using | flow::uint8_t = unsigned char |
| Byte. Best way to represent a byte of binary data. This is 8 bits on all modern systems.
using | flow::int8_t = signed char |
| Signed byte. Prefer to use uint8_t when representing binary data. This is 8 bits on all modern systems.
using | flow::Fine_clock = boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock |
| Clock used for delicate time measurements, such that the now() method gets the current time relative to some unknown but constant epoch (reference point). More...
using | flow::Fine_time_pt = Fine_clock::time_point |
| A high-res time point as returned by Fine_clock::now() and suitable for precise time math in general.
using | flow::Fine_duration = Fine_clock::duration |
| A high-res time duration as computed from two Fine_time_pt s.
using | flow::Error_code = boost::system::error_code |
| Short-hand for a boost.system error code (which basically encapsulates an integer/enum error code and a pointer through which to obtain a statically stored message string); this is how Flow modules report errors to the user; and we humbly recommended all C++ code use the same techniques. More...