Flow-IPC 1.0.2
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ipc::shm::stl Namespace Reference

ipc::shm sub-module providing integration between STL-compliant components (including containers) and SHared Memory (SHM) providers. More...


class  Arena_activator
 RAII-style class operating a stack-like notion of a the given thread's currently active SHM-aware Arena, so that Stateless_allocator knows which Arena is currently active w/r/t a given code context operating on a SHM-stored container instance. More...
class  Stateless_allocator
 Stateless allocator usable with STL-compliant containers to store (or merely read) them directly in SHM in a given SHM-aware Arena. More...


template<typename Arena , typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool operator== (const Stateless_allocator< T1, Arena > &val1, const Stateless_allocator< T2, Arena > &val2)
 Returns true for any 2 Stateless_allocators managing the same Stateless_allocator::Arena_obj. More...
template<typename Arena , typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool operator!= (const Stateless_allocator< T1, Arena > &val1, const Stateless_allocator< T2, Arena > &val2)
 Returns false for any 2 Stateless_allocators managing the same Stateless_allocator::Arena_obj. More...

Detailed Description

ipc::shm sub-module providing integration between STL-compliant components (including containers) and SHared Memory (SHM) providers.

This sub-module/namespace is not limited to working with the jemalloc-based SHM provider supplied elsewhere in ipc::shm; it can and does work with any other SHM provider capable allocating an uninitialized buffer in SHM and later manually deallocating it by raw pointer. In fact, due to its simplicity of setup, the SHM-classic (a/k/a boost.interprocess) SHM provider (in ipc::shm::classic) may be used in comments as the go-to example.


What's this trying to do? Answer: It's quite a narrow purpose in fact, and it's important to separate it from orthogonal concerns to avoid confusion. So let's slowly explain step by step. Suppose we define as a bare-bones SHM provider via an Arena concept, where Arena is a class – instantiated in some unspecified way – with at least these key methods:

class Arena
// Allocate uninitialized buffer of n bytes in this SHM arena; return locally-dereferenceable pointer
// to that buffer. Throw exception if ran out of resources. (Some providers try hard to avoid this by
// internally mapping more SHM pools, a/k/a mmap()ped areas, as needed. However it is OK to throw:
// e.g., an STL container might throw when trying to allocate something; such is life.) Do not return
// null.
void* allocate(size_t n);
// Undo allocate() that returned `p`; or the equivalent operation if the SHM provider allows
// process 2 to deallocate something that was allocated by process 1 (and `p` indeed was allocated
// in a different process but transmitted to the current process; and was properly made
// locally-dereferenceable).
void deallocate(void* p);

Suppose you have a plain-old-datatype (POD) type T; like an int or a struct with a bunch of scalars or arrays of scalars or various combos like that. To create an T in SHM, one could just call Arena::allocate(sizeof(S)) and load it up with values based off the returned pointer, having cast it to T*. (Or one could use placement-construction but never mind.) To destroy it, one would Arena::deallocate() passing-in the returned pointer from allocate(). To transmit to another process, one would need to somehow send over a representation of T* p, then make it locally-dereferenceable, if the SHM-mapped vaddrs are not synced between the 2 processes.

Everything in the preceding paragraph is 100% orthogonal to ipc::shm::stl. That is not our problem. Now suppose T is not a POD but a bit more complex. Let's say it's Vector<E>, similar to vector<E>, with the usual semantics. Its internal representation would be very similar to:

template<typename E> class Vector
// Currently allocated buffer starts at m_buf, is `m_buf_sz * sizeof(E)` long; and the used
// range (within [0, size()) starts at m_buf also but is only m_elem_ct (<= m_buf_sz) `E`s long.
E* m_buf; size_t m_buf_sz; size_t m_elem_ct;
using T = Vector<int>;

Allocating a T itself works the same as before; but that would only allocate the outer layer – sizeof(T) – with those 3 data members themselves. But what happens when the Vector allocates into m_buf? A naive impl would just use new. But that wouldn't work if one tried to access the T in another process, even having acquired a locally-dereferenceable pointer to it (which is outside our scope completely; but doable as we established earlier): m_buf is never locally-dereferenceable in any process but the original one. One would have to somehow translate it and change m_buf to make it locally-dereferenceable; but then it would become wrong in the original process: remember that the idea is to place the T itself into SHM in the first place. One could write internal Vector code that would do the translation – essentially be SHM-aware – but that's terribly onerous a requirement for a container.

The good news is the STL containers, at least per standard and at least the boost::container impls of them, use a technique called allocators that resolves this problem (among others). So now consider vector<E>, namely an STL-standard-compliant implementation like boost::container::vector (and possibly your built-in std::vector, though that may or may not be fully STL-standard-compliant ironically). What it does essentially is:

template<typename E, typename Allocator = std::allocator<E>> class Vector
Allocator m_alloc; // Usually initialized via default-ct `Allocator()` at ctor time.
// Currently allocated buffer starts at m_buf, is `m_buf_sz * sizeof(E)` long; and the used
// range (within [0, size()) starts at m_buf also but is only m_elem_ct (<= m_buf_sz) `E`s long.
Allocator::pointer m_buf; size_t m_buf_sz; size_t m_elem_ct;
using T = Vector<int>;

Firstly note the type of m_buf: it uses not a raw pointer but an allocator-type-driven type which must have certain pointer-like semantics. In std::allocator, it is simply the raw pointer E* after all; but for SHM we need to provide something else. Secondly, when it needs to allocate m_buf, it no longer does new. Instead it does basically m_buf = m_alloc.allocate(sizeof(E) * m_buf_sz). And when deleting instead of delete it does m_alloc.deallocate(p).

So via the allocator's (1) alloc/dealloc methods and (2) its mandated pointer type, the allocation strategy and pointer storage can be parameterized. As for m_alloc itself, it is often (usually) an empty object (sizeof(Allocator) == 0); that's a stateless allocator; and it is always default-cted. It can also be stateful (in which case it must be explicitly constructed). In real vector you'll see support for both.

How does this help our SHM use case? Firstly, of course, allocate() and deallocate() can be written to allocate/deallocate via Arena::[de]allocate(). Secondly, the pointer type can be something that, when stored in SHM, contains bits sufficient for its own methods, such as the dereference operator, compute the locally-dereferenceable location void* just from those bits, regardless of which process it's in. So in the case of SHM-classic, for example, pointer would be internally bipc::offset_ptr<E>, which uses a clever technique, namely storing inside the offset_ptr the offset compared to its own this. Remember this would be inside the same SHM pool, which is how the classic Arena works (it operates within one SHM pool).

Now: the outside allocation of T (Vector<E>) itself is done directly by the SHM Arena user. Once the STL-compliant container is involved, it does it indirectly via its Allocator. The same holds of deallocation: outside deallocation would invoke the T::~T() dtor first, which would then deallocate via Allocator::deallocate(); and then Arena::deallocate() the raw buffer (sizeof(T) long).

If T needs to allocate more objects that do yet more allocation on its behalf, then it would remember to propagate the Allocator to those, indefinitely. These inside allocations/deallocations/dereferencing all happen via Allocator. One must only only worry about invoking the ctor or dtor of T within the process that is indeed allowed to allocate/deallocate. (So if Arena does support deallocation in not-the-original-allocating process, then the dtor could be called in any process working with the outside T. If not, then not.)

The task

So that's the background. The main product of this namespace ipc::shm::stl is SHM-aware allocator types that can be used as template params to STL-compliant containers (and other types at times) in order to be able to allocate nested containers-of-containers...-of-PODs directly in SHM in such a way as to be accessible in multiple processes, as long as the outside T* is properly trasmitted from process to process by the user. Only the outside SHM handle to the container-of-... is something the user worries about; the rest "just works," as long as all containers involved are properly parameterized to use the SHM-aware allocator types we provide.

The main product, then, is Stateless_allocator. See its doc header. The short version for your convenience:

As of this writing we just provide Stateless_allocator. Stateful_allocator may also be provided depending on need. It would not require the use of Arena_activator by the user; but then various difficulties inherent to working with stateful allocators come into force. (Just the fact extra bits per container instance are necessary to refer to the appropriate allocator object, which knows which Arena to operate-upon = not super-great.)

Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<typename Arena , typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool operator!= ( const Stateless_allocator< T1, Arena > &  val1,
const Stateless_allocator< T2, Arena > &  val2 

Returns false for any 2 Stateless_allocators managing the same Stateless_allocator::Arena_obj.

This satisfies formal requirements of STL-compliant Allocator concept. See cppreference.com for those formal requirements. Since it's a stateless allocator, this always returns false.

Template Parameters
ArenaSee Stateless_allocator.
T1See Stateless_allocator.
T2See Stateless_allocator.
val1An allocator.
val2An allocator.
See above.

◆ operator==()

template<typename Arena , typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool operator== ( const Stateless_allocator< T1, Arena > &  val1,
const Stateless_allocator< T2, Arena > &  val2 

Returns true for any 2 Stateless_allocators managing the same Stateless_allocator::Arena_obj.

This satisfies formal requirements of STL-compliant Allocator concept. See cppreference.com for those formal requirements. Since it's a stateless allocator, this always returns true.

Template Parameters
ArenaSee Stateless_allocator.
T1See Stateless_allocator.
T2See Stateless_allocator.
val1An allocator.
val2An allocator.
See above.