Flow-IPC 2.0.0
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
ipc::transport::struc Namespace Reference

Sub-module of Flow-IPC module ipc::transport providing transmission of structured messages specifically. More...


namespace  error
 Analogous to ipc::transport::error but applies to the sub-namespace ipc::transport::struc – errors having to do with structured messaging.
namespace  shm
 Segregates zero-copy/SHM implementations of concepts residing in parent namespace ipc::transport::struc proper – most notably the concepts ipc::transport::struc::Struct_builder and ipc::transport::struc::Struct_reader – and items related to them.
namespace  sync_io
 sync_io-pattern counterparts to async-I/O-pattern object types in parent namespace ipc::transport::struc.


class  Channel
 Owning and wrapping a pre-connected transport::Channel peer (an endpoint of an established channel over which unstructured messages and optionally native handles can be transported), this template is the central pillar of the ipc::transport::struc (structured layer), capable of communicating structured capnp-schema-based messages (and native handles). More...
class  Channel_base
 Channel base that contains non-parameterized public items such as tag types and constants. More...
class  Heap_fixed_builder
 Implements Struct_builder concept by straightforwardly allocating fixed-size segments on-demand in the regular heap and serializing directly inside those segments. More...
class  Heap_fixed_builder_capnp_message_builder
 A capnp::MessageBuilder used by Heap_fixed_builder: similar to a capnp::MallocMessageBuilder with the FIXED_SIZE alloc-strategy but with framing space around the allocated segment(s). More...
class  Heap_reader
 Implements Struct_reader concept by straightforwardly interpreting a serialization by Heap_fixed_builder or any other builder that produces segments directly readable via SegmentArrayMessageReader. More...
class  Msg_in
 A structured in-message instance suitable as received and emittable (to user) by struc::Channel. More...
class  Msg_out
 A structured out-message suitable to be sent via struc::Channel::send() (et al). More...
struct  Null_session
 Value for Struct_builder::Session when no extra information is needed when serializing Struct_builder for subsequent sending to another process. More...
class  Struct_builder
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of zero-copy-serializing, similar to capnp::MessageBuilder but geared to transmission over pipe-like IPC transports. More...
class  Struct_reader
 A documentation-only concept that is, conceptually, roughly what capnp::MessageReader is to capnp::MessageBuilder, to be used on an in-message serialized by a counterpart Struct_builder, having been transmitted over an IPC transmitter of blobs. More...


template<typename Channel_obj , typename Message_body >
using Channel_via_heap = Channel< Channel_obj, Message_body, Heap_fixed_builder::Config, Heap_reader::Config >
 Convenience alias: Use this when constructing a struc::Channel with tag Channel_base::S_SERIALIZE_VIA_HEAP. More...
using Capnp_msg_builder_interface = ::capnp::MessageBuilder
 Alias for capnp's MessageBuilder interface. Rationale: as part of our API, we use our identifier style.
using Session_token = boost::uuids::uuid
 A type used by struc::Channel for internal safety/security/auth needs. More...
using Segment_ptrs = std::vector< flow::util::Blob * >
 Sequence of 1+ Blob pointers to blobs which must stay alive while these pointers may be dereferenced, intended here to refer to a capnp serialization of a capnp-struct. More...
using msg_id_t = uint64_t
 Message ID uniquely identifying outgoing message (Msg_out, among all other Msg_outs), per channel; and similarly incoming message (Msg_in, among Msg_ins), per channel. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Heap_fixed_builder &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Heap_fixed_builder to the given ostream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Heap_reader &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Heap_reader to the given ostream. More...
template<typename Message_body , typename Struct_builder_t >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Msg_out< Message_body, Struct_builder_t > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Msg_out to the given ostream. More...
template<typename Message_body , typename Struct_reader_config >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Msg_in< Message_body, Struct_reader_config > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Msg_in to the given ostream. More...
template<typename Channel_obj , typename Message_body , typename Struct_builder_config , typename Struct_reader_config >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Channel< Channel_obj, Message_body, Struct_builder_config, Struct_reader_config > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given struc::Channel to the given ostream. More...


const Session_token NULL_SESSION_TOKEN = boost::uuids::nil_uuid()
 A value for which .is_nil() is true.
const Null_session NULL_SESSION
 The only necessary value of empty-type Null_session.

Detailed Description

Sub-module of Flow-IPC module ipc::transport providing transmission of structured messages specifically.

See ipc::transport doc header. As that notes, the big daddy here is struc::Channel.

Be aware of sub-namespace ipc::transport::struc::shm which concerns itself with end-to-end-zero-copyable messages leveraging in-SHM storage. Normally there's no need for the user to know or worry about it, but for advanced applications, particularly extensions and customizations, one might delve into this area of the code. Otherwise it'll be used silently as important glue between various systems. Your journey would like start with the struc::Builder concept doc header which would then lead you to struc::shm::Builder impl. That might lead you to specific SHM-providers like ipc::shm::classic.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Channel_via_heap

template<typename Channel_obj , typename Message_body >
using ipc::transport::struc::Channel_via_heap = typedef Channel<Channel_obj, Message_body, Heap_fixed_builder::Config, Heap_reader::Config>

Convenience alias: Use this when constructing a struc::Channel with tag Channel_base::S_SERIALIZE_VIA_HEAP.

See Channel_base::Serialize_via_heap doc header for when/how to use.

Tip: Sync_io_obj member alias will get you the sync_io-pattern counterpart.

◆ msg_id_t

using ipc::transport::struc::msg_id_t = typedef uint64_t

Message ID uniquely identifying outgoing message (Msg_out, among all other Msg_outs), per channel; and similarly incoming message (Msg_in, among Msg_ins), per channel.

0 is a sentinel value and not a valid user message ID. A message ID pertains to a sent or received instance of a user-created Msg_out (and its in-message countrepart Msg_in). A given Msg_out can be sent 2+ times through a given struc::Channel and even a different struc::Channel; a different message ID will pertain to each of those times for a given struc::Channel. Therefore there is no msg_id_t inside a user Msg_out.

This type is in the public API, as the message ID is made available in certain contexts for:

◆ Segment_ptrs

using ipc::transport::struc::Segment_ptrs = typedef std::vector<flow::util::Blob*>

Sequence of 1+ Blob pointers to blobs which must stay alive while these pointers may be dereferenced, intended here to refer to a capnp serialization of a capnp-struct.

In each Blob [begin(), end()) is the serialization itself; and space before begin() and starting with end() may be reserved for framing prefix/postfix to preserve zero-copy when transmitting such serializations over an IPC "wire."

◆ Session_token

using ipc::transport::struc::Session_token = typedef boost::uuids::uuid

A type used by struc::Channel for internal safety/security/auth needs.

See in particular struc::Channel constructors, both the regular-channel one and the session-master-channel one. That said: The user of ipc::transport (aided by ipc::session) structured layer shall generally be unconcerned with this, in practice, as ipc::session machinery will take care of:

  • setting up the session master struc::Channel which will generate this token during initial setup (log-in); and
  • setting up further struc::Channels as requested by the user (the preceding bullet's token shall be passed to each new struc::Channel and expected internally in all messages).

However, if one plans to create a struc::Channel directly (as ipc::session does), then one must have some limited understanding of this guy's existence (if not the internal details).

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

template<typename Channel_obj , typename Message_body , typename Struct_builder_config , typename Struct_reader_config >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Channel< Channel_obj, Message_body, Struct_builder_config, Struct_reader_config > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given struc::Channel to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Heap_fixed_builder val 

Prints string representation of the given Heap_fixed_builder to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Heap_reader val 

Prints string representation of the given Heap_reader to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

template<typename Message_body , typename Struct_reader_config >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Msg_in< Message_body, Struct_reader_config > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given Msg_in to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

template<typename Message_body , typename Struct_builder_t >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Msg_out< Message_body, Struct_builder_t > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given Msg_out to the given ostream.

Namely it prints via Msg_out::to_ostream()`; be sure to read perf notes on that!

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.