24#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
364 const std::vector<Checkpoint>&
386 void scale(uint64_t mult_scale, uint64_t div_scale);
435 void output(std::ostream* os)
561 private boost::noncopyable
643 bool show_sum,
bool show_mean, uint64_t mean_scale_or_zero)
674 uint64_t mean_scale_or_zero = 1)
702 uint64_t mean_scale_or_zero = 1);
Convenience class that simply stores a Logger and/or Component passed into a constructor; and returns...
Interface that the user should implement, passing the implementing Logger into logging classes (Flow'...
This companion/inner class of Checkpointing_timer provides aggregation of results from many Checkpoin...
void aggregate(Checkpointing_timer_ptr timer_ptr)
Register given Checkpointing_timer for aggregated results.
void log_aggregated_results(log::Logger *alternate_logger_ptr_or_null, bool show_sum, bool show_mean, uint64_t mean_scale_or_zero) const
Called after the final Checkpointing_timer has finished (final checkpoint() call) and been aggregate(...
const std::string m_name
The immutable human-readable name for this timer. It's const so no need for accessor for now.
static void log_aggregated_result_in_timer(log::Logger *logger_ptr, const Checkpointing_timer &agg_timer, unsigned int n_samples, uint64_t mean_scale_or_zero=1)
Given an aggregated-result Checkpointing_timer (as if returned by create_aggregated_result()) logs th...
Checkpointing_timer_ptr create_aggregated_result(log::Logger *alternate_logger_ptr_or_null, bool info_log_result, uint64_t mean_scale_or_zero=1) const
Provides programmatic access to the aggregation result that would be logged by log_aggregated_results...
Aggregator(log::Logger *logger_ptr, std::string &&name_moved, size_t max_n_samples)
Constructs a new, empty aggregator.
void clear()
Act as if aggregate() has never been called since construction.
std::vector< Checkpointing_timer_ptr > m_timers
The ref-counted pointers to source timers passed to aggregate() in that order.
The central class in the perf Flow module, this efficiently times the user's operation,...
void output(std::ostream *os) const
Equivalent to (*os) << (*this).
Checkpointing_timer(Checkpointing_timer &&)=delete
For now at least there's no reason for move-construction.
const std::vector< Checkpoint > & checkpoints() const
Returns the checkpoints recorded so far.
const std::string m_name
The immutable human-readable name for this timer. It's const so no need for accessor for now.
static Clock_types_subset process_cpu_clock_types()
Returns the bit-set containing only those Clock_types enabled that measure passage of processor time ...
void scale(uint64_t mult_scale, uint64_t div_scale)
Called anytime after the last checkpoint(), this modifies the data collected so far to be as if every...
Time_pt_set now() const
Sample all currently enabled Clock_types' clocks and return those values, each of which is a time sta...
void operator=(Checkpointing_timer &&)=delete
No copy assignment; no move assignment either.
Time_pt_set m_last_checkpoint_when
The value of now() recorded during the last checkpoint() call; or equals m_start_when if checkpoint()...
static Cpu_split_clock_durs_since_epoch now_cpu_lo_res_raw()
Returns the current Cpu_split_clock time, essentially as a combo struct containing raw (integer) coun...
static Time_pt now_cpu_lo_res(const Cpu_split_clock_durs_since_epoch &cpu_combo_now_raw, bool user_else_sys)
Returns individual Time_pt value returnable by now() various overloads: either the user time or syste...
Checkpointing_timer(const Checkpointing_timer &src)=default
Constructs a timer that is identical to but entirely independent of the source object.
static Clock_types_subset real_clock_types()
Returns the bit-set containing only those Clock_types enabled that measure passage of real (wall cloc...
std::vector< Checkpoint > m_checkpoints
The checkpoints recorded so far, in order, one per checkpoint() call.
const Checkpoint & checkpoint(std::string &&name_moved)
Records a checkpoint, which takes a sample of all enabled Clock_types' clocks and records the corresp...
Checkpointing_timer(log::Logger *logger_ptr, std::string &&name_moved, Clock_types_subset which_clocks, size_t max_n_checkpoints)
Constructs a new timer and immediately begins measuring time, in that the next checkpoint() call will...
static Clock_types_subset thread_cpu_clock_types()
Returns the bit-set containing only those Clock_types enabled that measure passage of processor time ...
Time_pt_set m_start_when
The value of now() saved in public constructor, marking the time point when the timing began.
const Clock_types_subset m_which_clocks
The bit-set indexed by size_t(Clock_type::...) wherein that clock will be sampled in now() and checkp...
void operator=(const Checkpointing_timer &)=delete
Disallow overwriting. Copy-construction exists for a specific pattern to be possible; no need for thi...
boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock Cpu_split_clock
chrono clock used, internally, for Clock_type::S_CPU_USER_LO_RES and Clock_type::S_CPU_SYS_LO_RES que...
Cpu_split_clock::times Cpu_split_clock_durs_since_epoch
Short-hand for the combo (user/kernel) durations-since-epoch tracked by Cpu_split_clock.
Duration_set since_start() const
Returns the duration(s) (for all enabled Clock_types) between construction and the last checkpoint() ...
Flow module containing tools for profiling and optimization.
boost::shared_ptr< Checkpointing_timer > Checkpointing_timer_ptr
Short-hand for ref-counting pointer to Checkpointing_timer.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Checkpointing_timer::Checkpoint &checkpoint)
Prints string representation of the given Checkpoint to the given ostream.
std::bitset< size_t(Clock_type::S_END_SENTINEL)> Clock_types_subset
Short-hand for a bit-set of N bits which represents the presence or absence of each of the N possible...
Fine_time_pt Time_pt
Short-hand for a high-precision boost.chrono point in time, formally equivalent to flow::Fine_time_pt...
Clock types supported by flow::perf module facilities, perf::Checkpointing_timer in particular.
The entirety of the information recorded with each Checkpointing_timer::checkpoint() call; it contain...
const std::string m_name
User-supplied name of the checkpoint.
Duration_set m_since_last
For the T.checkpoint() call that generated *this, for each enabled Clock_type: Time elapsed since eit...
Convenience wrapper around an array<Duration, N>, which stores a duration for each of the N possible ...
Convenience wrapper around an array<Time_pt, N>, which stores a time point for each of the N possible...