Flow-IPC 1.0.2
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
Classes | Namespaces
native_handle_transport.hpp File Reference


class  ipc::transport::Native_handle_sender
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of reliably/in-order sending of discrete messages, each containing a native handle, a binary blob, or both. More...
class  ipc::transport::Native_handle_receiver
 A documentation-only concept defining the behavior of an object capable of reliably/in-order receiving of discrete messages, each containing a native handle, a binary blob, or both. More...


namespace  ipc
 Catch-all namespace for the Flow-IPC project: A library/API in modern C++17 providing high-performance communication between processes.
namespace  ipc::transport
 Flow-IPC module providing transmission of structured messages and/or low-level blobs (and more) between pairs of processes.