened earlier), for each Clock_type stored. More...
Duration_setoperator+= (Duration_set &target, const Duration_set &to_add)
 Advances each Duration in the target Duration_set by the given respective addend Durations (negative Duration causes advancing backwards). More...
Time_pt_setoperator+= (Time_pt_set &target, const Duration_set &to_add)
 Advances each Time_pt in the target Time_pt_set by the given respective addend Durations (negative Duration causes advancing backwards). More...
Duration_setoperator*= (Duration_set &target, uint64_t mult_scale)
 Scales each Duration in the target Duration_set by the given numerical constant. More...
Duration_setoperator/= (Duration_set &target, uint64_t div_scale)
 Divides each Duration in the target Duration_set by the given numerical constant. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Clock_type clock_type)
 Prints string representation of the given clock type enum value to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Duration_set &duration_set)
 Prints string representation of the given Duration_set value to the given ostream. More...
template<typename Accumulator , typename Func >
auto timed_function (Clock_type clock_type, Accumulator *accumulator, Func &&function)
 Constructs a closure that times and executes void-returning function(), adding the elapsed time with clock type clock_type – as raw ticks of perf::Duration – to accumulator. More...
template<typename Accumulator , typename Func >
auto timed_function_nvr (Clock_type clock_type, Accumulator *accumulator, Func &&function)
 Constructs a closure that times and executes non-void-returning function(), adding the elapsed time with clock type clock_type – as raw ticks of perf::Duration – to accumulator. More...
template<typename Accumulator , typename Handler >
auto timed_handler (Clock_type clock_type, Accumulator *accumulator, Handler &&handler)
 Identical to timed_function() but suitable for boost.asio-targeted handler functions. More...

Detailed Description

Flow module containing tools for profiling and optimization.

As of this writing (around the time the flow::perf Flow module was created) this centers on Checkpointing_timer, a facility for measuring real and processor time elapsed during the arbitrary measured operation. That said, generally speaking, this module is meant to be a "kitchen-sink" set of facilities fitting the sentence at the very top of this doc header.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Checkpointing_timer_ptr

using flow::perf::Checkpointing_timer_ptr = typedef boost::shared_ptr<Checkpointing_timer>

Short-hand for ref-counting pointer to Checkpointing_timer.

Original use case is to allow Checkpointing_timer::Aggregator to generate and return Checkpointing_timer objects with minimal headaches for user.

◆ Clock_types_subset

using flow::perf::Clock_types_subset = typedef std::bitset<size_t(Clock_type::S_END_SENTINEL)>

Short-hand for a bit-set of N bits which represents the presence or absence of each of the N possible clock types in perf::Clock_type.

This is what we use to represent such things, as it is more compact and (we suspect) faster in typical operations, especially "is clock type T enabled?".

If C is a Clock_types_subset, and T is a Clock_type, then bit C[size_t(T)] is true if and only if T is in C.

Potential gotcha: bit-sets are indexed right-to-left (LSB-to-MSB); so if the 0th (in enum) clock type is enabled and others are disabled, then a print-out of such a Clock_types_subset would be 0...0001, not 1000...0. So watch out when reading logs.

◆ Duration

Short-hand for a high-precision boost.chrono duration, formally equivalent to flow::Fine_duration.

The alias exists 1/2 for brevity, 1/2 to declare the standardly-used duration type in flow::perf Flow module.

◆ duration_rep_t

using flow::perf::duration_rep_t = typedef Duration::rep

The raw type used in Duration to store its clock ticks.

It is likely int64_t, but try not to rely on that directly.


Useful, e.g., in atomic<duration_rep_t>, when one wants to perform high-performance operations like += and fetch_add() on atomic<>s: these do not exist for chrono::duration, because the latter is not an integral type.

◆ Time_pt

Short-hand for a high-precision boost.chrono point in time, formally equivalent to flow::Fine_time_pt.

The alias exists 1/2 for brevity, 1/2 to declare the standardly-used time point type in flow::perf Flow module.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Clock_type

enum class flow::perf::Clock_type : size_t

Clock types supported by flow::perf module facilities, perf::Checkpointing_timer in particular.

These are used, among other things, as array/vector indices and therefore numerically equal 0, 1, .... Clock_type::S_END_SENTINEL is an invalid clock type whose numerical value equals the number of clock types available.

Consider adding a system-calendar-clock (a/k/a POSIX time) type to perf::Clock_type. It would be a cousin of Clock_type::S_REAL_HI_RES. It would certainly be inferior in terms of resolution/monotonicity/etc., and one would think S_REAL_HI_RES would always be preferable. Nevertheless it would be interesting to "officially" see its characteristics including in particular (1) resolution and (2) its own perf cost especially vs. S_REAL_HI_RES which we know is quite fast itself. This may also help a certain to-do listed as of this writing in the doc header of flow::log FLOW_LOG_WITHOUT_CHECKING() (the main worker bee of the log system, the one that generates each log time stamp).

Measures real time (not processor time), using the highest-resolution system clock available that guarantees steady, monotonic time passage with no discontinuities.

In POSIX "::clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)" is the underlying native mechanism as of this writing.

Obervations, informal suggestions

Of all clocks observed so far, it has the best resolution and also is the cheapest computationally itself. However, it measures real time, so (for example) another thread or process pegging the processor concurrently can affect the time being measured. That, in particular, is not necessarily a problem in test rigs; but even so it cannot measure (for example) how costly one thread is over another; nor does it separate idle time from computing time from I/O time from....

Due to the high resolution and low computational cost, one should strive to use this clock whenever possible; but it is not always possible (as additional info may be required, as outlined just above).


Along with S_CPU_SYS_LO_RES, measures processor time (user-level) spent by the current process; this is the lower-resolution timer facility as in the time POSIX command.

In POSIX "::times()" is the underlying native mechanism as of this writing.

Obervations, informal suggestions

S_CPU_TOTAL_HI_RES is the superior processor-time clock; we have observed it to be equally computationally expensive but delivering higher-resolution results. However, it doesn't provide the classic user-kernel split the way S_CPU_SYS_LO_RES and S_CPU_USER_LO_RES do together.

See discussion on S_CPU_TOTAL_HI_RES regarding when/if to use process-time clocks.


Counterpart of S_CPU_USER_LO_RES, measuring processor time (kernel-level) spent by the current process.


Measures processor time (user- and kernel-level total) spent by the current process; this is the higher-resolution process-time facility.

In POSIX "::clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID)" is the underlying native mechanism as of this writing.

Obervations, informal suggestions

Firstly see S_REAL_HI_RES and ensure that one isn't sufficient for your needs, as it is much more accurate and computationally cheaper by 1-2 orders of magnitude based on our observations in Mac and Linux runs.

Processor time actually measures processor cycles being spent to make computations. (I/O ops and idle time are not counted.) Every cycle spent by any processor core is either charged to this process or another process; if the former then it's counted; otherwise it isn't. Next, the cycle count is multiplied by its standard constant time duration (which is based directly on the clock frequency, the GHz thing). That is the result. Multiple threads acting concurrently would all count if present, so remember that. Further, it is apparently not straightforward what the system will charge to process A vs. process B. For this reason, processor-time results of very short operations (on the order of, like, a few system calls, say) are notoriously inconsistent: you should strive to measure longer operations, or operation repeated many times in a row. This stands in stark contrast to S_REAL_HI_RES which – concurrent processor pegging aside (can usually be avoided in test rigs) – tends to be both accurate and consistent. In addition, the get-time call itself can be relatively expensive and can affect the overall efficiency of an algorithm even as one tries to measure its different parts (again: avoid such problems by measuring longer things).

See also S_CPU_THREAD_TOTAL_HI_RES if one desires per-thread timing as opposed to per-process.


Similar to S_CPU_TOTAL_HI_RES but applied to the calling thread as opposed to entire process.

In POSIX "::clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)" is the underlying native mechanism as of this writing.

Obervations, informal suggestions

See S_CPU_TOTAL_HI_RES, as those comments apply equally here but on the finer-grained level of a thread as opposed to (potentially multi-threaded) process. Please note that formally behavior is undefined if one tries to form a duration from two thread-time points A and B via subtraction, if A and B were obtained from different threads. Informally, the domains of the two respective threads are completely unrelated, so a difference obtained from them is meaningless and can easily be, say, negative, even though time has advanced.


Final, invalid clock type; its numerical value equals the number of clocks currently supported.

Function Documentation

◆ operator*=()

Duration_set & operator*= ( Duration_set target,
uint64_t  mult_scale 

Scales each Duration in the target Duration_set by the given numerical constant.

If you plan to use division as well, always first multiply, then divide, to avoid rounding errors (assuming overflow is not a possibility).
Maybe allow operator*=(Duration_set) by a potentially negative number; same for division.
targetThe set of Durations each of which may be modified.
mult_scaleConstant by which to multiply each target Duration.
Reference to mutable target to enable standard *= semantics.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

Duration_set & operator+= ( Duration_set target,
const Duration_set to_add 

Advances each Duration in the target Duration_set by the given respective addend Durations (negative Duration causes advancing backwards).

targetThe set of Durations each of which may be modified.
to_addThe set of Durations each of which is added to a target Duration.
Reference to mutable target to enable standard += semantics.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

Time_pt_set & flow::perf::operator+= ( Time_pt_set target,
const Duration_set to_add 

Advances each Time_pt in the target Time_pt_set by the given respective addend Durations (negative Duration causes advancing backwards).

targetThe set of Time_pts each of which may be modified.
to_addThe set of Durations each of which is added to a target Time_pt.
Reference to mutable target to enable standard += semantics.

◆ operator-()

Duration_set operator- ( const Time_pt_set to,
const Time_pt_set from 

Returns a Duration_set representing the time that passed since from to to (negative if to happened earlier), for each Clock_type stored.

toThe minuend set of time points.
fromThe subtrahend set of time points.
See above.

◆ operator/=()

Duration_set & operator/= ( Duration_set target,
uint64_t  div_scale 

Divides each Duration in the target Duration_set by the given numerical constant.

If you plan to user multiplication as well, always first multiply, then divide, to avoid rounding errors (and assuming overflow is not a possibility).
targetThe set of Durations each of which may be modified.
div_scaleConstant by which to divide each target Duration.
Reference to mutable target to enable standard /= semantics.

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

std::ostream & flow::perf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Clock_type  clock_type 

Prints string representation of the given clock type enum value to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
clock_typeObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Checkpointing_timer timer 

Prints string representation of the given Checkpointing_timer (whether with original data or an aggregated-result timer) to the given ostream.

Note this is multi-line output that does not end in newline.

osStream to which to write.
timerObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Checkpointing_timer::Checkpoint checkpoint 

Prints string representation of the given Checkpoint to the given ostream.

See Checkpointing_timer::checkpoint() and Checkpointing_timer::checkpoints().

osStream to which to write.
checkpointObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Duration_set duration_set 

Prints string representation of the given Duration_set value to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
duration_setObject to serialize.

◆ timed_function()

template<typename Accumulator , typename Func >
auto flow::perf::timed_function ( Clock_type  clock_type,
Accumulator *  accumulator,
Func &&  function 

Constructs a closure that times and executes void-returning function(), adding the elapsed time with clock type clock_type – as raw ticks of perf::Duration – to accumulator.

Consider other overload(s) and similarly named functions as well. With this one you get:

  • function() is treated as returning void (any return value is ignored).
  • function() is a generally-used timed function: not necessarily a boost.asio or flow::async handler. Any associated executor (such as a strand) will be lost. See timed_handler(), if you have a handler.
  • One specific perf::Clock_type, not some subset given as perf::Clock_types_subset. For performance this may be significant, even though operations on the latter are still light-weight.
  • Accumulation (the plus-equals operation) done by performing +=(duration_rep_t), where perf::duration_rep_t is – as a reminder – a raw integer type like int64_t. If accumulation may occur in a multi-threaded situation concurrently, this can improve performance vs. using an explicit lock, if one uses Accumulator = atomic<duration_rep_t>.
  • Lack of chrono-style type safety: It is up to you to interpret the *accumulator-stored ticks as their appropriate units.


Time a function that happens to take a couple of args. Don't worry about the timing also happening concurrenty: not using atomic.

flow::perf::duration_rep_t accumulated_ticks(0);
const auto timed_func
[](int x, int y) { for (auto i = 0; i < (x * y); ++i) {} });
// ...
// Later, run it -- this will add to accumulated_ticks. Can do this many times but not concurrently.
timed_func(7, 7); // Note it can only be called void-style.
// ...
// Later, here's the result. Note the construction from type-unsafe ticks to type-safe Duration.
const flow::perf::Duration total_dur(accumulated_ticks);
// Can convert to whatever units type-safely now (duration_cast<> in this case allows for precision loss).
const auto total_dur_us = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(total_dur);
auto timed_function(Clock_type clock_type, Accumulator *accumulator, Func &&function)
Constructs a closure that times and executes void-returning function(), adding the elapsed time with ...
Definition: timed_function.hpp:32
Fine_duration Duration
Short-hand for a high-precision boost.chrono duration, formally equivalent to flow::Fine_duration.
Definition: clock_type_fwd.hpp:39
Duration::rep duration_rep_t
The raw type used in Duration to store its clock ticks.
Definition: clock_type_fwd.hpp:50
Similar to S_CPU_TOTAL_HI_RES but applied to the calling thread as opposed to entire process.

Same thing but with an atomic to support timing/execution occuring concurrently:

std::atomic<flow::perf::duration_rep_t> accumulated_ticks(0);
const auto timed_func
[](int x, int y) { for (auto i = 0; i < (x * y); ++i) {} });
// ...
// Later, run it -- this will add to accumulated_ticks. Can do this many times *and* concurrently in N threads.
timed_func(7, 7); // Note it can only be called void-style.
// ...
// Later, here's the result. Note the construction from type-unsafe ticks to type-safe Duration.
const flow::perf::Duration total_dur(accumulated_ticks);
// Can convert to whatever units type-safely now (duration_cast<> in this case allows for precision loss).
const auto total_dur_us = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(total_dur);

Accumulator A type requirements/recommendations

It must have A += duration_rep_t(...). This operation must be safe for concurrent execution with itself, if timed_function() is potentially used concurrently. In that case consider atomic<duration_rep_t>. If concurrency is not a concern, you can just use duration_rep_t to avoid the strict-ordering overhead involved in atomic plus-equals operation.

Accumulator is understood to store raw ticks of Duration – not actual Duration – for performance reasons (to wit: so that atomic plus-equals can be made use of, if it exists). If you need a Duration ultimately – and for type safety you really should – it is up to you to construct a Duration from the accumulated duration_rep_t. This is trivially done via the Duration(duration_rep_t) constructor.

timed_function(), when operating on an atomic<duration_rep_t>, uses += for accumulation which may be lock-free but uses strict ordering; a version that uses fetch_add() with relaxed ordering may be desirable for extra performance at the cost of not-always-up-to-date accumulation results in all threads. As of this writing this can be done by the user by providing a custom type that defines += as explicitly using fetch_add() with relaxed ordering; but we could provide an API for this.
timed_function() overload exists for a single Clock_type, but simultaneous multi-clock timing using the perf::Clock_types_subset paradigm (as used, e.g., in Checkpointing_timer) would be a useful and consistent API. E.g., one could measure user and system elapsed time simultaneously. As of this writing this only does not exist due to time constraints: a perf-niggardly version targeting one clock type was necessary.
Template Parameters
AccumulatorIntegral accumulator of clock ticks. See above for details.
FuncA function that is called void-style taking any arbitrary number of args, possibly none.
clock_typeThe type of clock to use for timing function().
accumulatorThe accumulator to add time elapsed when calling function() to. See instructions above regarding concurrency, atomic, etc.
functionThe function to execute and time.
A closure that will time and execute function(), adding the elapsed time to accumulator.

◆ timed_function_nvr()

template<typename Accumulator , typename Func >
auto flow::perf::timed_function_nvr ( Clock_type  clock_type,
Accumulator *  accumulator,
Func &&  function 

Constructs a closure that times and executes non-void-returning function(), adding the elapsed time with clock type clock_type – as raw ticks of perf::Duration – to accumulator.

"Nvr" stands for non-void-returning.

Consider other overload(s) and similarly named functions as well. With this one you get:

  • function() is treated as returning non-void (any return value returned by it is then returned by the returned closure accordingly).
    • Hence function() cannot be a boost.asio handler, which are always void-returning. So there is no timed_handler() counterpart to the present function.
  • Otherwise identical to the similar timed_function().


Similar to the 2nd example in timed_function() doc header: Time a function that happens to take a couple of args, allowing for concurrency by using an atomic. The difference: timed_func() returns a value.

std::atomic<flow::perf::duration_rep_t> accumulated_ticks(0);
const auto timed_func
[](int x, int y) -> int { for (auto i = 0; i < (x * y); ++i) {} return i; });
// ...
// Later, run it -- this will add to accumulated_ticks. Can do this many times *and* concurrently in N threads.
const auto result = timed_func(7, 7); // Note it is called non-void-style, with the return value passed-through.
// ...
// Later, here's the result. Note the construction from type-unsafe ticks to type-safe Duration.
const flow::perf::Duration total_dur(accumulated_ticks);
// Can convert to whatever units type-safely now (duration_cast<> in this case allows for precision loss).
const auto total_dur_us = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(total_dur);
auto timed_function_nvr(Clock_type clock_type, Accumulator *accumulator, Func &&function)
Constructs a closure that times and executes non-void-returning function(), adding the elapsed time w...
Definition: timed_function.hpp:47

Accumulator A type requirements/recommendations

See timed_function().

Template Parameters
AccumulatorSee timed_function().
FuncA function that is called non-void-style taking any arbitrary number of args, possibly none.
clock_typeThe type of clock to use for timing function().
accumulatorThe accumulator to add time elapsed when calling function() to. See instructions above regarding concurrency, atomic, etc.
functionThe function to execute and time.
A closure that will time and execute function(), adding the elapsed time to accumulator.

◆ timed_handler()

template<typename Accumulator , typename Handler >
auto flow::perf::timed_handler ( Clock_type  clock_type,
Accumulator *  accumulator,
Handler &&  handler 

Identical to timed_function() but suitable for boost.asio-targeted handler functions.

In other words, if you want to post(handler) or async_...(handler) in a boost.asio Task_engine, and you'd like to time handler() when it is executed by boost.asio, then use timed_handler(..., handler).

Consider other overload(s) and similarly named functions as well. With this one you get:

This is suitable for using the Flow-recommended boost.asio wrapper/helper API, flow::async.
Using timed_function(handler) would "work" too, in that it would compile and at a first glance appear to work fine. The problem: If handler is bound to an executor – most commonly a boost.asio strand (util::Strand) – then using timed_function() would "unbind it." So it it was bound to Strand S, meant to make certain handler() never executed concurrently with other handlers bound to S, then that constraint would (silently!) no longer be observed – leading to terrible intermittent concurrency bugs.
boost.asio handlers always return void (meaning anything else they might return is ignored). Hence there is no timed_handler_nvr(), even though there is a timed_function_nvr().


Similar to the 2nd example in timed_function() doc header: Time a function that happens to take a couple of args, allowing for concurrency by using an atomic. The difference: it is first bound to a strand. In this case we post() the handler, so it takes no args in this example. However, if used with, say, boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::async_read_some(), it would take args such as bytes-received and error code.

flow::util::Task_engine multi_threaded_engine; // boost.asio Task_engine later associated with 2+ threads.
// ...
// Strand guaranteeing non-concurrency for any handler functions bound to it, perhaps pertaining to HTTP request R.
flow::util::Strand this_request_strand(multi_threaded_engine);
std::atomic<flow::perf::duration_rep_t> accumulated_ticks(0);
auto timed_hnd
[]() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {} });
// Post it for ASAP execution -- *when* it asynchronously executed in some thread, will add to accumulated_ticks.
// timed_hnd() is bound to this_request_strand, because the function we passed to timed_handler() was so bound.
boost::asio::post(multi_threaded_engine, timed_hnd);
// ...
// Later, here's the result. Note the construction from type-unsafe ticks to type-safe Duration.
const flow::perf::Duration total_dur(accumulated_ticks);
// Can convert to whatever units type-safely now (duration_cast<> in this case allows for precision loss).
const auto total_dur_us = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(total_dur);
auto timed_handler(Clock_type clock_type, Accumulator *accumulator, Handler &&handler)
Identical to timed_function() but suitable for boost.asio-targeted handler functions.
Definition: timed_handler.hpp:33
Task_engine::strand Strand
Short-hand for boost.asio strand, an ancillary class that works with Task_engine for advanced task sc...
Definition: util_fwd.hpp:138
boost::asio::io_context Task_engine
Short-hand for boost.asio event service, the central class of boost.asio.
Definition: util_fwd.hpp:135

Accumulator A type requirements/recommendations

See timed_function().

Template Parameters
AccumulatorSee timed_function().
HandlerHandler meant to be post()ed or otherwise async-executed on a Task_engine. Can take any arbitrary number of args, possibly none.
clock_typeSee timed_function().
accumulatorSee timed_function().
handlerThe handler to execute and time.
A closure that will time and execute handler(), adding the elapsed time to accumulator; bound to the same executor (if any; e.g., a util::Strand) to which handler is bound.