Flow-IPC 2.0.0
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
This page concerns advanced high-level situations wherein three or more applications are engaging in IPC; that is at least one application talks to at least two other applications. So far we've limited discussion to a server application Ap talking to a client application Bp (Ap-Bp split) while merely mentioning that, e.g., Ap could also be talking to client Cp (Ap-Cp split). It can get fancier: Ap could be server in Ap-Bp split while being the client in a Cp-Ap split. From there, it can grow as complex as you need it to be.
(Or go back to preceding page: Safety and Permissions. Sessions: Setting Up an IPC Context, particularly the parts about the ipc::session::App hierarchy, would also be a natural immediate pre-requisite for the current page.)
This page is under construction; it is referred-to but not yet written.
The next page is: Structured Message Transport.