Flow-IPC 1.0.2
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ipc::shm Namespace Reference

Modules for SHared Memory (SHM) support. More...


namespace  classic
 ipc::shm sub-module with the SHM-classic SHM-provider. See ipc::shm doc header for introduction.
namespace  stl
 ipc::shm sub-module providing integration between STL-compliant components (including containers) and SHared Memory (SHM) providers.


struct  Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena
 Implementation of Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t. More...
struct  Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena< classic::Pool_arena >
 Implementation of Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t for SHM-classic arenas. More...


template<typename Arena >
using Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t = typename Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena< Arena >::Type
 Alias that, given an Arena type (with Arena::construct<T>() which allocates/constructs a T), yields a Borrower_allocator_arena type which can be used as the Arena arg to stl::Stateless_allocator for the borrower-side counterpart T, usable in Shm_session::borrow_object<T>() to recover so-constructed objects. More...

Detailed Description

Modules for SHared Memory (SHM) support.

At a high level ipc::shm is a collection of sub-modules, each known as a SHM-provider, as of this writing most prominently ipc::shm::classic and ipc::shm::arena_lend::jemalloc; plus provider-agnostic support for SHM-stored native-C++ STL-compliant data structures. See the doc headers for each sub-namespace for further information.

That said here's an overview.

SHM-providers (ipc::shm::classic, ipc::shm::arena_lend)

Generally speaking there are two approaches to making use of ipc::shm:

  1. directly; or
  2. via ipc::session.

While there are applications for approach 1, approach 2 is best by default. It makes the setup of a SHM environment far, far easier – it is essentially done for you, with many painful details such as naming and cleanup (whether after graceful exit or otherwise) taken care of without your input. Furthermore it standardizes APIs in such a way as to make it possible to swap between the available SHM-providers without changing code. (There are some exceptions to this; they are well explained in docs.)

Regardless of approach, you will need to choose which SHM-provider to use for your application. I (ygoldfel) would informally recommend looking at it from the angle of approach 2, as the ipc::session paradigm might clarify the high-level differences between the SHM-providers. I will now briefly describe and contrast the SHM-providers.

As of this writing there are two known types of SHM-providers: arena-sharing and arena-lending, of which only the latter is formalized in terms of its general properties.

shm::classic is deliberately minimalistic. As a result it is very fast around setup (which involves, simply, an OS SHM-open operation on each side) and around lend/borrow time (when a process wants to share a SHM-stored datum with another process). The negatives are:

There are no particular plans to make shm::classic more sophisticated or to formalize its type ("arena-sharing") to be extensible to more variations. It fulfills its purpose; and in fact it may be suitable for many applications.

In contrast shm::arena_lend is sophisticated. A process creates an arena (or arenas); one can allocate objects in arenas. A real memory manager is in charge of the mechanics of allocation; except when it would normally just mmap() a vaddr space for local heap use, it instead executes our internal hooks that mmap() to a SHM-pool; SHM-pools are created and destroyed as needed.

The other process might do the same. It, thus, maintains its own memory manager, for allocations in SHM invoked from that process. Without further action, the two managers and the arenas they maintain are independent and only touched by their respective processes.

To be useful for IPC one would share the objects between the processes. To be able to do so, during setup each process establishes a SHM-session to the other process (multiple sessions if talking to multiple processes). Then one registers each local arena with a SHM-session; this means objects from that arena can be sent to the process on the opposing side of the SHM-session. From that point on, any object constructed in a given arena can be lent (sent) to any process on the opposing side of a session with which that given arena has been registered. This negates the negatives of SHM-classic:

Lastly, as it stands, the arena-lending paradigm does lack one capability of SHM-classic; it is fairly advanced and may or may not come up as an actual problem:

Imagine long-lived application A and relatively short-lived application B, with (say) serially appearing/ending processes B1, B2, B3 in chronological order. A can allocate and fill an object X1 while B1 is alive; it will persist even after B1 dies and through B2 and B3; B1 through B3 can all read it. But can B1 itself do so?

STL support

The other major sub-module, as mentioned, is agnostic to the specific SHM-provider. It allows one to store complex native C++ data directly in SHM. Namely, arbitrary combinations of STL-compliant containers, structs, fixed-length arrays, scalars, and even pointers are supported. Both SHM-providers above (shm::classic and shm::arena_lend::jemalloc) provide the semantics required to correctly plug-in to this system. See doc header for namespace shm::stl to continue exploring this topic.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t

template<typename Arena >
using ipc::shm::Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t = typedef typename Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena<Arena>::Type

Alias that, given an Arena type (with Arena::construct<T>() which allocates/constructs a T), yields a Borrower_allocator_arena type which can be used as the Arena arg to stl::Stateless_allocator for the borrower-side counterpart T, usable in Shm_session::borrow_object<T>() to recover so-constructed objects.

Informally, for informational convenience:

  • Arena-sharing SHM-providers (classic::Pool_arena as of this writing), by definition, are symmetric, where each side can both lend and borrow, allocate and write within the same Arena. Hence they will map Arena to itself.
  • Arena-lending SHM-providers (arena_lend::jemalloc as of this writing), by definition, are asymmetric; the borrowing side can only read, not allocate. Hence they will map Arena to a different borrower-arena type only whose Pointer type member shall be used.
Template Parameters
ArenaSHM arena type that has method of the form shared_ptr<T> construct<T>(...).