Flow-IPC 1.0.2
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
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ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t > Class Template Reference

Implements Session concept on the Server_app end: a Session that is emitted in almost-PEER state by local Session_server accepting a connection by an opposing Client_session_mv::sync_connect(). More...

#include <server_session.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >:
Collaboration diagram for ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >:

Public Types

using Base = Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
 Short-hand for our base class. To the user: note its public API is inherited.
- Public Types inherited from ipc::session::Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
using Channel_obj = typename Impl::Channel_obj
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Channels = typename Impl::Channels
 Container (vector<>) of Channel_obj.
using Mdt_payload_obj = typename Impl::Mdt_payload_obj
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Mdt_builder = typename Impl::Mdt_builder
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Mdt_builder_ptr = typename Impl::Mdt_builder_ptr
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Mdt_reader_ptr = typename Impl::Mdt_reader_ptr
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Structured_channel = typename transport::struc::Channel_via_heap< Channel_obj, Message_body >
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Structured_msg_builder_config = typename Impl::Structured_msg_builder_config
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
using Structured_msg_reader_config = typename Impl::Structured_msg_builder_config
 Implements Session API per contract. More...

Public Member Functions

const Client_appclient_app () const
 The opposing application is described by a Client_app; this is that description. More...
template<typename Task_err , typename On_passive_open_channel_handler >
bool init_handlers (Task_err &&on_err_func_arg, On_passive_open_channel_handler &&on_passive_open_channel_func_arg)
 To be invoked by public user upon first obtaining *this: memorizes the given on-error and on-passive-open handlers thus moving this Server_session_mv to PEER state wherein it is a formal Session concept impl. More...
template<typename Task_err >
bool init_handlers (Task_err &&on_err_func_arg)
 Alternative to the other init_handlers(). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ipc::session::Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
 Session_mv ()
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
 Session_mv (Session_mv &&src)
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
 Session_mv (const Session_mv &)=delete
 Copy ction is disallowed.
 ~Session_mv ()
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
Session_mvoperator= (Session_mv &&src)
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
Session_mvoperator= (const Session_mv &)=delete
 Copy assignment is disallowed.
Mdt_builder_ptr mdt_builder ()
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
bool open_channel (Channel_obj *target_channel, const Mdt_builder_ptr &mdt, Error_code *err_code=0)
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
bool open_channel (Channel_obj *target_channel, Error_code *err_code=0)
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
const Session_tokensession_token () const
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
transport::struc::Heap_fixed_builder::Config heap_fixed_builder_config ()
 Utility that obtains a heap-based (non-zero-copy) Struct_builder::Config, constructed with the most efficient yet safe values, for transport::struc::Msg_out (out-messages) compatible with Structured_channel upgraded-from Channel_obj channels opened via *this Session_mv. More...
transport::struc::Heap_reader::Config heap_reader_config ()
 Deserializing counterpart to non-static heap_fixed_builder_config(). More...
flow::log::Logger * get_logger () const
 Returns logger (possibly null). More...
const flow::log::Component & get_log_component () const
 Returns log component. More...

Protected Member Functions

 Server_session_mv (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr, const Server_app &srv_app_ref, transport::sync_io::Native_socket_stream &&master_channel_sock_stm)
 For use by internal user Session_server_impl: constructor. More...
template<typename Session_server_impl_t , typename Task_err , typename Cli_app_lookup_func , typename Cli_namespace_func , typename Pre_rsp_setup_func , typename N_init_channels_by_srv_req_func , typename Mdt_load_func >
void async_accept_log_in (Session_server_impl_t *srv, typename Base::Channels *init_channels_by_srv_req, typename Base::Mdt_reader_ptr *mdt_from_cli_or_null, typename Base::Channels *init_channels_by_cli_req, Cli_app_lookup_func &&cli_app_lookup_func, Cli_namespace_func &&cli_namespace_func, Pre_rsp_setup_func &&pre_rsp_setup_func, N_init_channels_by_srv_req_func &&n_init_channels_by_srv_req_func, Mdt_load_func &&mdt_load_func, Task_err &&on_done_func)
 For use by internal user Session_server: called no more than once, ideally immediately following ctor, this attempts to get *this asynchronously to almost-PEER state by undergoing the log-in request/response (plus, if needed, init-channel-opening) procedure (the other side of which is done by Client_session_impl::sync_connect()). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ipc::session::Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
const Session_base_objbase () const
 Provides const access to Session_base super-object. More...
Impl_ptrimpl ()
 pImpl target; particularly for sub-classes that must add to the above public API. More...
const Impl_ptrimpl () const
 pImpl target; particularly for sub-classes that must add to the above public API. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t > &val)
 Prints string representation of the given Server_session_mv to the given ostream. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ipc::session::Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
static transport::struc::Heap_fixed_builder::Config heap_fixed_builder_config (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr)
 Utility that obtains a heap-based (non-zero-copy) Struct_builder::Config, constructed with the most efficient yet safe values, for transport::struc::Msg_out (out-messages) compatible with Structured_channel upgraded-from Channel_obj channels opened via this Session_mv type. More...
static transport::struc::Heap_reader::Config heap_reader_config (flow::log::Logger *logger_ptr)
 Deserializing counterpart to static heap_fixed_builder_config(). More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ipc::session::Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
static constexpr schema::ShmType S_SHM_TYPE
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
static constexpr bool S_SHM_ENABLED
 Implements Session API per contract. More...
static constexpr bool S_MQS_ENABLED
 Compile-time-known constant indicating whether Channel_obj shall use a blobs pipe over message queues (MQs).
static constexpr bool S_SOCKET_STREAM_ENABLED
 Compile-time-known constant indicating whether Channel_obj shall use socket stream for any type of pipe. More...
- Protected Types inherited from ipc::session::Session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >
using Impl = Server_session_impl_t
 Short-hand for pImpl-lite impl type. This shall be the deepest impl sub-class desired.
using Session_base_obj = typename Impl::Session_base_obj
 Short-hand for Impl's Session_base super-class.
using Impl_ptr = std::experimental::propagate_const< boost::movelib::unique_ptr< Impl > >
 Short-hand for const-respecting wrapper around Impl for the pImpl idiom. See impl().

Detailed Description

template<typename Server_session_impl_t>
class ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >

Implements Session concept on the Server_app end: a Session that is emitted in almost-PEER state by local Session_server accepting a connection by an opposing Client_session_mv::sync_connect().

By "almost-PEER state" we mean that the user, upon obtaining a new Server_session_mv, must still call init_handlers() to enter PEER state. See overview of Session hierarchy in namespace ipc::session doc header; then come back here if desired.

It is unusual to use Server_session_mv template directly. If you do wish to set up a server-side session peer, and you do not require SHM support, then use Server_session alias template; target it with a Session_server::async_accept() call. The server-specific API, particularly init_handlers(), is in Server_session_mv and documented here. The side-agnostic API – active once PEER state is achieved – is described by Session (concept) doc header and implemented concretely by Session_mv which is our public, non-virtual super-class.

If you do wish to set up a server-side session peer, but you do require SHM support, then use shm::classic::Server_session or similar (for other SHM-provider(s)); target it with a shm::classic::Session_server::async_accept() (or similar for other SHM-provider(s)). However Server_session (hence Server_session_mv to which it aliases) is its super-class, and until PEER state is reached its API (init_handlers()) remains the only relevant API to use. Once Server_session_mv::init_handlers() puts *this into PEER state, super-class Session_mv (= Session concept) API continues to be relevant. Also in PEER state SHM-relevant additional API members (e.g. shm::classic::Session::app_shm()`) become of interest. The last two sentences describe the situation identically for Client_session_mv as well (see its doc header for context).

Summary hierarchy (contrast with similar spot in Client_session_mv doc header):

We may refer to Server_session_mv as Server_session below; particularly since it is likeliest used in that form by the user.

How to use

Per the Session concept a Server_session is open/capable of operation when in PEER state only. A publicly available Server_session object is always in one of 2 states:

Once in PEER state Server_session simply follows Session concept semantics. At this stage our super-class Session_mv implements that concept in particular. See either doc header (Session, Session_mv).

Error handling

Once in PEER state, error handling follows the Session concept (= Session_mv concrete class) doc header. However, up to that point it can emit no errors. You must call init_handlers() first to enter PEER state.

See also
Session: implemented concept.
Template Parameters
Server_session_impl_tAn implementation detail. Use one of the aliases prescribed near the top of this doc header to set this correctly.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Server_session_mv()

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >::Server_session_mv ( flow::log::Logger *  logger_ptr,
const Server_app srv_app_ref,
transport::sync_io::Native_socket_stream &&  master_channel_sock_stm 

For use by internal user Session_server_impl: constructor.

Invoke async_accept_log_in() to move forward toward PEER state.

logger_ptrLogger to use for logging subsequently.
srv_app_refProperties of this server application. The address is copied; the object is not copied.
master_channel_sock_stmThe PEER-state transport::sync_io::Native_socket_stream that just connected to an opposing Client_session_impl. It is moved-to *this (and hence becomes .null()).

Member Function Documentation

◆ async_accept_log_in()

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
template<typename Session_server_impl_t , typename Task_err , typename Cli_app_lookup_func , typename Cli_namespace_func , typename Pre_rsp_setup_func , typename N_init_channels_by_srv_req_func , typename Mdt_load_func >
void ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >::async_accept_log_in ( Session_server_impl_t *  srv,
typename Base::Channels init_channels_by_srv_req,
typename Base::Mdt_reader_ptr mdt_from_cli_or_null,
typename Base::Channels init_channels_by_cli_req,
Cli_app_lookup_func &&  cli_app_lookup_func,
Cli_namespace_func &&  cli_namespace_func,
Pre_rsp_setup_func &&  pre_rsp_setup_func,
N_init_channels_by_srv_req_func &&  n_init_channels_by_srv_req_func,
Mdt_load_func &&  mdt_load_func,
Task_err &&  on_done_func 

For use by internal user Session_server: called no more than once, ideally immediately following ctor, this attempts to get *this asynchronously to almost-PEER state by undergoing the log-in request/response (plus, if needed, init-channel-opening) procedure (the other side of which is done by Client_session_impl::sync_connect()).

On success, on_done_func(Error_code()) is invoked from unspecified thread that is not the user's calling thread. On failure, it does similarly but with a non-success code. If the op does not complete before dtor, then on_done_func(error::Code::S_OBJECT_SHUTDOWN_ABORTED_COMPLETION_HANDLER) is invoked at that point.

In the success-case firing, *this is ready to be given to the public user. However it is in almost-PEER state. To achieve PEER state they shall first call init_handlers().

Error_code generated and passed to on_done_func(): session::error::Code::S_OBJECT_SHUTDOWN_ABORTED_COMPLETION_HANDLER (see above), those returned by transport::Native_socket_stream::remote_peer_process_credentials(), those emitted by transport::struc::Channel::send(), those emitted by transport::struc::Channel via on-error handler (most likely transport::error::Code::S_RECEIVES_FINISHED_CANNOT_RECEIVE indicating graceful shutdown of opposing process coincidentally during log-in procedure, prematurely ending session while it was starting), error::Code::S_SERVER_MASTER_LOG_IN_REQUEST_CLIENT_APP_DISALLOWED_OR_UNKNOWN, error::Code::S_SERVER_MASTER_LOG_IN_REQUEST_CLIENT_APP_INCONSISTENT_CREDS, those emitted by pre_rsp_setup_func() (in-arg).

If the above list substantially changes, please update Session_server::async_accept() doc header accordingly for user convenience.
Template Parameters
Session_server_impl_tSee srv.
Task_errHandler type matching signature of flow::async::Task_asio_err.
Cli_app_lookup_funcFunction type that takes a supposed Client_app::m_name and returns the const Client_app* with that matching name; or null if it is not a validly registered name according to the data given to the internal user.
Cli_namespace_funcFunction type that returns a sufficiently-distinct value for Session_base::cli_namespace(), as Session_base::set_cli_namespace() is required before Server_session can be in PEER state and available to the public user.
Pre_rsp_setup_funcFunction type with signature Error_code F().
N_init_channels_by_srv_req_funcSee Session_server::async_accept(). Type and arg value forwarded from there.
Mdt_load_funcSee Session_server::async_accept(). Type and arg value forwarded from there.
srvThe Session_server_impl whose Session_server_impl::async_accept() is invoking the present method. *srv must exist at least while *this does, or behavior is undefined. This allows for interaction/cooperation with the "parent" Session_server if necessary, such as for shared cross-session resources. Note: you may use srv->this_session_srv() to obtain a pointer to the Session_server-like object on which the user invoked async_accept(). E.g.: Server_session_impl::async_accept_log_in() would get a Session_server*; shm::classic::Server_session_impl::async_accept_log_in() would get a shm::classic::Session_server*.
init_channels_by_srv_reqSee Session_server::async_accept(). Arg value forwarded from there.
mdt_from_cli_or_nullSee Session_server::async_accept(). Arg value forwarded from there.
init_channels_by_cli_reqSee Session_server::async_accept(). Arg value forwarded from there.
cli_app_lookup_funcSee Cli_app_lookup_func.
cli_namespace_funcSee Cli_namespace_func.
pre_rsp_setup_funcInvoked just before sending successful log-in response to opposing client, which completes the log-in. It takes no arguments – but all *this accessors up to/including cli_app_ptr() shall return real values – and shall return falsy on success; or the reason for failure as Error_code. In the latter case this method shall emit that code as the reason for overall failure. This can be used for setting up resources, such as SHM arena(s), that the client shall count on being available (perhaps at known Shared_name based on *this accessor values).
n_init_channels_by_srv_req_funcSee N_init_channels_by_srv_req_func.
mdt_load_funcSee Mdt_load_func.
on_done_funcSee above.

◆ client_app()

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
const Client_app * ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >::client_app

The opposing application is described by a Client_app; this is that description.

May be useful in particular when deciding what handlers to set up in init_handlers() when entering PEER state. Returns null if *this is as-if default-cted (i.e., default-cted + not moved-to otherwise; or moved-from).

Pointer to immutable Client_app; or null if *this is as-if default-cted. The pointer returned, when not straddling a move-to or move-from, is always the same.

◆ init_handlers() [1/2]

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
template<typename Task_err >
bool ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >::init_handlers ( Task_err &&  on_err_func_arg)

Alternative to the other init_handlers().

Using this overload indicates passive-opens are disabled on this side. Otherwise identical to the other init_handlers() overload.

Template Parameters
Task_errSee other init_handlers().
on_err_func_argSee other init_handlers().
true normally; false if invoked after already having called an init_handlers() or as-if default-cted.

◆ init_handlers() [2/2]

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
template<typename Task_err , typename On_passive_open_channel_handler >
bool ipc::session::Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t >::init_handlers ( Task_err &&  on_err_func_arg,
On_passive_open_channel_handler &&  on_passive_open_channel_func_arg 

To be invoked by public user upon first obtaining *this: memorizes the given on-error and on-passive-open handlers thus moving this Server_session_mv to PEER state wherein it is a formal Session concept impl.

Using this overload indicates passive-opens are enabled on this side.

Suggestion: use client_app() to determine the opposing Client_app, particularly if this Server_app is designed to accept sessions from 2+ Client_apps. (To be clear: Multiple instances (processes) of a given Client_app are always supported. However a given Server_app – specified at Session_server construction time – may well specify only one allowed opposing Client_app.) It is likely that a different on-passive-open handler would be useful depending on Client_app; possibly also different on-error handler.

Template Parameters
Task_errSee Session concept doc header for semantics.
On_passive_open_channel_handlerSee Session concept doc header for semantics.
on_err_func_argOn-error handler per semantics in Session concept doc header.
on_passive_open_channel_func_argOn-passive-open handler per semantics in Session concept doc header.
true normally; false if invoked after already having called an init_handlers() or as-if default-cted.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

template<typename Server_session_impl_t >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Server_session_mv< Server_session_impl_t > &  val 

Prints string representation of the given Server_session_mv to the given ostream.

osStream to which to write.
valObject to serialize.

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