Flow-IPC 2.0.0
Flow-IPC project: Public API.
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs
shm.hpp File Reference


struct  ipc::shm::Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena< Arena >
 Implementation of Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t. More...


namespace  ipc
 Catch-all namespace for the Flow-IPC project: A library/API in modern C++17 providing high-performance communication between processes.
namespace  ipc::shm
 Modules for SHared Memory (SHM) support.


template<typename Arena >
using ipc::shm::Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena_t = typename Arena_to_borrower_allocator_arena< Arena >::Type
 Alias that, given an Arena type (with Arena::construct<T>() which allocates/constructs a T), yields a Borrower_allocator_arena type which can be used as the Arena arg to stl::Stateless_allocator for the borrower-side counterpart T, usable in Shm_session::borrow_object<T>() to recover so-constructed objects. More...