Flow 1.0.0
Flow project: Public API.
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
linked_hash_set.hpp File Reference


class  flow::util::Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred >
 An object of this class is a set that combines the lookup speed of an unordered_set<> and ordering and iterator stability capabilities of an std::list<>. More...


namespace  flow
 Catch-all namespace for the Flow project: A collection of various production-quality modules written in modern C++17, originally by ygoldfel.
namespace  flow::util
 Flow module containing miscellaneous general-use facilities that don't fit into any other Flow module.


template<typename Key , typename Hash , typename Pred >
void flow::util::swap (Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred > &val1, Linked_hash_set< Key, Hash, Pred > &val2)
 Equivalent to val1.swap(val2). More...