Flow 2.0.0
Flow project: Full implementation reference.
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util.hpp File Reference
#include "flow/util/detail/util_fwd.hpp"

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namespace  flow
 Catch-all namespace for the Flow project: A collection of various production-quality modules written in modern C++17, originally by ygoldfel.
namespace  flow::util
 Flow module containing miscellaneous general-use facilities that don't fit into any other Flow module.


#define FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS(ARG_file, ARG_function, ARG_line)    ARG_file << ':' << ARG_function << '(' << ARG_line << ')'
 Helper macro, same as FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I(), but takes the source location details as arguments instead of grabbing them from __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__. More...
#define FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS_TO_ARGS(ARG_file, ARG_function, ARG_line)    ::flow::util::get_last_path_segment(ARG_file), ':', ARG_function, '(', ARG_line, ')'
 Helper macro, same as FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS(), but results in a list of comma-separated, instead of << separated, arguments, although they are still to be passed to an ostream with exactly the same semantics as the aforementioned macro. More...
 Helper macro: like FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I(), with a major relative strength – its replacement is a string literal – and two differences: the function name must be supplied verbatim as an arg; and the source file name will contain the entire path as opposed to a massaged version with just the file-name component. More...
 Impl helper macro from FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL(). More...
#define FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL_IMPL_INNER(ARG_function, ARG_line)    __FILE__ ": " #ARG_function "(" #ARG_line ")"
 Impl helper macro from FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL(). More...


template<typename Rep , typename Period >
Fine_duration flow::util::chrono_duration_to_fine_duration (const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &dur)
 Helper that takes a non-negative duration of arbitrary precision/period and converts it to Fine_duration, rounding up. More...
template<typename Rep , typename Period >
Fine_time_pt flow::util::chrono_duration_from_now_to_fine_time_pt (const boost::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &dur)
 Helper that takes a non-negative duration of arbitrary precision/period and converts it to Fine_duration, rounding up; then adds it to Fine_clock::now() and returns the result. More...
constexpr String_view flow::util::get_last_path_segment (String_view path)
 Helper for FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I() that, given a pointer/length of a string in memory containing a path, returns a pointer/length into that same buffer that comprises the postfix just past the last directory separator or (if none exists) to all of it. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


)     ARG_file << ':' << ARG_function << '(' << ARG_line << ')'

Helper macro, same as FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I(), but takes the source location details as arguments instead of grabbing them from __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__.

Arguably not useful outside of the flow::util module itself.

Perf instructions

For best perf results: for all ARG_... that you pass in as flow::util::String_view please follow instructions in doc header of log::Msg_metadata::m_msg_src_file and log::Msg_metadata::m_msg_src_function.

ARG_fileFull file name, as from __FILE__, as a String_view; or a fragment inside it (e.g., just the part past the last dir separator if any); depending on which part you'd prefer ultimately printed.
ARG_functionFull function name, as from __FUNCTION__, as a String_view (recommended for perf) or const char*.
ARG_lineLine number, as from __LINE__.
ostream fragment X (suitable for, for example: std::cout << X << ": Hi!").

Definition at line 112 of file util.hpp.


)     ::flow::util::get_last_path_segment(ARG_file), ':', ARG_function, '(', ARG_line, ')'

Helper macro, same as FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS(), but results in a list of comma-separated, instead of << separated, arguments, although they are still to be passed to an ostream with exactly the same semantics as the aforementioned macro.

Perf instructions

See doc header for FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS().

Exactly the same as FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS() but with commas instead of <<.

Definition at line 131 of file util.hpp.



Helper macro: like FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I(), with a major relative strength – its replacement is a string literal – and two differences: the function name must be supplied verbatim as an arg; and the source file name will contain the entire path as opposed to a massaged version with just the file-name component.

The key is that the function name arg is not to be a string: it is stringified to get the string.

Nevertheless, in perf-sensitive scenarios, this may well be worth it. For now we keep it in a detail/ header for use internally to Flow; we did in fact need this in flow::error.

Other than the aforementioned difference and mild formatting tweaks for cosmetics (as of this writing an added space), the format of the replacement's contents is identical to that from FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I().


Why need ARG_function? Why not simply use __FUNCTION__ internally? Answer: Despite its similar look to __FILE__, actually __FUNCTION__ is not a macro: it is an identifier (that refers to a const char*). The preprocessor knows what file (and line) it's scanning; but it has no idea what func it's scanning; that's only known at a later stage of compilation. So long story short: __FUNCTION__ is not replaced by a string literal and thus cannot be used to compose a string literal by compile-time concatenation.

(constexpr sweetness can be used for an otherwise compile-time-determined value; but we promised a literal here. constexprness is outside our scope. Though perhaps see FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_FROM_ARGS() for that.)

ARG_functionInformally this is something akin to ARG_function to FLOW_ERROR_EXEC_AND_THROW_ON_ERROR(). Formally this can be anything; it will be stringified via #ARG_function and output as the function name. (Do not attempt to pass here the name of a string-typed variable; that probably won't do what you want. E.g., if you invoke FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL(func_name), and func_name is an std::string with a function name, then the macro replacement will be "/some/file.cpp:func_name(332)" – without func_name getting replaced by the contents of your func_name variable or whatever.)
A string literal containing file name (and path; from __FILE__), function name given, and line number (from __LINE__). The string literal will be in the form "stuff" "more stuff" "more stuff" (etc.). There will be no surrounding parentheses (in case you want to compile-time-concatenate to even more literal segments).

Definition at line 169 of file util.hpp.


)     __FILE__ ": " #ARG_function "(" #ARG_line ")"

Impl helper macro from FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL().

This is the real impl; see also FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL_IMPL_OUTER().

ARG_lineThe line number integer as from __LINE__.

Definition at line 194 of file util.hpp.



Impl helper macro from FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL().

This intermediate between that guy and the "true" impl macro FLOW_UTIL_WHERE_AM_I_LITERAL_IMPL_INNER() is needed in order for the preprocessor to substitute __LINE__ instead of simply stringifying it as "__LINE__".

ARG_lineLiterally __LINE__.

Definition at line 182 of file util.hpp.